

2016-10-25 顾于蓓 医学界消化频道


翻译及述评:上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院消化科  顾于蓓  孙培君


背景:阐明针对CD患者的UNITI-1、UNITI-2 静脉注射诱导缓解研究和IM-UNITI维持缓解研究中Ustekinumab(UST)的药代动力学和应答反应结果。

方法:从上述三项III期双盲对照研究中获得中重度CD患者的药代动力学、有效性和安全性数据。在前两项诱导缓解研究中:UNITI-1研究纳入了741例抗TNF制剂治疗失败的患者,UNITI-2研究纳入了628例传统治疗疗效欠佳的患者(包括未使用过抗TNF制剂的患者)。在其后的IM-UNITI维持缓解研究中纳入的受试者均为完成UNITI-1和UNITI-2研究的患者。在诱导研究中受试者均接受一次静脉注射治疗,受试者分为三组:一组是治疗剂量为130 mg的UST静脉注射,另一组治疗剂量根据患者体重来进行分层(约为6 mg/kg,其中体重≤55kg的患者为260 mg UST,体重>55 kg但≤85 kg的患者为390 mg UST,体重>85kg的患者为520 mg UST),第三组为安慰剂组。在上述两项研究中产生有效应答的受试者共计397例,这部分患者此后被进一步纳入IM-UNITI皮下注射的维持缓解研究,并被随机分为三组,第一组为每12周接受皮下注射UST 90 mg治疗,第二组为每8周接受UST 90 mg治疗,第三组为接受安慰剂治疗。在所有研究的不同时间点采集受试者的血样标本来检测UST的血清药物浓度和免疫原性。而后通过CDAI和CRP来评估临床疗效,并研究UST的血清药物浓度与疗效之间的相关性。研究还评估了不良事件(诸如感染、严重感染和严重不良反应)的发生率。

结果:UST的血清药物浓度与药物剂量相关,并且在两项诱导缓解研究中受试者的药物浓度未见差异。治疗剂量为130 mg组和 约6 mg/kg组的药物中位峰浓度分别为41.9 ug/ml和126.1 ug/ml。在8周诱导治疗结束后上述两组的药物中位峰浓度分别为2.1 ug/ml和6.4 ug/ml。在维持治疗开始后受试者的血药浓度达到稳定:每8周接受UST 90 mg治疗组的药物中位谷浓度持续稳定在1.97-2.24 ug/ml,该谷浓度较每12周接受UST 90 mg治疗组三倍增高(每12周接受UST 90 mg治疗组药物中位谷浓度为0.61-0.76 ug/ml)。通过药物耐受性分析可得1年内抗UST抗体发生率为2.3%。在诱导缓解与维持缓解研究中发现血清UST浓度与患者的疾病缓解率呈正相关(见图1),并与CRP水平呈负相关。在所有研究中均未发现血清UST浓度与感染率、严重感染率和严重不良反应率相关。

结论:在UNITI-1、UNITI-2 静脉注射诱导缓解研究和IM-UNITI皮下注射维持缓解研究中均提示血清UST药物浓度与疗效呈正相关。在所有研究中均未观察到全身系统性应用UST与感染、严重感染和严重不良反应这些不良事件相关。



(上海瑞金医院消化内科 顾于蓓 孙培君)


Background: PK & exposure-response (ER) data of ustekinumab (UST) from UNITI-1,UNITI-2 IV induction studies; & IM-UNITI maintenance study in Crohn' disease (CD) were evaluated. 

Methods: PK, efficacy & safety data were obtained from three Phase 3, doubleblind, PBO-controlled trials in patients (pts) with moderate-severe CD. These included 2 induction studies which enrolled 741 tumor necrosis factor (TNF) antagonist-failure pts (UNITI-1), 628 TNF conventional therapy-refractory (including TNF antagonist-naïve) pts(UNITI-2), & the subsequent maintenance study (IM-UNITI) which enrolled pts who completed the induction studies. Participants in the induction studies received a single IV induction treatment with UST 130 mg, tiered doses by weight approximating 6 mg/kg UST (~ 6 mg/kg: 260 mg for pts £55 kg, 390 mg for pts >55 kg & £85 kg, & 520 mg for pts >85 kg), or PBO at week 0. UST responders from the IV induction studies comprised the primary study population (n=397) & were randomly assigned to receive SC UST 90 mg q12w, UST 90 mg q8w, or PBO. Blood samples were collected at various time points during these 3 studies for evaluation of serum UST concentrations & immunogenicity. Clinic efficacy outcomes were based on CDAI score. C-reactive protein (CRP) level was also evaluated as an efficacy measure. The relationships between serum UST concentrations & efficacy, as well as incidence of selected safety events including infections, serious infection & serious adverse events (SAE) were evaluated. 

Results: Serum UST concentrations over time were proportional to dose & were similar between UNITI-1 and UNITI-2 pts. Based on pooled data, median peak serum UST concentrations were 41.9 µg/mL & 126.1 µg/mL for the 130 mg & ~6 mg/kg dose groups, respectively. At the end of induction (week 8), median UST concentrations were 2.1 µg/mL & 6.4 µg/mL for these dose groups, respectively. Steadystate was reached by the start of the second SC maintenance dose. Median steady-state trough serum UST concentrations over time in the UST q8w group (1.97 to 2.24 µg/mL) were 3-fold higher than in the q12w group (0.61 to 0.76 µg/mL). The incidence of antibodies to UST through 1 year was 2.3% using a drug-tolerant assay. During induction & maintenance, serum UST concentrations were positively associated with the proportions of pts achieving remission (Figure 1), and inversely related to CRP levels. There was no relationship between serum UST concentrations & the incidence of infections, serious infections or SAEs following induction or maintenance treatment with UST. 

Conclusions: Serum USTconcentrations were dose-proportional & a positive E-R relationship for efficacy was observed  during UST IV induction & SC maintenance treatment of pts with CD. No associations were observed between systemic UST exposure & selected safety events across the nduction &maintenance studies.







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