
IB DP & MYP IB证书课程&中学阶段课程

CISB 2019-06-22

CISB offers a Canadian education curriculum and the International Baccalaureate Programme to students, which including IB Primary Years (PYP), Middle Years (MYP) and Diploma program (DP). What’s are some differences between these three programs? We’re glade to invite our MYP and DP coordinators to explain what programs are, what’s role they play, and how they help to our students to achieve their goals. 


Established in 1968, the International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) was the first programme offered by the IB and is taught to students aged 16-19. It is recognized and respected by the world’s leading universities, and evidence suggests that higher rates of DP students go on to university and higher education study than non-IB students. IB DP students apply to more than 3,300 higher education institutions each year, in close to 90 countries. Research suggests that the DP is a strong pathway to university.


The IB DP centers on three core components: Creativity Activity and Service, Theory Of Knowledge and Extended Essay. These core components are completed throughout the entire DP and at the same time as they complete their individual subjects. The DP organizes teaching and learning through six subject groups, underpinned by this DP core. 



CISB offers a lot of opportunities to students in grade 10 (or MYP 5) to learn and understand the requirements of Diploma Programme. CISB organizes a series of DP information and subject selection opportunities for the grade 10 students. Subject teachers, the DP coordinator, University Counselor and the Principal are all involved in supporting students to make sure they have selected the right DP subjects for their future study. 

CISB10年级(MYP 5)的学生提供了很多学习和理解DP课程信息的机会。这包括了我校为10年级学生组织了一系列DP选课讲座。各科的科目老师,DP主任,大学升学指导和校长都积极参与和为学生提供支持帮助,以确保他们选择适合的课程学习。

Examinations form the basis of the assessment for most courses. This is because of their high levels of objectivity and reliability.


They include:包含:

  • essays

  • structured problems

  • short-response questions

  • data-response questions

  • text-response questions

  • case-study questions

  • multiple-choice questions – though these are rarely used. 

Teacher assessment is also used for most courses. This includes:


  • oral work in languages

  • fieldwork in geography

  • laboratory work in the sciences

  • investigations in mathematics

  • artistic performances

DP coordinator meets the grade 11 and 12 students in every week formally, along with informal corridor meetings. The MSHS Principal arranges a regular ‘Principal Tea’ session with the parents, where the coordinators meet with parents. Parents receive regular communication through wechat, email and Power School platforms. All the DP teachers meet both for horizontal and vertical articulation meetings every week to discuss the progress of the students and assessment planning. 

DP主任每周都会和1112年级的学生进行沟通开会。初高中校长也会和家长定期举行校长茶会和学生家长进行沟通。家长们还可以通过微信、电子邮件和Power School与我校老师们沟通。我们所有DP的老师们,每周都会召开例会进行讨论学生们的课程进度和教学计划。



- 3个高等级课程




通过Creativity Action and Service (CAS)课程

The IB DP enjoys a high level of respect and recognition among the world’s higher education institutions. For students, success in the IB often results in advanced standing, course credit, scholarships, and other admissions related benefits at many universities.

国际认证课程®(IB),特别是文凭课程(DP), 是享有高度尊重和认可的高等教育体系。对于学生来说,选择上IB课程对他们以后进入名校、入读自己心仪的课程、及获得奖学金都有着积极的影响。

I would have chosen the following: 


- A self-taught mother tongue

- English B

- Economics HL

- Math 

- Design HL

- Visual Arts HL

I think the IB says it best:

“The MYP has been designed as a coherent and comprehensive curriculum framework that provides academic challenge and develops the life skills of students from the ages of 11 to 16. These years are a critical period in the development of young people. Success in school is closely related to personal, social and emotional well-being. At a time when students are establishing their identity and building their selfesteem, the MYP can motivate students and help them to achieve success in school and in life beyond the classroom. The programme allows students to build on their personal strengths and to embrace challenges in subjects in which they might not excel. The MYP offers students opportunities to develop their potential, to explore their own learning preferences, to take appropriate risks, and to reflect on, and develop, a strong sense of personal identity.” (International Baccalaureate Organization 3) 


“MYP 是IB组织特为年龄在11到16岁的学生设计的教育项目。从青春早期到中期的这个年龄阶段是一个人的品行和智力发展的重要时期,MYP旨在帮助这个年龄阶段的学生积极和负责任地参与到在不断变化和日益联系紧密的世界中来,让他们知道,学习如何用批判的眼光来评价所学到的知识和学习知识本身一样的重要。与此同时,MYP可以发展学生的潜力,探索自己的兴趣爱好, 鼓励激励学生不断挑战自我,与课外实践相结合。综合性学习,多元文化的理解以及交流能力方面得到更好的发展。”

Beyond the 8 individual subject groups and a focus on interdisciplinary learning, the MYP has several layers to its setup and keeps the student at its ‘center’. The Approaches to Learning, Approaches to Teaching, Concepts and Global Contexts are designed to focus on developing learning skills, collaborative learning through inquiry, a concept-driven curriculum and that all learning takes place in context. Community Project, Service as Action that inquiry-based learning outside the classroom, with a culminating Personal Project in grade 10 (MYP 5).

除了开设8大学科组和注重跨学科的学习外, 还以学生为中心,多项领域相结合的特点。这些领域包括:社区服务、义工服务、校外实践,及10年级的个人研究项目等。从而培养学生发展交流、跨文化理解和全球参与等方面的技能。鼓励学生在他们所学习的传统学科之间,以及课堂学习与真实世界之间建立连系。

The IBO does a great job at describing this one too: 

“In the MYP, teachers make decisions about student achievement using their professional judgment, guided by mandated criteria that are public, known in advance and precise, ensuring that assessment is transparent. Across a variety of assessment tasks (authentic performances of understanding), teachers use descriptors to identify students’ achievement levels against established assessment criteria. MYP internal (school-based) assessment uses a “best-fit” approach in which teachers work together to establish common standards against which they evaluate each student’s achievement holistically.” (International Baccalaureate Organization 79)



One of my favourite parts of my job is working with students, teachers and parents. I teach mathematics as well so I work with my classes everyday but outside of that I enjoy working with students in all subject areas and during their ATL periods, coordinated by Ms. Bhanot. Another highlight of mine is watching students inquiring and taking action in their multi – year group Service as Action projects, designed by Mr. Manderville, focuessed on Sustainabilty Goals.  

I enjoy assiting and learning from parents as well in the regular ‘Principal Tea’ sessions, emails and conversations that happen in the hallways, my office and on the phone. Parent communication also happens regularly through wechat and Power School. I never stop learning in this job and working with teachers allows me to expand my horizons everyday while being able to guide as well.    

和学生、家长、老师沟通交流,是我工作中最喜欢的一部分。平时,我不仅教数学课,我还会在Ms. Bhanot的班级帮助同学们别的学科。除此之外,我还会帮助学生完成由Mr. Manderville组织的Serveice as Action的project“服务与实践”活动,这项活动是学生经过一整年的调查、计划和实践累计而成的,学生完成活动参与后还将进行反思总结,并开始计划协调未来的社区服务项目。


All courses in the MYP feed quite well into the DP in terms of content and skills. In addition to syllabus is the continuum of ATL’s; Service as Action in the MYP which becomes Creativity, Activity and Service in the DP; and the Personal Project in MYP which is the best learning for the Extended Essay in the DP.   

MYP所有的课程都是和DP课程所需要掌握的内容和技能所联系的。例如ATL课程的连续性,MYP中的Service as Action在DP课程相对应是CAS,MYP中的PP 是为DP的论文做准备。

The Personal Project (PP) in Grade 10 is the culminating demonstration of personal inquiry in the MYP that is externally moderated, which means that teachers that work for the IB, outside our school, check our marking. The PP is coordinated by Ms. Harrold and she actually starts teaching our students about the PP at the end of Grade 9. The PP is known as a big steping stone into the DP and as it is the best practice for the Extended Essay. 

The PP is a celebration of learning in which students explore through a cycle of inquiry, action and reflection, something that that they are passionate about. It involves researching, creating a goal centred on a Global Context then their own criterion that they will measure the project against, creating a product, writing a report about it then demonstrating their learning journey at an exhibition in April. 

每位10年级学生都要独立完成一项个人课题,创作一个真正属于个人的、有创造力的项目,作为他们进行独立工作能力的一个总结性回顾。由我校和同校外IB老师一起评判学生的作品。在我校,Ms. Harrold老师会在学生9年级的时候,就开始进行PP的课题准备。所以说,PP个人作品对于进入DP阶段的学习十分重要, 同时也是在为DP项目中的专题论文做练习准备。

PP个人作品是对学生们学习过程中的一个总结,他们通过探索、行动和思考等,找到他们所热爱方向。在准备过程中,包括了研究、创建一个目标, 创建一个产品,写出项目报告等。然后在4月份举办的展览上展示他们的学习成果。

I would probably write a series of short stories or poems but I am not sure what they would be about. English was my favorite subject in school but I understood Mathematics quite well so became a Mathematics teacher with a love for imagination in stories.   


If you have any questions about IBDP or MYP, please feel free to email our coordinators. 


