
【住宅】Matrix Design 矩阵纵横 | 深圳前海时代C户型样板房

2016-04-22 Cici(长沙) 德国室内设计网

矩阵纵横 | 深圳前海时代C户型样板房



Home is the harbor of the soul. As people feel the charm ofsimplicity in tourism. When exhaustion of body and mind of attachment to thefamily all the more intense, people want is relaxed, free environment, payattention to the combination between the size of color piece, regional deserveto act the role of integrated into the design style of late. All kinds of woodand wooden decorative surface using let a space to return to nature, on thespace experience to do, color elegant collaborate-style painting wall cloth togive a person the feeling of simple but elegant and not so boring, a large areaof color piece and integrated use of highlighted wall decorative decoration. Onthe use of lamplight, warm natural illumination, mainly using the lighting, thelocal display part adopts point lighting, polishing to make the space haveadministrative levels feeling and rhythm on the whole.

矩阵纵横 | 深圳前海时代C户型样板房



主创设计 |王冠、于鹏杰、刘建辉

项目性质 | 样板房

设计面积 | 155

硬装造价 | 5000元/平方

软装造价 | 5000 元/平方

主要材料 | 手绘墙布、蓝金沙大理石、尼斯木饰面、橡木锁色木饰面、地毯、金色拉丝不锈钢

设计时间 | 2015年5月

完成时间 | 2015年10月

供稿 / 深圳市矩阵室内装饰设计有限公司

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