新闻 | 昆山杜克校园获权威机构绿色认证 | 创建全国首个整体绿色校园
Duke Kunshan Campus Receives LEED Certification Recognizing Sustainable Design (please scroll down for the English version)
近日,昆山杜克大学校园全部建筑经严格评选,获得了美国绿色建筑委员会(USGBC)的绿色建筑认证,成为全国首个通过美国“绿色能源与环境设计先锋奖”(LEED)整体园区项目认证的大学校园。3月24日,美国绿色建筑委员会首席运营官Mahesh Ramanujam向昆山杜克大学以及负责校园设计和建设的昆山阳澄湖科技园颁发了校内五所建筑的LEED认证证书,以表彰昆山杜克大学校园 建筑的可持续、低能耗、人性化环保设计。其中,昆山杜克大学的教学楼和会议中心获得了 LEED 金级认证,学生公寓、教师公寓和服务楼获得了 LEED 银级认证。
获得 LEED 银级认证的会议中心
“绿色能源与环境设计先锋奖” LEED由非盈利组织美国绿色建筑委员会设立,针对高性能绿色建筑设计、建造和运营进行第三方认证,目前被认为是最完善、最权威、最具影响力的评估标准,代表着绿色建筑的最高标杆。获得LEED金级、银级认证,意味着昆山杜克大学校园在绿色建筑领域已达到了国际领先水平。
美国绿色建筑委员会首席运营官Ramanujam先生(左三)将 LEED 证书交到校长刘经南(中)与昆山阳澄湖科技园副主任沈军(右三)手中
“我们非常高兴地看到昆山杜克成为中国第一所获得LEED认证的大学校园。昆山杜克大学的校园从设计到运营都贯彻了对世界可持续发展有着重要意义的绿色建筑理念,”美国绿色建筑委员会的首席运营官Mahesh Ramanuham表示。“这个非凡的成就将会给中国乃至世界范围内的教育机构树立起一个良好的榜样。”
2015年10月,国务院出台指导意见,要求大力建设“海绵城市”,以实现对雨水资源的最佳控制和利用。时至今日, 能够达到吸水、蓄水、渗水、净水、用水一体化的地区在全中国、乃至世界范围仍是极少数。然而在昆山杜克校园内,这些原本只存在于人们憧憬中的“未来技术”已成为了现实。
校园建筑安装了能够减少38%用水的高效节水装置,每年能为整个校园节约水量达1万2千吨 。此外,会议中心和服务楼楼顶设有太阳能集热板,总面积达到675平方米,每年能产生47万千瓦时的可再生能源,可用于提供校内生活热水。
Duke Kunshan Campus Receives LEED Certification Recognizing Sustainable Design
Duke Kunshan University is the first Chinese university campus to be certified by the Leadershipin Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) campus program, with all five campus buildings certified according to LEED standards by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). The Academic Building and the Conference Center are rated LEED Gold,while the Student Residence, the Faculty Residence and the Service Building received LEED Silver certification. Mahesh Ramanujam, chief operating officer of USGBC, presented LEED certifications to Duke Kunshan University and Yangcheng Lake Science and Technology Park March 24 in recognition of the university’s commitment to sustainable and green architecture.
“Duke Kunshan University’s campus seamlessly blends native culture with advanced technology. Campus life is an integral part of the Duke Kunshan faculty and student experience, and this certification is an important symbol of Duke Kunshan’s commitment to world-class standards,” said Liu Jingnan, chancellor of Duke Kunshan University.
LEED is the most widely recognized and used green building standard across the globe. The USGBC awards LEED certification to buildings, homes and communities that are leaders in environmentally friendly design, construction, operations and maintenance.
“Duke Kunshan University has embraced the concept of green building in its campus design and operations, a critical practice that is increasingly important for the world’s sustainable development,” said Ramanujam. “It’s a remarkable achievement that I believe will serve as a great example for more and more educational institutions in China and worldwide.”
The Absorbent "Sponge Campus"
The campusis distinguished by its extensive use of aquatic elements, making the mastersite an absorbent “sponge campus,” where almost every rain drop is absorbed, stored, permeated, purified and reused. Duke Kunshan’s ecologicalsystem consists of four major parts: a naturally designed waterscape for rainwater collection and storm control, rainwater gardens to enhance on-site permeability, an underground filtration system for water quality assurance, and an irrigation system which fully uses purified rainwater. All campus lawns are irrigated with rainwater, saving Duke Kunshan about 2,600 gallons of water each day, and eliminating potable water use for landscaping.
Human-Centered Design for Better Living
The campus’water-saving feature isn’t the only reason it is attracting attention. The university’s facilities are designed around human needs, creating a healthy andcozy space for students and faculty to study, live, and communicate.
Classrooms are equipped with air filtration and carbon dioxide monitoring systems that automatically pump in fresh air; 32 percent of the campus site area is covered by oxygen-generating native plants; decorative materials are strictly selected, toensure a low VOC emission level that reaches the highest green adhesives standard of E1 and E0; and smoking is banned in all indoor areas on campus.
Campus buslines provide transportation between the university and points of interest in Kunshan, while reducing private car usage. Additionally, bicycle stations across the campus encourage students and faculty to explore the community in a healthy and environmentally responsible way.
Buildings Equipped with Energy-Saving Technologies
Systems across the campus are equipped with energy-saving technology to reduce the carbon footprint of essential operations including transportation, lighting, hot water, and MEP (mechanical, electrical, and plumbing) systems.
Ceiling-to-floor glass curtain walls in the Academic Building, Conference Center and several other buildings optimize natural light and views while reducing energy consumption. To complement the natural light, dimmers can be found in busy areas like classrooms and the fitness center, improving energy efficiency and allowing users to control lighting levels according to their needs and preferences.
High efficiency water-saving fixtures are installed throughout the campus, reducing total water using by 38 percent. 675 square meters of rooftop solar thermal collectors -- capable of generating 470,000 kilowatt-hours of renewable energy per year -- fully power the university’s water heating systems.