
首发 | 其然设计 · 自然与曲线的邂逅,延伸情感交互

DINZ德网传媒 德国室内设计网 2022-10-29







| 建筑效果图 © 九米建筑



| 负一层生活馆



QIRAN DESIGN GROUP was entrusted to conceive the interior, but the team had been involved in the project design since the architectural design stage. The building design took cues from the image of GM Building and Apple Store at the 5th Avenue, New York, and referred to Steve Jobs's concept of combining art and technology.

| 第五大道苹果旗舰店 ©Aaron Hargreaves / Foster+Partners


In the interior space, curves link up different areas, visually extend the space and generate a sense of rhythm. The appropriate layout and scale provide the basis for the implicit and explicit expression of spatial landscape. 



The ceiling of the property model area appears like a shining ball when viewing it at a distance, which extends upwards to outdoor landscape while highlighting the scene beneath. The skylight brings in air and sunshine, while enabling visitors to feel the difference and interpenetration between interior and outside.

The negotiation area features an open-air sunken courtyard, which introduces natural landscape into the interior and creates a refreshing atmosphere. Through optimizing the network of columns in the original space, the design team created a 37-meter-wide column-free space, and then set negotiation scenes in it, which offers impressive and immersive experiences. 


Set negotiation scenes in it, which offers impressive and immersive experiences.  


Various functional divisions such as bar, kids' play area and VIP rooms are set around the negotiation area. Curved corners make those functional zones not too open and at the same time keep a distance from the negotiation area. 


| 水吧区 Bar area

| 儿童活动区Kids' play area

| VIP洽谈区


The design creates transparent view to landscape in a playful manner. The precise proportions of structures balance visual focuses, and help reveal the entire scene gradually, hence enabling the close integration between people and the space. 



The overall spatial design shakes off complicated adornments, and adopts simplistic design languages to fuse warm material textures and soft light. Light and shadows freely moves throughout the space. The Life Pavilion will provide future dwellers of the community with a destination to socialize and relax. With a comfortable and warm home-like atmosphere, it will naturally strength spiritual connection between space and people.



项目名称 | 绿城佛山杨柳郡生活馆
Project name | Greentown · Young City Experience Pavilion
业主团队 | 绿城中国华南区域公司
Client | Greentown (Southern China Branch)
项目地址 | 中国 佛山
Location | Foshan, China
项目面积 | 2000 ㎡
Area | 2,000㎡
室内设计 | 其然设计
Interior design | QIRAN DESIGN GROUP
建筑设计 | 九米建筑
Architectural design | 9M Architectural Design Co., Ltd.
景观设计 | 迈丘设计
Landscape design | Metrostudio
软装设计 | LSDCASA 葛亚曦
Decoration design | LSDCASA
项目主创 | 陆炜
Chief interior designer | Lu Wei
室内团队 | 陆炜 孙丹燕 杨丽伟 陈海波 石雍容
Interior design team | Lu Wei, Sun Danyan, Yang Liwei, Chen Haibo, Shi Yongrong
灯光设计 | 刘奇
Lighting design | Liu Qi
完工时间 | 2020.10
Completion time | Oct. 2020
空间摄影 | 瀚默视觉

陆炜 Lu Wei / 张华 Zhang Hua

其然设计(QIRAN DESIGN GROUP)成立于2014年仲夏,由诸多理想主义者、设计师、艺术家组成,是一家以室内设计、家居软装设计及落地为核心业务的独立设计事务所。我们由室内硬装设计组、室内软装设计组、工程采供及配套服务组三个独立部门组成,同时整合建筑、景观、智能化等产业链资源,对于作品具有严苛且完整的把控度,因此与多家合作伙伴保持着良好合作关系。

Established in 2014, QIRAN DESIGN GROUP is a team of idealists, designers and artists, dedicated to delivering interior design and home furnishing solutions. It's composed of three departments, which are respectively responsible for interior finishing design, interior decoration design, and construction-related procurement and supporting services. The practice pays attention to integrating industrial chain resources such as smart technologies and architectural, landscape resources, and emphasizes strict,  holistic control of projects. So far, it has established and maintained a good cooperative relationship with multiple partners.


QIRAN DESIGN GROUP embraces an open-minded attitude, adopts a design approach that respects the environment and local cultural context, and strives to work out "invisible design". The team hopes that spaces they created can provide exquisite, intimate, perceptible yet invisible experiences, so that people enjoy living and working in those spaces.

其 然 设 计 推 荐 案 例



杭州绿城 『春月』

DINZ 品 牌 设 计 案 例

DIA丹健国际 / 作品即实力

GND设计集团 / 视觉美学先行者

G&K桂睿诗 / 不失经典的优雅

   DOMANI 东仓建设 / 艺术近在咫尺

   GRANDRAW观筑 / 品牌形象新定位

DINZ德国室内设计网 / 全新的数字体验

