
DINZ德网 | 橙田建築室研所 · 伊甸绿洲

DINZ德网传媒 德国室内设计网 2022-10-29



深受意大利建筑大师伦佐•皮亚诺(Renzo Piano)影响的罗耕甫,对于建筑艺术、技术以及建筑周围环境的结合都极为注重,在对传统的继承和改造的基础上,大胆创新、勇于突破。 

期案例 ©Chain 10

这座名为伊甸绿洲的住宅位于台南市的大道旁,与主干道相连,却被奢华的大自然包围着。“房子由一个 U 形玻璃外壳固定,让大自然成为邻居,并提供生活在森林中的错觉。”橙田建筑创始人兼董事总经理罗耕甫说:我们没有在房产中设置围栏,通过在内外部结合自然景观来创造多重隐私性极强的空间。”

Situated just off the thoroughfare in Tainan City, this home — named Eden Oasis — is well connected to arterial roads yet cocooned in luxurious nature. ‘The home is held in by a U-shaped glass enclosure, making nature a neighbour and offering the illusion of living in a forest as opposed to just off an urban highway,’ says Keng-Fu Lo, founder and managing director of Chain10 Architecture & Interior Design Institute, who was enlisted by the homeowner, a young professional, to give the villa a sanctuary-style makeover. ‘We didn’t fence in the property so it was important to create multiple veils of privacy by incorporating natural landscaping along the interior and exterior.’


In an attempt to blur the line between nature and the built form, Lo espoused a minimalist design language. The facade, for example, was pared down to a black and white palette, while traditional windows were eschewed in favour of floor-to-ceiling tempered glass. ‘Metal slats over the front walkway also leave room for trees to grow in and add even more privacy in the years to come,’ he says. The series of nature-focused interventions is underpinned by an effort to amplify natural light. ‘We oriented the home in a way that ensures a steady progression of sunlight from day to night, minimising the need for artificial lighting.’ 

为了与柔和的外部保持一致,内部空间亦呈现“少即是多”。柔和的色彩和简单的装饰连通室内外空间。对于地板,罗耕甫分别在公共空间和私人空间做了一定的区别,公区选择再生石材,后者选择木地板。In keeping with the subdued exterior, the interior spaces deliver a fitting lesson in ‘less is more’. Muted colours and simple decor lend an airy spirit that nods to the outdoors. For the floors, Lo drew a visual distinction between the communal and private spaces by choosing recycled stone for the former and wooden panels for the latter.


As is common in Taiwanese culture, the home has two kitchens: an open-plan preparation and storage space with a cantilevered breakfast bar, and behind it, a traditional Eastern cooking chamber that doubles as a butler’s pantry. The dining room is enveloped by full-height windows and French doors, which, when opened, channel a charming al fresco dining vibe. ‘The natural world holds so many benefits, and with such interventions, we were able to invite the elements into the house,’ says Lo.

同样,起居区和用餐区使用中性色调,而温暖的质地则赋予卧室舒适、朴实的魅力。裸露的承重墙增添了质朴的感觉。Similarly, the living and dining areas sport a neutral shell, whereas a textural warmth gives the bedrooms a cosy, earthy appeal. On both levels, a floating column that was part of the original structure is left bare to add a rustic touch to the straight-lined setting.



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