

2016-08-20 大庆杨杨 钻井工程

 “Manager, bad news. We stuck at the depth of 839.45m”


“What? Stuck?”I couldn’t believe this . “A moment ago, you made up a joint, didn’t you?”


“Yeah. After making up a joint, while RIH, tight pull and stuck.” 


“Email knew the trouble?”


“I have called him to the rig floor.”


“Ok, let’s go to the floor.”


“…reamed the drilled interval of a joint (from 811.95m to hole bottom). At that time, the drilling parameters were: Pump pressure: 4Mpa; Pump stroke: 126s/min; Rotary speed 50rpm; Displacement: 50l/s. Reaming was normal, no bit bouncing, and no tight pull and sticking phenomenon. After reaming to the bottom, lift up the string 12.5 meter to make up a joint. It took us about 5 or 6 minutes. Started pumps, and circulation was normal. Lift the string and RIH, less 5 tons. This is what happened.”

“……对已钻的单根井段(811.95至井底)进行划眼,当时的泵压4Mpa, 泵冲126冲/分,转速50转/分,排量50L/秒。划眼正常,无憋钻、遇阻卡现象。划眼到底后,上提钻具约12.5米,接单根,大概用了5-6分钟,开泵正常。上提钻具、下放钻具时遇阻5T。情况就是这样。”

“So, the bit position now (position of free point)?” asked Email.

“目前的钻头(卡点)位置?” Email问。

“At 826.95m.”


“lithologic characteristic?”




“Hook weight of the string, now?”


“60 tons.”


“What measures have been taken?”


“I lifted the string but not move.”


“How many tons?” 


“Up to 70 tons.”


: “Can set up circulation?”


“Circulation? No problem.”  

“循环? 循环没问题。

“It is luck that the water hole has not been plugged,”  “ it’s estimated that the sticking was caused by the tight hole due to the drilled shale being hydrated.”


“Keep circulation,” ordered Email, “Spudding up and down.”


“Range?” asked the driller.


“5 1/2”, S135 drill pipe are in use now, I need to calculate its tensile strength, then tell you the exact range.”

“现在用的5 1/2”S135钻杆,我需要计算它的抗拉强度才能给出确切的活动范围。

“Lifting hook weight up to 120 tons.”  meanwhile he warned: “Don’t over 125 tons at most, otherwise the string is freezed in, we’ll have more troubles.”


“If this measure fails,adopt the method to back reaming,”


“What’s the next step, Email?” asked the Toolpusher.


“Keep circulation and ream in the trouble interval time after time. You must keep the hole straightway prior to resuming normal drilling.”


“One more thing I should tell you.”


“Go ahead.”


“The site geologist imparts that once drilling in the top of Laffan, not exceed ±10m at most, stop drilling at once to prevent any sloughing troubles due to drilling operation prior to pulling out.”


“I’ll pay more attention to, and check the cutting samples near to the top of the Laffen,” 




【钻井英语】Exploration Tools and Methods

【钻井英语】1.Directional Drilling Preparation

【钻井英语】2.Well-site communication

【钻井英语】3.The Directional Drilling Technology

【钻井英语】4.Operation description






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