第31届信息和知识管理国际会议CIKM2022将于2022年10月17日-21日以混合会议的方式在美国亚特兰大举行。CIKM会议是数据库/数据挖掘/内容检索领域顶级国际会议,也是中国计算机学会规定的CCF B类会议。关于该会议在历年推荐系统论文收录情况请参考下文:
Self-Supervised Learning for Recommendation
Full Papers
A Multi-Interest Evolution Story: Applying Psychology in Query-based Recommendation for Inferring Customer Intention |
Accurate Action Recommendation for Smart Home via Two-Level Encoders and Commonsense Knowledge |
Adapting Triplet Importance of Implicit Feedback for Personalized Recommendation |
AutoMARS: Searching to Compress Multi-Modality Recommendation Systems |
Asymmetrical Context-aware Modulation for Collaborative Filtering Recommendation |
Automatic Meta-Path Discovery for Effective Graph-Based Recommendation |
Beyond Learning from Next Item: Sequential Recommendation via Personalized Interest Sustainability |
CROLoss: Towards a Customizable Loss for Retrieval Models in Recommender Systems-CROLoss: 一种推荐系统中检索模型的可定制损失函数 |
ContrastVAE: Contrastive Variational AutoEncoder for Sequential Recommendation |
Contrastive Cross-Domain Sequential Recommendation |
Contrastive Learning with Bidirectional Transformers for Sequential Recommendation |
Cross-domain Recommendation via Adversarial Adaptation |
DeepVT: Deep View-Temporal Interaction Network for News Recommendation |
Disentangling Past-Future Modeling in Sequential Recommendation via Dual Networks |
Dual-Task Learning for Multi-Behavior Sequential Recommendation |
Dually Enhanced Propensity Score Estimation in Sequential Recommendation |
Evolutionary Preference Learning via Graph Nested GRU ODE for Session-based Recommendation |
Explanation Guided Contrastive Learning for Sequential Recommendation |
FedCDR: Federated Cross-Domain Recommendation for Privacy-Preserving Rating Prediction |
GBERT: Pre-training User representations for Ephemeral Group Recommendation |
GRP: A Gumbel-based Rating Prediction Framework for Imbalanced Recommendation |
Generative Adversarial Zero-Shot Learning for Cold-Start News Recommendation |
Gromov-Wasserstein Guided Representation Learning for Cross-Domain Recommendation |
Hierarchical Item Inconsistency Signal learning for Sequence Denoising in Sequential Recommendation |
HySAGE: A Hybrid Static and Adaptive Graph Embedding Network for Context-Drifting Recommendations |
Improving Knowledge-aware Recommendation with Multi-level Interactive Contrastive Learning |
KuaiRec: A Fully-observed Dataset and Insights for Evaluating Recommender Systems |
Leveraging Multiple Types of Domain Knowledge for Safe and Effective Drug Recommendation |
MARIO: Modality-Aware Attention and Modality-Preserving Decoders for Multimedia Recommendation |
Memory Bank Augmented Long-tail Sequential Recommendation |
Multi-Aggregator Time-Warping Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network for Personalized Micro-video Recommendation |
Multi-level Contrastive Learning Framework for Sequential Recommendation |
Quantifying and Mitigating Popularity Bias in Conversational Recommender Systems |
Rank List Sensitivity of Recommender Systems to Interaction Perturbations |
Representation Matters When Learning From Biased Feedback in Recommendation |
Rethinking Conversational Recommendations: Is Decision Tree All You Need? |
Review-Based Domain Disentanglement without Duplicate Users or Contexts for Cross-Domain Recommendation |
SVD-GCN: A Simplified Graph Convolution Paradigm for Recommendation |
Spatiotemporal-aware Session-based Recommendation with Graph Neural Networks |
Storage-saving Transformer for Sequential Recommendations |
Target Interest Distillation for Multi-Interest Recommendation |
Task Publication Time Recommendation in Spatial Crowdsourcing |
Temporal Contrastive Pre-Training for Sequential Recommendation |
The Interaction Graph Auto-encoder Network Based on Topology-aware for Transferable Recommendation |
Tiger: Transferable Interest Graph Embedding for Domain-Level Zero-Shot Recommendation |
Time Lag Aware Sequential Recommendation |
Towards Principled User-side Recommender Systems |
Two-level Graph Path Reasoning for Conversational Recommendation with User Realistic Preference |
User Recommendation in Social Metaverse with VR |
Graph Based Long-Term And Short-Term Interest Model for Click-Through Rate Prediction |
Hierarchically Fusing Long and Short-Term User Interests for Click-Through Rate Prediction in Product Search |
OptEmbed: Learning Optimal Embedding Table for Click-through Rate Prediction |
Towards Understanding the Overfitting Phenomenon of Deep Click-Through Rate Models |
An Uncertainty-Aware Imputation Framework for Alleviating the Sparsity Problem in Collaborative Filtering |
Dynamic Hypergraph Learning for Collaborative Filtering |
ITSM-GCN: Informative Training Sample Mining for Graph Convolution Network-based Collaborative Filtering |
MDGCF: Multi-Dependency Graph Collaborative Filtering with Neighborhood- and Homogeneous-level Dependencies |
NEST: Simulating Pandemic-like Events for Collaborative Filtering by Modeling User Needs Evolution |
Explainable Link Prediction in Knowledge Hypergraphs |
Applied Papers
A Case Study in Educational Recommenders:Recommending Music Partitures at Tomplay |
A Relevant and Diverse Retrieval-enhanced Data Augmentation Framework for Sequential Recommendation |
Adaptive Domain Interest Network for Multi-domain Recommendation |
Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search under Neural Similarity Metric for Large-Scale Recommendation |
Improving Text-based Similar Product Recommendation for Dynamic Product Advertising at Yahoo |
Knowledge Enhanced Multi-Interest Network for the Generation of Recommendation Candidates |
Knowledge Extraction and Plugging for Online Recommendation |
MIC:Model-agnostic Integrated Cross-channel Recommender |
Multi-Faceted Hierarchical Multi-Task Learning for Recommender Systems |
Multimodal Meta-Learning for Cold-Start Sequential Recommendation |
PROPN: Personalized Probabilistic Strategic Parameter Optimization in Recommendations |
PlatoGL: Effective and Scalable Deep Graph Learning System for Graph-enhanced Real-Time Recommendation |
Real-time Short Video Recommendation on Mobile Devices |
SASNet: Stage-aware sequential matching for online travel recommendation |
Scenario-Adaptive and Self-Supervised Model for Multi-Scenario Personalized Recommendation |
UDM: A Unified Deep Matching Framework in Recommender Systems |