
Arthur Casas | 刻画纯正的巴西印象

DINZ德网传媒 德国室内设计网 2022-10-29



the individual is the center of architecture. houses, buildings and environments not only shelter our bodies and our actions, but they also harbor our minds, our dreams, our memories and our desires. architecture and design give shape to the human experience of being in the world, strengthening our notion of being and directly influencing our lives.


the environments we design and build should not follow fads, trends, styles or seek only the dramatic and spectacular gesture. on the contrary, they must be living, welcoming, empathic, flexible, full of different possibilities of interaction that can, over time, transform the lives of the individuals who occupy them.

01. Kosushi Restaurant


são paulo is home to one of the largest communities of japanese immigrants and descendants in the world, and as a result, the country’s cuisine has been completely integrated into the life of the city. a restaurant with a 25-year history and an original design created by the studio 17 years ago, kosushi sought us out once again, this time looking to update and modernize its main unit. the idea was to give the restaurant a new facade, modify the rear outdoor space, reduce the number of tables, and allocate more space to the bar.


the first step was to recognize those architectural elements of the original design which remained engaging and had resisted the fads and trends of the period – and which should thus be maintained.


the facade of the restaurant, situated on a calm street with little traffic, was given a huge picture window, creating greater permeability between the space and the street. 


in the area previously set aside for the main dining room, a sweeping counter in rustic granite, with all the imperfections characteristic of the raw material, now runs for 9 meters throughout the waiting area. 


the rear garden now includes a seating space, clad in white concrete, with two waterfalls, hardwood benches, and other pieces of furniture that complete the ambience. the landscaping complements the decoration with hanging and suspended vases.


the tables with silestone tops and white-concrete legs, the ample spherical wicker pendants, and the metallic bookcase decorated with japanese ceramics were all specially designed as part of the renovation and have been placed in the seating area. the design features a neutral palette. the art, lighting, and the surfaces of the furniture bring flashes of color to the architecture.




02. AC NY Apartment

03. Brownstone House

Brownstone是19世纪一种流行的建筑材料。也是纽约的一种建筑风格。石头独特的红棕色来自岩石中溶解的氧化铁,常用于纽约联排别墅外墙。该项目对Brooklyn Brownstone街区的一处住宅进行翻新,同时,在尊重建筑历史特征的前提下,为这个六层住宅项目实现现代化的设计方案。

Brownstone is an architectural style present in new york. these buildings are known by being row and vertical houses with brownstone facades, placed in long and narrow grounds. the project consists on the refurbishment of one of these residences, and, at the same time, seeks to respect the historical character of this architecture and offers a practical, contemporary and technological solution for the sectorization of an extensive program distributed over its six floors.


These six levels ended up defining the rooms distribution, always well integrated to make the most out of the restricted entrance of natural lighting – guaranteed only through both facades. on the first floor, there is the kitchen, the office and a backyard with bbq area.


The kitchen, with its black counter and cabinets, differs from the traditional studio’s light shades. to complement the dark atmosphere, white panels and woodwork brought lightness to the environment.


The second floor is dedicated to social areas – such as the bar, dinner room and living room for the visits. as it was impossible to modify the historical frontal facade, this floor slab was retracted in the back facade in order to offer more space and a new and wide window, connecting first and second floor.


The decor has neutral shades contrasting to the dark facade. the oak flooring of the upper levels brings softness, while limestone in warm shades and fabrics and furniture in earthy tones make a subtle reference to the middle east natural colors. 


To guarantee an intimate space to the family a couple with 2 kids -, the bedrooms, gym, tv room, outdoor fireplace lounge were placed in the 3 upper floors.


the owner’s homeland. the clients asked for a closed carpentry, with clean lines and few decorative objects, valuing a minimalist aspect.  the interest in brazilian identity is noticed by a selection of several furniture – many of them designed by arthur casas – and works of art.


the project’s highlight is the indoor pool, placed in the underground floor. the natural lighting, guaranteed by a skylight, offers a dramaticity to this ambience, which also divides the space with a warehouse and technical areas. to complement the lighting, lighting coves and linear built-in lights enhances the geometric design of the wooden bench, a strategy replicated throughout the residence.

1F Plan
2F Plan
3F Plan
4F Plan
5F Plan
-1F Plan

 Arthur Casas Studio 


Arthur Casas

自1999年以来,由设计师,建筑师和城市专家组成的Arthur Casas Studio团队在圣保罗和纽约工作,并已在东京,巴黎,里约热内卢,纽约和圣保罗等全球多个城市遍布作品,这些作品在国际上得到认可,并出版了多期刊物。

Since 1999, the team of designers, architects and urbanists works from são paulo and ny, and has built in several cities worldwide such as tokyo, paris, rio de janeiro, ny and são paulo, creating a vocabulary that is recognized and published internationally.


our creative process assumes that in architecture the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts. it is the quality of the whole that permeates, controls and affects every detail of our design. therefore, our attention is directed to all scales, from architecture to furniture, from the smallest of the objects to the choice of all the materials used. the perception of the environments happens totally, not only with our eyes, but with all our senses, our bodies and our emotions.

DINZ 近 期 热 文

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