
首发 | 郭恒博 · 故事的千万种可能

DINZ德网传媒 德国室内设计网 2022-10-29


There are thousands of changes in human natureand thousands of possibilitiesin the direction of the story

剧本杀近年来备受年轻人追捧,它是一种以推理为核心,加以还原、演绎的游戏模式,为年轻人提供了一种全新的娱乐体验和社交氛围。作为新兴文创行业,剧本杀同时具备社交与解压属性,带动着全新的商业模式。VER LARP采用混合经营的方式,以满足消费者不同的线下社交娱乐需求。

Screenplay has been popular among young people in recent years. It is a game mode that takes reasoning as the core and restores and deduces it, which provides a new entertainment experience and social atmosphere for young people. As an emerging cultural and creative industry, screenplay has both social and pressure relief properties, driving a brand new business model. VER LARP adopts the mode of mixed operation to meet the different offline social entertainment needs of consumers.

| 平面图



Starting Point

VER LARP位于城市商业中心,是一间临街转角店铺,设计摒弃了传统临街铺面平整的形象,而思考如何构建室内外空间的相互延伸与互动关系,以实现空间多元化、个性化的需求,则是设计的起点。Located in the commercial center of the city, VER LARP is a corner shop facing the street. The design abandons the traditional image of flat pavement facing the street. The starting point of the design is to think about how to build the mutual extension and interaction between indoor and outdoor space, so as to realize the diversified and personalized needs of space.

| 街景外立面


Designer with permeability and interactive interface and the surrounding shops to form strong visual contrast, maximum use building corner of the space characteristics,cleverly put down on the ground floor of outdoor rest area with open to pick onthe second floor, with the technique of "early retirement" create adelicate, interesting, the multidimensional space interaction relations, breakthe traditional business model of spatial form of single, Create the maximum communication possibility for the consumer group, thus further strengthening the diversity and individuality of the space.

| 空间演变图



Scale Of Space


The interior space and resource conditions are very limited. In order to meet the function and achieve reasonable movement, the designer boldly breaks the traditional floor division. Strictly controlling and deducing the spatial scale, using the height of the platform, the original two-storey space into the ultimate five-storey space. The first floor is a bar that also sells desserts, the second floor is a communication space, and the drama rooms are arranged on the third, fourth and fifth floors of the building.


The bar and window seating area are prefabricated from fibre-reinforced concrete, creating an intimate and casual atmosphere that allows customers to connect in different ways in an environment that ensures personal boundaries.



Presentation Of Materials

VER LARP以内敛的色彩和材料来呈现。折线形“黑色体块”包覆哑光黑色钢板,二楼露台则由白色磨砂亚克力围合。低矮的混凝土长凳从室内延伸到室外,既可以作为多功能座椅也可以作为台阶使用。店铺临街面为大面积超白玻璃,室内沉浸在光照中,随着季节的交替可以产生变化的光影。

VER LARP is presented with restrained colors and materials. The folded "black volume" is clad in matte black steel, while the second floor terrace is enclosed by white frosted acrylic. The low concrete benches extend from the interior to the exterior and can be used as both multipurpose seating and steps. The storefront is a large area of ultra-white glass, and the interior is immersed in light, which can produce changing light and shadow with the alternation of seasons.

设计试图赋予空间雕塑感,以“折线形体块”贯穿空间,充满张力和层次,引导着人们的行走路线。The design attempts to give the space a sculptural feel, with "broken line blocks" running through the space, full of tension and layers, guiding people's walking routes.


When the body is in different positions in the space, the relationship between the body and the block also forms a series of intimate or alienated experience, which increases the interest of the space.



Change Of Atmosphere

设计将光作为塑造空间的媒介与手段,使整个空间的氛围营造在光的变化中切换。VER LARP同时并存日夜两个经营时段,在白天时段,设计师尽可能的利用自然光线作为空间的光源,营造柔和轻松的氛围;在夜晚时段,则通过设计过的人工照明,为空间带来更多的娱乐性。

The design takes light as the medium and means to shape the space, making the atmosphere of thewhole space switch in the change of light. VER LARP coexists day and night. Inthe daytime, the designer tries his best to use natural light as the light source to create a soft and relaxed atmosphere. In the evening, artificial lighting is designed to bring more entertainment to the space.

空间中所有灯带都为RGB数控调光灯源,整体空间氛围可以根据各种需求而相应切换,与临街铺面形成强烈的冲突与对比。All the light strips in the space are RGB CNC dimming light sources, and the overall space atmosphere can be switched according to various requirements, forming a strong conflict and contrast with the street pavement.

光束渲染了空间,VER LARP定期会根据剧本热度切换主题色,带给消费人群沉浸式的氛围体验。

The light beam renders the space, and VER LARP regularly switches the theme color according to the heat of the script, bringing consumers an immersive atmosphere experience.


The design aims to create a visual memory, to create a different spatial experience by using the fainting and overlapping spatial relations of light and shadow, to ensure a bold and identifiable character in the final visual output.

项目名称 | VER LARP项目地址 | 中国,无锡设计时间 | 2020.10完成时间 | 2021.5主创设计 | 郭恒博/陈凌燕项目面积 | 177㎡项目摄影 | 陈铭



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