
19外研社版初中英语(新标准)八年级下册 Module 7

学习点击👉 语文一家 2021-10-26

Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles


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01Moudle 7 单词


2.make a list列清单

3.crazy  ['kreɪzɪ]发疯的;荒唐的

4.at the end of的结尾(或末端)

5.shorts [ʃɔ:ts]【用复数】短裤

6.trouers [ˈtraʊzəz]【用复数】裤子

7.sunglasses [ˈsʌnglɑ:sɪz]太阳镜;墨镜

8.homestay ['həʊmsteɪ]家庭寄宿

9.weigh [weɪ]重量有;重

10.total ['təʊtl]总的;全部的

11.weight [weɪt]重量

12.passport ['pɑ:spɔ:t]护照

13.culture ['kʌltʃə(r)]文化

14.at the same time同时

15.last [lɑ:st]持续;延续

11.depend [dɪ'pend]而定;决定(干)

12.depend on取决于;决定于

13.provide [prə'vaɪd]提供;供应

14.test [test]测验;考试;测验(v.

15.progress ['prəʊɡres]进步;进展;推进(v.

16.guest [ɡest]客人;宾客

17.daily life ['deɪlɪ]日常生活

18.form  [fɔ:m]形成;表格(n.

19.friendship ['frendʃɪp]友谊;友好

20.stay in touch with sb.(与某人)保持联系

21.prefer [prɪ'fɜ:(r)]更喜爱;钟爱

22.certain [ˈsə:tn]确定的;无疑的

23.fill [fɪl]填满;填充

24.fill out填写;填充

02Moudle 7课文动画

外研版八年级下册Module 7 Unit 1 课文动画

外研版八年级下册Module 7 Unit 2 课文动画

03Moudle 7 知识梳理


1. how long  多长时间

2. at the end of  在...的末端

3. pay for  为...付款

4. had better do sth  最好做某事

5. have a great time  玩得高兴

6. write to  给......写信

7. by the way   顺便说一下

8. make a list   列清单

9. forget to do sth  忘记做某事

10. four hours a day  一天四次

11. stay in touch with  与......保持联系

12. at the beginning of  在...的起初

13. depend on  依赖,相信,随…而定

14. at least  至少

15. fill out  填写

16. would like to do sth  愿意做某事

17. be able to do  能够做某事

18. get close to nature  接近大自然

19. try out new ideas  尝试新的主意

20. grow up  长大

21. summer camp  夏令营

22. prepare for...  为...做准备

23. at the same time  同时

24. make progress  取得进步

25. take part in  参加

26. go sightseeing  去观光旅行

27. add to   增加    

28. agree/disagree with...  同意/不同意...


1. How can I help you? 我怎么帮你呀?

2. Can you help me? 你可以帮我吗? 

3. I don’t know what to take. 我不知道带些什么。 

4. Your bag mustn’t weigh too much. 你的包一定不能太沉。

5. There are many exciting things to do. 有许多激动人心的事可以做。  



1. 并列复合句的定义:由并列连词and, but, or等把两个或两个以上的简单句连在一起而构成的句子。


Jane has kept the book for three days and she must return it tomorrow. 


The boy fell off the bike, but he didn’t hurt. 


2. 并列复合句的构成:简单句+并列连词+简单句


I help him and he helps me. 我帮助他,他帮助我。

You must put on your coat, or you’ll have a bad cold in such a cold day. 


3. 并列连词前后简单句之间的关系。


They are watching TV, and the others are listening to the radio. 



The children can go with us, or they can stay at home. 



She was tired, but she did not stop working. 


4. 使用并列复合句要注意的两种情况


We fished all day; we did not catch a single fish.


Snoopy lives in his own world and (Snoopy) finds real life hard to understand.



Dear Bob,

    The summer vacation is coming soon. After a tiring school year, I’m going to relax myself. I will spend my vacation with my grandparents. I will stay with them for about three weeks. Of course, I am going to help them do some housework. Perhaps we will take some short trips. Besides, I am going to visit some of my friends and relatives. I think we will have a happy time together. What’s more, I will be a senior student in a new term, so I am going to make some preparations. How will you spend your holiday?

Best wishes to you.


    (2) 假设你的朋友Lucy 暑假将从英国来中国看望你,她正在列旅程清单,希望早些做好准备,请你给她写信,给她一些建议,告诉她要带上什么物品.

 Dear Lucy,

   I am happy to hear that you will visit China in summer holiday. You are making a list for your trip and you hope to get ready for everything. I can give you some advice. You should take some notebooks , a pen and a dictionary .The weather in summer is hot in China .So you should take some shorts ,T-shirt and light trousers. You can live my house. So you just need to pay for you air tickets. By the way , don’t forget to take your passport .I think you will have a good time.                                                   



    (3)你(Lilei)给英国学生(Tom) 介绍中文班                                

Dear Tom ,

I ‘m a Chinese boy . My name is Lilei . I ‘m very happy when I heard you will come to China to learn chinese . I’ll  offer you great summer Chinese courses.

The courses last for four ,six or eight weeks. Our teachers are well trained and have a lot of experience . They only teach four hours a day and then you can talk about with you friends in Chinese.

As well as learning Chinese ,we want you to experience life in China .you can stay as a guest with an Chinese family and take part in their daily life . It can improve you Chinese standards.

You can take part in some activities or take trips to Mount Jianglang,Xujiang Park.

You  are certain to get the best possible of English learning and life in China .

Come on ,with your English friends .



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