
【Urgent Notice】Introducing "Teaching Mangement Assistants"

2017-05-14 JSU-OEC 江苏大学海外教育学院

To further improve teaching standards and better learning environment for students of Jiangsu University. OEC introduces "teaching management assistants", a post carried by over 50 PG students who will visit all classes to find concerns of students as well and teachers. The assistants will make evaluations by getting the feedbacks from students. At the same time, the teaching management assistants will also check the attendance of students. We hope students can make use of the resources and help in the change required.

We hereby notify all students that monday, May 14, all classes will be covered by the assistants. Attendance will checked on time and students failing to be present at the classes will be dealt according to the "Student Manual".

Thank you for cooperation!

Teaching affairs,

Overseas Education College


