
论文周报 | 推荐系统领域最新研究进展

ML_RSer 机器学习与推荐算法 2022-12-14



  • 1. Reinforcement Learning-enhanced Shared-account Cross-domain Sequential  Recommendation

  • 2. Rethinking Reinforcement Learning for Recommendation: A Prompt  Perspective

  • 3. RecBole 2.0: Towards a More Up-to-Date Recommendation Library

  • 4. TransRec: Learning Transferable Recommendation from Mixture-of-Modality  Feedback

  • 5. Deconfounding Duration Bias in Watch-time Prediction for Video  Recommendation

  • 6. A Matrix Decomposition Model Based on Feature Factors in Movie  Recommendation System

  • 7. Learning to Rank Rationales for Explainable Recommendation

  • 8. Feature-aware Diversified Re-ranking with Disentangled Representations  for Relevant Recommendation

  • 9. On the Bias-Variance Characteristics of LIME and SHAP in High Sparsity  Movie Recommendation Explanation Tasks

  • 10. Unbiased Recommender Learning from Missing-Not-At-Random Implicit  Feedback

  • 11. Recommender Transformers with Behavior Pathways

  • 12. Towards Universal Sequence Representation Learning for Recommender  Systems

  • 13. Comprehensive Fair Meta-learned Recommender System

  • 14. Adversarial Auto-encoder Domain Adaptation for Cold-start Recommendation with Positive and Negative Hypergraphs

  • 15. MEGCF: Multimodal Entity Graph Collaborative Filtering for Personalized Recommendation

1. Reinforcement Learning-enhanced Shared-account Cross-domain Sequential  Recommendation

Lei Guo, Jinyu Zhang, Tong Chen, Xinhua Wang, Hongzhi Yin


Shared-account Cross-domain Sequential Recommendation (SCSR) is an emerging yet challenging task that simultaneously considers the shared-account and cross-domain characteristics in the sequential recommendation. Existing works on SCSR are mainly based on Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) and Graph Neural Network (GNN) but they ignore the fact that although multiple users share a single account, it is mainly occupied by one user at a time. This observation motivates us to learn a more accurate user-specific account representation by attentively focusing on its recent behaviors. Furthermore, though existing works endow lower weights to irrelevant interactions, they may still dilute the domain information and impede the cross-domain recommendation. To address the above issues, we propose a reinforcement learning-based solution, namely RL-ISN, which consists of a basic cross-domain recommender and a reinforcement learning-based domain filter. Specifically, to model the account representation in the shared-account scenario, the basic recommender first clusters users' mixed behaviors as latent users, and then leverages an attention model over them to conduct user identification. To reduce the impact of irrelevant domain information, we formulate the domain filter as a hierarchical reinforcement learning task, where a high-level task is utilized to decide whether to revise the whole transferred sequence or not, and if it does, a low-level task is further performed to determine whether to remove each interaction within it or not. To evaluate the performance of our solution, we conduct extensive experiments on two real-world datasets, and the experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our RL-ISN method compared with the state-of-the-art recommendation methods.

2. Rethinking Reinforcement Learning for Recommendation: A Prompt  Perspective

Xin Xin, Tiago Pimentel, Alexandros Karatzoglou, Pengjie Ren, Konstantina Christakopoulou, Zhaochun Ren


Modern recommender systems aim to improve user experience. As reinforcement learning (RL) naturally fits this objective -- maximizing an user's reward per session -- it has become an emerging topic in recommender systems. Developing RL-based recommendation methods, however, is not trivial due to the offline training challenge. Specifically, the keystone of traditional RL is to train an agent with large amounts of online exploration making lots of errors in the process. In the recommendation setting, though, we cannot afford the price of making errors online. As a result, the agent needs to be trained through offline historical implicit feedback, collected under different recommendation policies; traditional RL algorithms may lead to sub-optimal policies under these offline training settings. Here we propose a new learning paradigm -- namely Prompt-Based Reinforcement Learning (PRL) -- for the offline training of RL-based recommendation agents. While traditional RL algorithms attempt to map state-action input pairs to their expected rewards (e.g., Q-values), PRL directly infers actions (i.e., recommended items) from state-reward inputs. In short, the agents are trained to predict a recommended item given the prior interactions and an observed reward value -- with simple supervised learning. At deployment time, this historical (training) data acts as a knowledge base, while the state-reward pairs are used as a prompt. The agents are thus used to answer the question: Which item should be recommended given the prior interactions & the prompted reward value? We implement PRL with four notable recommendation models and conduct experiments on two real-world e-commerce datasets. Experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of our proposed methods.

3. RecBole 2.0: Towards a More Up-to-Date Recommendation Library

Wayne Xin Zhao, Yupeng Hou, Xingyu Pan, Chen Yang, Zeyu Zhang, Zihan Lin, Jingsen Zhang, Shuqing Bian, Jiakai Tang, Wenqi Sun, Yushuo Chen, Lanling Xu, Gaowei Zhang, Zhen Tian, Changxin Tian, Shanlei Mu, Xinyan Fan, Xu Chen, Ji-Rong Wen


In order to support the study of recent advances in recommender systems, this paper presents an extended recommendation library consisting of eight packages for up-to-date topics and architectures. First of all, from a data perspective, we consider three important topics related to data issues (i.e., sparsity, bias and distribution shift), and develop five packages accordingly: meta-learning, data augmentation, debiasing, fairness and cross-domain recommendation. Furthermore, from a model perspective, we develop two benchmarking packages for Transformer-based and graph neural network (GNN)-based models, respectively. All the packages (consisting of 65 new models) are developed based on a popular recommendation framework RecBole, ensuring that both the implementation and interface are unified. For each package, we provide complete implementations from data loading, experimental setup, evaluation and algorithm implementation. This library provides a valuable resource to facilitate the up-to-date research in recommender systems. The project is released at the link:

4. TransRec: Learning Transferable Recommendation from Mixture-of-Modality  Feedback

Jie Wang, Fajie Yuan, Mingyue Cheng, Joemon M. Jose, Chenyun Yu, Beibei Kong, Zhijin Wang, Bo Hu, Zang Li


Learning big models and then transfer has become the de facto practice in computer vision (CV) and natural language processing (NLP). However, such unified paradigm is uncommon for recommender systems (RS). A critical issue that hampers this is that standard recommendation models are built on unshareable identity data, where both users and their interacted items are represented by unique IDs. In this paper, we study a novel scenario where user's interaction feedback involves mixture-of-modality (MoM) items. We present TransRec, a straightforward modification done on the popular ID-based RS framework. TransRec directly learns from MoM feedback in an end-to-end manner, and thus enables effective transfer learning under various scenarios without relying on overlapped users or items. We empirically study the transferring ability of TransRec across four different real-world recommendation settings. Besides, we study its effects by scaling the size of source and target data. Our results suggest that learning recommenders from MoM feedback provides a promising way to realize universal recommender systems. Our code and datasets will be made available.

5. Deconfounding Duration Bias in Watch-time Prediction for Video  Recommendation

Ruohan Zhan, Changhua Pei, Qiang Su, Jianfeng Wen, Xueliang Wang, Guanyu Mu, Dong Zheng, Peng Jiang


Watch-time prediction remains to be a key factor in reinforcing user engagement via video recommendations. It has become increasingly important given the ever-growing popularity of online videos. However, prediction of watch time not only depends on the match between the user and the video but is often mislead by the duration of the video itself. With the goal of improving watch time, recommendation is always biased towards videos with long duration. Models trained on this imbalanced data face the risk of bias amplification, which misguides platforms to over-recommend videos with long duration but overlook the underlying user interests.

6. A Matrix Decomposition Model Based on Feature Factors in Movie  Recommendation System

Dan Liu, Hou-biao Li


Matrix Factorization (MF) is one of the most successful Collaborative Filtering (CF) techniques used in recommender systems due to its effectiveness and ability to deal with very large user-item rating matrix. Among them, matrix decomposition method mainly uses the interactions records between users and items to predict ratings. Based on the characteristic attributes of items and users, this paper proposes a UISVD++ model that fuses the type attributes of movies and the age attributes of users into MF framework. Project and user representations in MF are enriched by projecting each user's age attribute and each movie's type attribute into the same potential factor space as users and items. Finally, the MovieLens-100K and MovieLens-1M datasets were used to compare with the traditional SVD++ and other models. The results show that the proposed model can achieve the best recommendation performance and better predict user ratings under all backgrounds.

7. Learning to Rank Rationales for Explainable Recommendation

Zhichao Xu, Yi Han, Tao Yang, Anh Tran, Qingyao Ai


State-of-the-art recommender system (RS) mostly rely on complex deep neural network (DNN) model structure, which makes it difficult to provide explanations along with RS decisions. Previous researchers have proved that providing explanations along with recommended items can help users make informed decisions and improve their trust towards the uninterpretable blackbox system. In model-agnostic explainable recommendation, system designers deploy a separate explanation model to take as input from the decision model, and generate explanations to meet the goal of persuasiveness. In this work, we explore the task of ranking textual rationales (supporting evidences) for model-agnostic explainable recommendation. Most of existing rationales ranking algorithms only utilize the rationale IDs and interaction matrices to build latent factor representations; and the semantic information within the textual rationales are not learned effectively. We argue that such design is suboptimal as the important semantic information within the textual rationales may be used to better profile user preferences and item features. Seeing this gap, we propose a model named Semantic-Enhanced Bayesian Personalized Explanation Ranking (SE-BPER) to effectively combine the interaction information and semantic information. SE-BPER first initializes the latent factor representations with contextualized embeddings generated by transformer model, then optimizes them with the interaction data. Extensive experiments show that such methodology improves the rationales ranking performance while simplifying the model training process (fewer hyperparameters and faster convergence). We conclude that the optimal way to combine semantic and interaction information remains an open question in the task of rationales ranking.

8. Feature-aware Diversified Re-ranking with Disentangled Representations  for Relevant Recommendation

Zihan Lin, Hui Wang, Jingshu Mao, Wayne Xin Zhao, Cheng Wang, Peng Jiang, Ji-Rong Wen


Relevant recommendation is a special recommendation scenario which provides relevant items when users express interests on one target item (e.g., click, like and purchase). Besides considering the relevance between recommendations and trigger item, the recommendations should also be diversified to avoid information cocoons. However, existing diversified recommendation methods mainly focus on item-level diversity which is insufficient when the recommended items are all relevant to the target item. Moreover, redundant or noisy item features might affect the performance of simple feature-aware recommendation approaches. Faced with these issues, we propose a Feature Disentanglement Self-Balancing Re-ranking framework (FDSB) to capture feature-aware diversity. The framework consists of two major modules, namely disentangled attention encoder (DAE) and self-balanced multi-aspect ranker. In DAE, we use multi-head attention to learn disentangled aspects from rich item features. In the ranker, we develop an aspect-specific ranking mechanism that is able to adaptively balance the relevance and diversity for each aspect. In experiments, we conduct offline evaluation on the collected dataset and deploy FDSB on KuaiShou app for online A/B test on the function of relevant recommendation. The significant improvements on both recommendation quality and user experience verify the effectiveness of our approach.

9. On the Bias-Variance Characteristics of LIME and SHAP in High Sparsity  Movie Recommendation Explanation Tasks

Claudia V. Roberts, Ehtsham Elahi, Ashok Chandrashekar


We evaluate two popular local explainability techniques, LIME and SHAP, on a movie recommendation task. We discover that the two methods behave very differently depending on the sparsity of the data set. LIME does better than SHAP in dense segments of the data set and SHAP does better in sparse segments. We trace this difference to the differing bias-variance characteristics of the underlying estimators of LIME and SHAP. We find that SHAP exhibits lower variance in sparse segments of the data compared to LIME. We attribute this lower variance to the completeness constraint property inherent in SHAP and missing in LIME. This constraint acts as a regularizer and therefore increases the bias of the SHAP estimator but decreases its variance, leading to a favorable bias-variance trade-off especially in high sparsity data settings. With this insight, we introduce the same constraint into LIME and formulate a novel local explainabilty framework called Completeness-Constrained LIME (CLIMB) that is superior to LIME and much faster than SHAP.

10. Unbiased Recommender Learning from Missing-Not-At-Random Implicit  Feedback

Yuta Saito, Suguru Yaginuma, Yuta Nishino, Hayato Sakata, Kazuhide Nakata


Recommender systems widely use implicit feedback such as click data because of its general availability. Although the presence of clicks signals the users' preference to some extent, the lack of such clicks does not necessarily indicate a negative response from the users, as it is possible that the users were not exposed to the items (positive-unlabeled problem). This leads to a difficulty in predicting the users' preferences from implicit feedback. Previous studies addressed the positive-unlabeled problem by uniformly upweighting the loss for the positive feedback data or estimating the confidence of each data having relevance information via the EM-algorithm. However, these methods failed to address the missing-not-at-random problem in which popular or frequently recommended items are more likely to be clicked than other items even if a user does not have a considerable interest in them. To overcome these limitations, we first define an ideal loss function to be optimized to realize recommendations that maximize the relevance and propose an unbiased estimator for the ideal loss. Subsequently, we analyze the variance of the proposed unbiased estimator and further propose a clipped estimator that includes the unbiased estimator as a special case. We demonstrate that the clipped estimator is expected to improve the performance of the recommender system, by considering the bias-variance trade-off. We conduct semi-synthetic and real-world experiments and demonstrate that the proposed method largely outperforms the baselines. In particular, the proposed method works better for rare items that are less frequently observed in the training data. The findings indicate that the proposed method can better achieve the objective of recommending items with the highest relevance.

11. Recommender Transformers with Behavior Pathways

Zhiyu Yao, Xinyang Chen, Sinan Wang, Qinyan Dai, Yumeng Li, Tanchao Zhu, Mingsheng Long


Sequential recommendation requires the recommender to capture the evolving behavior characteristics from logged user behavior data for accurate recommendations. However, user behavior sequences are viewed as a script with multiple ongoing threads intertwined. We find that only a small set of pivotal behaviors can be evolved into the user's future action. As a result, the future behavior of the user is hard to predict. We conclude this characteristic for sequential behaviors of each user as the Behavior Pathway. Different users have their unique behavior pathways. Among existing sequential models, transformers have shown great capacity in capturing global-dependent characteristics. However, these models mainly provide a dense distribution over all previous behaviors using the self-attention mechanism, making the final predictions overwhelmed by the trivial behaviors not adjusted to each user. In this paper, we build the Recommender Transformer (RETR) with a novel Pathway Attention mechanism. RETR can dynamically plan the behavior pathway specified for each user, and sparingly activate the network through this behavior pathway to effectively capture evolving patterns useful for recommendation. The key design is a learned binary route to prevent the behavior pathway from being overwhelmed by trivial behaviors. We empirically verify the effectiveness of RETR on seven real-world datasets and RETR yields state-of-the-art performance.

12. Towards Universal Sequence Representation Learning for Recommender  Systems

Yupeng Hou, Shanlei Mu, Wayne Xin Zhao, Yaliang Li, Bolin Ding, Ji-Rong Wen


In order to develop effective sequential recommenders, a series of sequence representation learning (SRL) methods are proposed to model historical user behaviors. Most existing SRL methods rely on explicit item IDs for developing the sequence models to better capture user preference. Though effective to some extent, these methods are difficult to be transferred to new recommendation scenarios, due to the limitation by explicitly modeling item IDs. To tackle this issue, we present a novel universal sequence representation learning approach, named UniSRec. The proposed approach utilizes the associated description text of items to learn transferable representations across different recommendation scenarios. For learning universal item representations, we design a lightweight item encoding architecture based on parametric whitening and mixture-of-experts enhanced adaptor. For learning universal sequence representations, we introduce two contrastive pre-training tasks by sampling multi-domain negatives. With the pre-trained universal sequence representation model, our approach can be effectively transferred to new recommendation domains or platforms in a parameter-efficient way, under either inductive or transductive settings. Extensive experiments conducted on real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Especially, our approach also leads to a performance improvement in a cross-platform setting, showing the strong transferability of the proposed universal SRL method. The code and pre-trained model are available at:

13. Comprehensive Fair Meta-learned Recommender System

Tianxin Wei, Jingrui He


In recommender systems, one common challenge is the cold-start problem, where interactions are very limited for fresh users in the systems. To address this challenge, recently, many works introduce the meta-optimization idea into the recommendation scenarios, i.e. learning to learn the user preference by only a few past interaction items. The core idea is to learn global shared meta-initialization parameters for all users and rapidly adapt them into local parameters for each user respectively. They aim at deriving general knowledge across preference learning of various users, so as to rapidly adapt to the future new user with the learned prior and a small amount of training data. However, previous works have shown that recommender systems are generally vulnerable to bias and unfairness. Despite the success of meta-learning at improving the recommendation performance with cold-start, the fairness issues are largely overlooked. In this paper, we propose a comprehensive fair meta-learning framework, named CLOVER, for ensuring the fairness of meta-learned recommendation models. We systematically study three kinds of fairness - individual fairness, counterfactual fairness, and group fairness in the recommender systems, and propose to satisfy all three kinds via a multi-task adversarial learning scheme. Our framework offers a generic training paradigm that is applicable to different meta-learned recommender systems. We demonstrate the effectiveness of CLOVER on the representative meta-learned user preference estimator on three real-world data sets. Empirical results show that CLOVER achieves comprehensive fairness without deteriorating the overall cold-start recommendation performance.

14. Adversarial Auto-encoder Domain Adaptation for Cold-start Recommendation with Positive and Negative Hypergraphs

Hanrui Wu , Jinyi Long , Nuosi Li , Dahai Yu , Michael K. Ng


This paper presents a novel model named Adversarial Auto-encoder Domain Adaptation (AADA) to handle the recommendation problem under cold-start settings. Specifically, we divide the hypergraph into two hypergraphs, i.e., a positive hypergraph and a negative one. Below, we adopt the cold-start user recommendation for illustration. After achieving positive and negative hypergraphs, we apply hypergraph auto-encoders to them to obtain positive and negative embeddings of warm users and items. Additionally, we employ a multi-layer perceptron to get warm and cold-start user embeddings called regular embeddings. Subsequently, for warm users, we assign positive and negative pseudo-labels to their positive and negative embeddings, respectively, and treat their positive and regular embeddings as the source and target domain data, respectively. Then, we develop a matching discriminator to jointly minimize the classification loss of the positive and negative warm user embeddings and the distribution gap between the positive and regular warm user embeddings. In this way, warm users’ positive and regular embeddings are connected. Since the positive hypergraph maintains the relations between positive warm user and item embeddings, and the regular warm and cold-start user embeddings follow a similar distribution, the regular cold-start user embedding and positive item embedding are bridged to discover their relationship. The proposed model can be easily extended to handle the cold-start item recommendation by changing inputs. We perform extensive experiments on real-world datasets for both cold-start user and cold-start item recommendations. Promising results in terms of precision, recall, NDCG, and hit rate verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.

15. MEGCF: Multimodal Entity Graph Collaborative Filtering for Personalized Recommendation

Kang Liu , Feng Xue , Dan Guo , Le Wu , Shujie Li , Richang Hong


In most E-commerce platforms, whether the displayed items trigger the user’s interest largely depends on their most eye-catching multimodal content. Consequently, increasing efforts focus on modeling multimodal user preference, and the pressing paradigm is to incorporate complete multimodal deep features of the items into the recommendation module. However, the existing studies ignore the mismatch problem between multimodal feature extraction (MFE) and user interest modeling (UIM). That is, MFE and UIM have different emphases. Specifically, MFE is migrated from and adapted to upstream tasks such as image classification. In addition, it is mainly a content-oriented and non-personalized process, while UIM, with its greater focus on understanding user interaction, is essentially a user-oriented and personalized process. Therefore, the direct incorporation of MFE into UIM for purely user-oriented tasks, tends to introduce a large number of preference-independent multimodal noise and contaminate the embedding representations in UIM.

This paper aims at solving the mismatch problem between MFE and UIM, so as to generate high-quality embedding representations and better model multimodal user preferences. Towards this end, we develop a novel model, multimodal entity graph collaborative filtering, short for MEGCF. The UIM of the proposed model captures the semantic correlation between interactions and the features obtained from MFE, thus making a better match between MFE and UIM. More precisely, semantic-rich entities are first extracted from the multimodal data, since they are more relevant to user preferences than other multimodal information. These entities are then integrated into the user-item interaction graph. Afterwards, a symmetric linear Graph Convolution Network (GCN) module is constructed to perform message propagation over the graph, in order to capture both high-order semantic correlation and collaborative filtering signals. Finally, the sentiment information from the review data are used to fine-grainedly weight neighbor aggregation in the GCN, as it reflects the overall quality of the items, and therefore it is an important modality information related to user preferences. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and rationality of MEGCF.

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