
【酒店】 CCD香港鄭中設計事務 | 杭州泛海钓鱼台酒店 • 中国府邸气质

Chenhui(厦门) 德国室内设计网 2022-10-29



Asone of the seven ancient capitals in China, Hangzhou has a long history andprofound background with picturesque scenery and numerous celebrities. It isknown as "paradise on earth" for the fascinating characteristics.


Thebrand "Diaoyutai", originated from the ancient Diaoyutai scenic spotoutside of Beijing Fuchengmen, which had a history of more than 800 years, isthe heritage of Diaoyutai State Guesthouse. Its sites have always been veryfocused on the accumulation of history and culture. As an esteemed world classhotel brand grounded in Chinese philosophy and aesthetics, Diaoyutai Hotel isdesigned to create the mansion experience with Chinese spirit and internationalstyle.


Atthe beginning of completion, Diaoyutai Hotel Hangzhou was mainly for the 2016G20 summit. After the summit, it is gradually known by more people for thetemperament of Chinese mansion. It has elegant taste, and it is familiar withboth China and the world with a broad mind, which is called as "DowntownAbbey" beside the Qiantang River. 


Whenguest entering the hotel, lobby is the first space, acting as "livingroom" of the mansion. Inspired by the Chinese traditional courtyard andgarden, CCD team used the concept of courtyard for reference in the plan layoutand implied the structural layout of Beijing Siheyuan and "four sideswater returning to the main hall of the houses" ofHui-style architecture. Thefront side of the house is the all-day dining restaurant; the right side is thereception desk; and the left side is the lobby lounge area. By the use of thetraditional courtyard layout, the progressive layers of space is designed,forming the multi-level layout of "three-entry and two-corridor" inthe vertical axis. Landscape techniques with oriental aesthetic features arereflected here, such as opposite scenery and enframed scenery. Walking throughthe layers of space, guests can appreciate the various atmosphere and subtledifferences of each space. Gradually toward the towering courtyard in thecenter, beautiful natural scenery outside is reflected on the French windows,creating a magnificent space and vigor. 


Thelobby with function of "living room" is designed as a three-entryhall, where the rest area for both nostalgic and ornamental purposes along twosides of the entrance is the first entry; through the corridor, the centralcaisson courtyard with an abstract Chinese style pavilion in the center is thesecond entry; the third entry is the lobby bar (The Lounge)and Pinjurestaurantoutside the window; the lobby bar acts as the hotel's exclusive back garden.Throughthe third entry, guests can enjoy the rocks and ancient pine, which form aunique elegance of landscape. 


Walkingfrom the banquet hall through the outdoor platform, multi-function hall standshere as a single building. The small hall is mainly used for meeting, as acontinuation of the banquet hall in design concept, where warm white leatherand blue carpet interpret the entire space; a little bit of light is vaguelyrevealed through the retro glass door; and a bar is set for guests to sitaround and enjoy the slow pace of leisure after meeting. Going upstairs alongthe spiral stairs, it is a recreation hall with good scenery from each window. Thegrass and wood as well as sunshine outside the window make it a delicate andcomfortable space, where the hustle and bustle of the city is far away.


Exploringchanges from the subtle details, the boardroom is no longer a rigorous gesturewith a unique ingenuity of the orange-red color, where Chinese calligraphy isvertically hanging on the wall, and black and white ink based picture of theWest Lake and red cedar is in the opposite wall. Together with curtains andcarpet, it is a very interesting interpretation of subtle difference beauty inthe space with different colors as dark red, crimson, crimson, orange red, anddifferent surface textures. 


Adheringto the concept of integration of Chinese and Western, banquet hall is designedby modern means, interpreting an ultimate flavor of the freehand space in arestrained way.


Themain materials used in the hard surface include stone of light blue tone andgray and blue wood. With a supplement of warm white leather, they aredistributed on the long path of banquet front hall, where the bluediamond-shaped carpet jumps into the eye, beginning to describe the space markby a unique temperament, which can either be cold or warm. Differing from thegeneral banquet hall with golden light and sumptuous decoration, it adds afresh and elegant temperament to form a new look. Warm beige leather is gentlyapplied in the inside wall of the hall, where metal ornaments are embedded. Thelamp wall up to 2200 height enriches the space language, and the ceilingchandeliers in the form of wave over the air are just like the sparklingripples of Qiantang River. The riverside panoramic glass pane is extracted fromthe cultural elements of ancient Hangzhou. It reminds people of the old memoryof alley and windowsill. Culture is filled in the space. 

客房设计,没有任何 “酒店感”的标准化设计。162间“定制”出来的客房完美演绎了江南之于当代居住空间的内涵与外延,灵动而温馨,为旅客提供了一处探寻中国神韵的理想天地。

Thereis no standard hotel feeling for the design of the guestroom. The 162guestrooms are customized and perfectly show Jiangnan’sconnotation andextension to contemporary living space, provide the guests with a dream placeto search for China’s charm.


Thelayout and space organization of guestrooms are based on the architecture ofJiangnangardens, where great attention is paid to the extension, infiltrationand separation of spaces. The guestrooms are of more than 60 square meters, and each roomhas an independent hallway, independent toilet and walk-in cloakroom. In thebedroom, sleeping area, working area and reception area are separated accordingto the functional relationship. Chinese and Western compatible furniture, blackpaint screen, silk cloth and rust mirror, etc., all together make a richspatial sense and create a flexible and vivid layout for the space. 


Furniturein the guestrooms is elegant in style;the plain color sofa is concise andcomfortable; the solid wood furniture is with great details; the porcelain,lacquer ware, floricultureand other decorationsare in exquisiteChinesetechnology. The fusion of Western-style mini-bar and Chinese-style largecabinet gives the guestroom an atmosphere of humanism. 


Housekeepingcabinet is set up in the independent hallway of each room, providing intimateand meticulous management service;Walk-incloakroom is equipped with three full-length mirrors on three sides,user-friendly wardrobe and dresser for dressing and making up.



Floorpaving of the toilet is inspired by the delicate way of brick pavement inJiangnan garden; wash table is in the form of independent Chinese furniturewith ingenuity; traditional and innovative design elements, such as handcraftedcopper pot, contemporary German faucet, applique rust mirror and crystal glasslampposts, collide with each other,integrated as a whole.

Copperwire as the close up of the ceiling, and simple treatment to the narrow andlong air outlet, achieves smooth and generous effect.


Mostexcellent designers advocate talking with images, because a good design can beunderstood by people without too much word explanation. CCD has always adheredto this philosophy, so the elements of traditional Chinese culture can be foundin the hotel, such as the moon gate, recessed-leg table with everted flanges,round-backed armchair, sedan chair, octagonal window, lantern, green plants,etc. In the meanwhile, Western-style modern furniture also plays an importantrole. What ethnic is what worldwide; it is a hotel of international style. 

CCD郑中设计 | 杭州泛海钓鱼台酒店



郑忠Joe Cheng


亚泰国际002811董事长香港郑中设计事务所CCDCheng Chung Design的创始人、设计总监。郑忠先生被誉为“资本圈第一时尚先生”,以“东意西境”的设计理念享誉国际酒店室内设计领域。郑忠先生带领的CCD,其项目作品迄今已获得27项顶级国际大奖。

2013年,他创立的香港郑中设计事务所在美国专业权威室内设计媒体《INTERIOR DESIGN》杂志公布的2012年度HOSPITALITY DESIGN GIANTS 100(全球酒店设计公司100大)排行榜中名列第三,成为唯一进入全球前十名的亚洲公司。此外,他带领CCD将室内设计界最高荣誉——“Gold Key Awards(金钥匙奖)”最佳酒店设计奖项收入囊中,成为首位囊括全系列酒店设计大奖的华人设计公司。


设  计 师 | 郑忠

设计公司 | CCD/ Cheng Chung Design(HK)香港郑中设计事务所

开业时间 | 2016.11

项目地点 | 杭州市五星路65号

项目面积 | 一期34,820 平方米;二期19,767平方米

主要材料 | 天然木材、石材、金属、皮革,玻璃,布艺

Designer | Joe Cheng

Designcompany | CCD/ Cheng Chung Design (HK)

Openingtime | 2016.11

Projectlocation | No.65, Wuxing Road, Jianggan District, Hangzhou

Projectarea | 34,820 for Phase I; 19,767 for Phase II

Mainmaterials | natural wood, stone, metal, leather, glass, cloth



供稿 /  CCD香港鄭中設計事務 

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