
上海0826 -“5+1设计畅想”欧州五国联合创作营作品展

最设计 2020-02-27


WEN, The Exhibition of “5+1 Fancy Thinking” Creation Camp 2017











——The Exhibition of “5+1 Fancy Thinking” Creation Camp 2017 is opening soon

 (Cohosted by 5 European Countries and CAA Shanghai Institute of Design)





August26, 2017- August 30, 2017


Exhibition hall,Shanghai Institute of Design, China Academy of Art

"WEN",a Chinese character, means pattern, texture and has the same pronunciation with culture and language in Chinese. It can be seen as the cultural heritages handed down by human ancestors from ancient times, the imprints of nature inthe past, and the obvious evidence of human advances in thinking."WEN", cross-crossing in the world, connects space and time. It isnot determined by nation, race, region or timeline. The world we are living in has been connected and changed through it. Sometimes it is visible, while sometimes is invisible, reminding us of its existence naturally orsurprisingly. Based on the connotation of "WEN", covering a varietyof fields in design, we will start an exploration on elements usable for modern design from the origins of tradition. During the fancy journey, we may travel back to the old days searching those transcendent and advanced thoughts and the sixth element" existing through out the universe from the past to present,in both eastern and western world.

This exhibition is the result of the project "5+1 Fancy Thinking" Creation Camp. There are 10 students from CAA Shanghai institute of Design working together with 10 students from European universities, which including Southampton Solent University, University of Fine Arts of Hamburg(HFBK-Hamburg), The Hague University of Applied Science, CIT Crawford Collegeof Art & Design and E-artsup Lille.

Three-stage teaching structure is set up in the creative camp. The first stage is the understanding and perception of Chinese traditional culture.Many experts and professors were invited to share their interestsin various areas, which involved Chinese calligraphy and seal cutting, Chinese traditional tie dye, Chinese traditional handcraft product design. The second stageisto investigate the local culture of China. The third stage is that the Chinese and foreign team created together on "WEN". Combining their professional characteristics, using a variety of formsand techniques, the students of creation camp expressed their thinking about issues of East and West, traditional and modern, folklore and art, time and space,life and death.



最设计ID: iad518



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