本案设计前期设计难点在于如何让空间“充满音符”,我们想把空间打造成一个城市交响音乐厅,从进入空间的听觉,到看见空间的视觉,运用建筑立面与室内结合,使宾客在场景变幻间有不同旋律感受,提供多重的行走体验。The difficulty in the early design of this case is how to make the space "full of notes". We want to make the space a symphony hall in the city. From the hearing of entering the space to the vision of seeing the space.
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The overall color uses Beige as the keynote, while the collision of green and champagne gold highlights the delicacy of the space, and the style is fashionable and elegant.
The designer focuses on the design for the hearing and visual senses. The music score is used as the element of the sand table lamp. The streamline is natural and the volume is light.
Life with art infiltration is a good life. Life needs the beauty of art to undertake the past and the future. With music score as the element.
The space of the negotiation area is to let the guests slow down, listen to their hearts quietly and get the release of their hearts. With the melodious music in the space, you can communicate easily.
The wall uses dark green throughout the space to show the natural and simple style; the ground uses a large area of gray terrazzo to show the sense of hierarchy of visual effect; on the soft decoration.
旋转楼梯间的艺术装置,形似音符蜷缩在一起时的意想状态,该艺术品的设计灵感来源于音符元素的“表现形式和飞舞的形态” 。拾级而上,漂浮在空中的艺术装饰宛如一根充满旋律的丝带,将城市乐章巧妙谱写与空间中。
The artistic installation in the revolving staircase is like the imaginary state when the notes are curled together. The design inspiration of the art comes from the "expression form and flying form" of the note elements.
空间目光所及之处尽显典雅洁静,柔软的布艺面料,质感的木作材质,晶莹闪亮的水晶装饰,勾勒出空间的品质和层次。城市乐章在空间中飘扬,延续,传承。The soft fabric, wood texture and crystal decoration outline the quality and level of the space. The city movement floats, continues and inherits in the space.
业主信息 | 新城控股合肥区域皖北公司
地理位置 | 中国·阜阳
完成时间 | 2020年
设计面积 | 1544㎡
室内设计 | 牧笛设计
室内陈设 | 牧笛设计
项目摄影 | 三像摄
创始人&设计总监 / 毛明镜
由毛明镜先生创立的MAUDEA 牧笛设计成立于2011年,坐落于中国上海。致力于为国内不同行业的一流企业提供国际化的建筑、景观、室内、以及产品设计服务。公司项目遍布全国,并获得诸多国内外权威设计奖项,是一家具备多元化设计经验的合伙人制设计师事务所。
DINZ 品 牌 设 计 案 例GND设计集团 / 视觉美学先行者G&K桂睿诗 / 不失经典的优雅
DOMANI 东仓建设 / 艺术近在咫尺
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