
ESTUDIO RAMOS | 宁静而致远,静谧而孤独

Chenhui【翻译】 德国室内设计网 2022-10-29


诗人阿塔瓦尔帕·尤潘基曾将阿根廷的 La Pampa  称为“神思者之境”, Pampa 在当地语中有“广袤平原”之意,这里的气候温和,土壤肥沃,是当之无愧的“农业理想国”。经过这片南美州的富饶之地,一望无垠的地平线映入眼帘,视野触摸至天地衔接的无尽远方,甚至让你产生宛若置身扁舟,放浪形骸于无边大海的错觉。我们的项目就在这片广袤的土地上开拓进行,我们将其空旷而素雅的田园气息融入到建筑体中。

Text description provided by the architects. This project is located in a distinctive region ofArgentina known as “La Pampa”. Pampa is an in digenous word meaning “plains” or“flatland”. Along with its mild climate and fertile soils, the area is ideal for agriculture. When traveling through this area, there is an over whelming feeling of a never-ending horizontality. The horizon, as in middle of the ocean,becomes a very strong element. The poet Atahualpa Yupanqui refers to the landscape of The Pampas as "serene and pensive”. This project, with its pronounced horizontalism and simplicity of elements, attempts to make a reference to all of these themes.

阿根廷马球明星纳乔·菲格拉斯敏锐地意识到建筑和设计是促进和发展商业的有利工具。2003年他与Estudio Ramos建筑事务所设计的这座位于大布宜诺斯艾利斯地区内的一个马术训练场。

He is also keenly aware of architecture and design as tools to enhance and grow business. Estudio Ramos helped him create the magnificent stables on the flatlands of La Pampaclose to General Rodríguez, a city in the Greater Buenos Aires area.


The stable consists of two long buildings with the total area of 3850 square meters (41,440 sq.ft).Its general design respects the stark and open natural surroundings and in its simplicity, becomes a magnificent example of great minimalist design.

模型图丨© Matías Lix Klett

模型图© Matías Lix Klett

 Pampa 在当地语中有 “广袤平原” 之意 

- AtahualpYupanqui

主要材料 -- 裸露的混凝土、硬木和金属。虽然它们非常适合艺术画廊或设计师的住所,但这些材料给训练场提供了一种粗犷、不羁的感觉,并避免转向过于矫揉造作的设计。

The main materials –exposed concrete, hardwood and metal – will all weather beautifully. And whilethey are perfectly suitable for an art gallery or designer residence, herethese materials give a rough, hard-working feel to the stables and help itavoid veering into over-designed and pretentious designer digs.


The wing facing thepolo fields functions as the social area where Figueras entertains potentialbuyers and where a room with displays of trophies, saddles and other ridinggear has the air of a casual but lavish living room.

这座训练场包括44个马厩 囊括比赛所需的所有功能性空间和设施。

The other wing hasstalls for 44 horses and includes all of the work facilities and the grooms’quarters.





手绘图丨© Estudio Ramos

手绘图丨© Estudio Ramos

手绘图丨© Estudio Ramos

手绘图丨© Estudio Ramos

分析图丨© Estudio Ramos

分析图© Estudio Ramos





在布宜诺斯艾利斯和纽约工作室的基础上,Estudio Ramos已经发展出一种独特的风格,这种风格依赖于对现代主义的清晰定义。

Based in Buenos Airesand New York, Estudio Ramos has developed a distinctive style that relies on awell defined vision of modernism.


Through 35 years of experience the firm has developed it’s work with a deep respect for architecture’s principles.  In their long trajectory of residential and commercial building they seek to understand and interpret each project's context, pursuing its ideal scale and sustainability.


Their goal is to encourage reflection through a simple, pure and honest architectural language.



建筑公司 | Estudio Ramos

Architects | EstudioRamos

项目地址 | 阿根廷、布宜诺斯艾利斯

Location | GeneralRodríguez, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina

主创设计 | Juan Ignacio Ramos, Ignacio Ramos

Architects in Charge | Juan Ignacio Ramos, Ignacio Ramos

项目面积 | 3600.0 m2

Area | 3600.0 m2

项目年份 | 2017

Project Year | 2017

摄影师 | Franco Molinari, Daniela Mc Adden, Cortesía de Matías Lix Klett

Photography | FrancoMolinari, Daniela Mc Adden, Cortesía de Matías Lix Klett

版权 / Estudio Ramos 建筑事务所

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