《文艺理论研究》| 马西莫·里奥尼:符号域中的对称: 一个类型学研究
Symmetries in the Semiosphere:A Typology
Massimo Leone
This article was originally published by TSLA in the second issue of 2018. To read the full text, please scan the QR code at the end of the article.
Abstract:The article points out that the current expansion of the semiotic focus from signs and texts to whole cultures needs the development of a coherent method. It therefore proposes to establish the method through an application of the topological theory of fractals to the analysis of different kinds of symmetries in the semiosphere. Having defined fractals as resemblance between two topological structures, the article first dwells on what "resemblance" means in the comparison of both visual and conceptual patterns; it then proposes a typology of fractal similarities, based on the topological operations of rotation, translation, and reflection. Examples of each typology are given from the fields of cultural and political analysis. The article concludes by hypothesizing that cultural semiotics might evolve into a "pattern science", challenging the customary disciplinary barriers between the study of regularities in nature and in culture.
Keywords: semiotics;culture;fractals
Author:Massimo Leone, professor of the University of Turin, Italy; professor of cultural semiotics; with academic expertise and research interests in semiotics, visual semiotics and cultural semiotics.
摘 要:当前符号学正将关注点从符号和文本转向整个文化,需要开发出一种比较连贯的研究方法。本文试图通过应用针对分形的拓扑学理论,以分析符号域中的各类对称。本文将分形界定为两个拓扑结构之间的相似,通过比较视觉和概念模式,思考所谓的“相似”究竟是什么,并基于对旋转对称、平移对称和反射对称的拓扑学分析,建立分形相似性的类型学。为说明每一种类型,本文从文化和政治领域寻找分析案例。最后假设,文化符号学可以演变成一种“模式科学”,并挑战传统研究中自然和文化的学科分野。