
S.U.N DESIGN | 森与海 Say Hi

资深编辑/Chenhui 德国室内设计网 2022-10-29


Under the mountains and between the lakes

We are not creating a traditional sales office. It is an "urban exhibition hall" integrating culture, bookstores, technology, creativity and different functions.


The design is based on the philosophy of "returning to nature, as it is". Each space is made of "natural simplicity" materials, integrating the building to penetrate light into the interior, reflecting the width of the "forest" and the depth of the "sea".


S.U.N Design newly created “SunacSayhi Sales Office” conforms to the nature and uses the image of “urban exhibition hall” to overturn the definition of traditional sales scenes. It Interpretersthe essence of accompanied by the lake and the mountains.


The sunken model area combined with the dynamic installation art of water droplets, integrates the water elements of the two lakes into the space. Light gray running through the entire space by using the most natural and simple methods creates a calm and artistic mood.


The negotiation area is made of beige wool, raw wood, dark stainless steel, and large glass. Natural light slowly falls into the space and is laid in an open area. It is an elegant outdoor scene that is introduced into the room. It makes the spaceinto a magnificent atmosphere while the material's gentleness and simplicity have achieved a delicate balance between rigidity and softness.


The introduction of Yanjiyou bookstore has deepened the strong local cultural heritage with the intentions of nature and book atmosphere. A large amount of wood has been consistent in the space to createthe ceilings, bookshelves, stairs and the floor, waiting for the unexpected meeting with visitors.


The space on the left to the sales center is a collection space that integrates a vinyl record area, a step book area, and children's entertainment facilities.


Based on thoughtful and humane considerations, a dining area for light meals has been added to the space, so that the sales space will open up a new pattern on the future-oriented sales mode.


The facade of the half-heart hall is spliced into half-heart shapes with colored transparent glass, and the light and shadow are refracted to the ground through the glass to form the other half. The change of color is between the virtual and the real, and is rational for restraint. It also adds a touch of warmness to the stone space and forming a rich and cold collision.


On the native wetlands covered by mountains and lakes, preserved by ancient civilizations, “SunacSayhi Sales Office “creates a unique artistic conception drawn by its natural environment with humanities, ecology, energy and symbiotic lifestyle which returning to the essence of natural habitation.

项目名称 | 融创杭州森与海之城展示中心
业主单位 | 融创东南区域集团
设计单位 | S.U.N DESIGN 孙文设计事务所
创意总监 | 孙洪涛 
室内设计 | 朱晓龙、牟锐
深化设计 | 郑雪玲、戴男
建筑设计 | GOA大象设计
设计面积 | 2500平方米
项目地址 | 杭州市
摄      影 | 汪敏杰






S.U.N DESIGN孙文设计事务所有着15年丰富的室内设计、 软装设计经验。这让团队所在星级酒店、顶级会所、高端地产样板房、地产售楼处及公建项目等设计领域有很高的造诣。S.U.N设计作品正如S.U.N三个字母组成一样Simple(简单的);Unique(独特的);Natural(自然的)一直坚持设计自然生长的理念, 不断将原创的、 简约的、 自然的设计理念融入每一个设计作品中。S.U.N DESIGN孙文设计事务所设计作品获得包括2019 INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY AWARD国际地产大奖、2019WAN世界建筑新闻奖、2019德国设计奖、2019/2018WORLD ARCHITECTURE FESTIVEL INSIDE世界建筑节、2018美国INTERIOR DESIGN AWARD室内设计奖、2018意大利A’DESIGN AWARD金奖等。
S.U.NDESIGN 近 期 案 例


供稿 / S.U.NDESIGN 孙文设计事务所

DINZ 品 牌 设 计 案 例
DINZ德国室内设计网 品牌设计

