
CFP: Special Issue on Network Analysis (Spring 2021)

DH数字人文 DH数字人文 2022-07-17


Special Issue on Network Analysis (Spring 2021)

The Journal of Digital Humanities is a quarterly, bilingual journal jointly sponsored by Tsinghua University (Beijing) and Zhonghua Book Company (中華書局). The goal of the journal to provide a publishing venue for theoretical discussion and original research in the burgeoning and highly interdisciplinary field of digital humanities.

Network research is a flourishing area in digital humanities. In recent years, the digitization of source materials, the proliferation of databases, as well as the development of digital tools, have greatly facilitated network research in Chinese studies across a wide range of disciplines that include literature, history, philosophy, religious studies, art, archaeology, anthropology, and other disciplines. With this special issue on network analysis, the Journal of Digital Humanities aims to provide a venue for sharing cutting-edge research on networks in Chinese humanities and social sciences, encourage further explorations in this area, and promote interdisciplinary dialogue about technology and methodology pertaining to network research in different subject areas.

This special issue publishes contributions in both Chinese and English. We welcome contributions from scholars in all humanities and social sciences disciplines who employ network analysis in teaching and research. We also welcome contributions from developers of databases and tools that facilitate the teaching and research of networks in these disciplines. Types of contributions accepted for review include original research articles, pedagogical discussions, state-of-the-field essays, comprehensive review essays, short book reviews, discussions of databases and tools, and reports and newsletters on recent publications, conferences, and projects in China and abroad.

Specifically, we welcome contributions in the following four areas:

1. We welcome outstanding and original research articles that study networks in Chinese history, literature, philosophy, art, and other disciplines. These networks may be real or fictive. They may be between persons or non-person entities. Examples include—but are certainly not limited to—social networks between historical actors, co-occurrence networks of historical objects and concepts, and character interaction networks in literary works. The target length for a research article, including notes and bibliography, is 6,000–12,000 words for contributions in English (or 10,000–20,000 characters for contributions in Chinese).

2. We welcome different genres of critical reviews on network analysis in Chinese humanities and social science research, such as essays on the state of the field in China and abroad, comprehensive review essays, pedagogical discussions, and theoretical and methodological discussions on the use of network analysis in Chinese history, literature, philosophy, art, and other disciplines. The target length of a critical review is 2,000–5,000 English words (or 3,000–8,000 Chinese characters).

3. We welcome contributions that focus on databasestools, and data visualization projects pertaining to network analysis in Chinese humanities and social science research. Contributors are welcome to discuss, for example, recent developments in natural language processing that facilitate the mining of network data from text corpora and to introduce and evaluate databases, tools, and visualization platforms that support the teaching and research of networks in the humanities and other disciplines. The target length of these contributions is 2,000–5,000 words (or 3,000–8,000 Chinese characters).

4. We also accept reports on work in progress and newsletters on recent publications, conferences, symposiums, workshops, and curricular development in undergraduate and graduate programs. These contributions should not exceed 900 words (or 1,500 Chinese characters).

Authors should submit a detailed abstract before September 1, 2020, for preliminary editorial review. Abstracts for research articles should be 500–1,000 words (or 800–1,500 Chinese characters), and abstracts for other types of contributions should not exceed 500 words (or 800 Chinese characters). Abstracts for research articles should include discussion on:

Background – an overview of the topic and the      research questions that will be addressed by your article,

Methods and data – an overview of the data used      and the methods employed in your research, and

Findings – a description of the results of your      research.

Abstracts are accepted in either English or Chinese. Please send your abstract as a Word or PDF document to the journal’s editorial board (dh2020@tsinghua.edu.cn) or the two editors of the special issue: CHEN Song陳松 (song.chen@bucknell.edu) and ZHAO Wei 趙薇(xiye1002@163.com).

Authors may choose to include, as part of the Word or PDF file, one or two graphs (or tables) that illustrate the key findings or main argument of your contribution. While these graphs and/or tables are not required, we strongly encourage contributors of original research articles to include them in the abstract.

The abstract should also indicate the type of your contribution. Abstracts for the research articles should indicate the anticipated length of the article.

Please include your name, affiliation, email, and mailing address in the abstract. Indicate the grants, if any, which have supported your work.


Abstract deadline: September 1, 2020

Full paper deadline: December 15, 2020

End of the review process: February 15, 2021

Revised version deadline: March 31, 2021

Publication: Spring 2021

PROFREAD  |  Shuang Xiao

COMPOSE  |  Qian Li



