

以下文章来源于墨子沙龙 ,作者墨子沙龙


在新一轮科技革命和产业变革孕育兴起,特别是第二轮量子革命正向我们走来的时代背景下,2019年9月15日至20日,新兴量子技术国际会议在合肥成功举行。名诺贝尔物理学奖、沃尔夫物理学奖、狄拉克奖、香农奖、墨子量子奖获奖者,包括发明大数分解算法和量子纠错编码的Peter Shor教授,提出可扩展量子计算、量子模拟和量子中继物理实现方法的Ignacio Cirac教授和Peter Zoller教授,在囚禁离子物理体系量子计算实验领域做出先驱性卓越贡献的David Wineland教授和Rainer Blatt教授,提出量子密码协议、量子隐形传态、纠缠交换以及纠缠纯化理论方案的Charles Bennett教授、Gilles Brassard教授和Artur Ekert教授,完成多光子纠缠和干涉以及自由空间量子传输多项开创性实验、使现实安全的广域量子通信成为可能的潘建伟教授和Anton Zeilinger教授等分别做了大会报告。与会专家一致认为,量子力学的诞生对20世纪人类的生产力产生了决定性的影响,以量子通信、量子计算、量子精密测量为代表的新兴量子信息技术正在全世界范围蓬勃发展,将对21世纪产生深远的影响。科学技术是世界性的、时代性的,各国科学家倡议发展量子科学技术要具有全球视野,加强基础科研领域的国际合作,聚四海之气、借八方之力。为了促进量子信息技术领域的健康发展,会议组委会在广泛咨询国际顾问委员会和程序委员会的基础上,对量子通信、量子计算等领域的发展目标、路径以及趋势等进行了讨论并达成了共识,形成了量子信息和量子技术白皮书(合肥宣言),在此分享给社会公众,以更好地了解量子信息技术的基本原理、发展现状、国际共识和发展前景等相关内容。



上世纪初量子力学的建立是人类历史上最重大的科学革命之一,催生了半导体、激光、核能、超导、核磁共振、和全球卫星定位系统等重大技术的发明,推动人类在信息、能源、材料和生命等科学领域获得了空前的发展,已经从根本上改变了人类的生活方式和社会面貌,促进了物质文明的巨大进步。自上世纪九十年代以来,量子调控技术的巨大进步使得人类可以对微观粒子的量子状态进行主动的精确操纵,从而诞生了以量子信息技术为代表的这一新兴的领域。量子信息技术,包括量子通信、量子计算、量子精密测量等,可以在确保信息安全、提高运算速度、提升测量精度等方面突破经典技术的瓶颈。鉴于此,2019年9月15日至20日,新兴量子技术国际会议the International Conference on Emerging Quantum Technology (ICEQT2019)在合肥召开,来自中国、美国、英国、法国、俄罗斯、德国、奥地利、瑞士、澳大利亚、加拿大等国的著名研究机构和大学的包括多名诺贝尔物理学奖获得者、沃尔夫物理学奖获得者在内的约500余位专家参会。与会学者讨论了量子信息技术的发展与未来,并达成一系列共识,现总结如下。
























English version


The establishment of quantum mechanics at the beginning of the last century is one of the most important intellectual revolutions in human history. It gave birth to major modern technologies such as semiconductors, lasers, and global positioning systems, which promoted an unprecedented development of human society. It has fundamentally changed our lives, the whole society, and promoted the tremendous progress of material civilization. In past decades, profound progress, made both in our understanding of exploiting quantum superposition and entanglement for new ways of information processing and in the experimental methods of coherent control and interaction of individual quantum particles, has given birth to an emerging field of quantum technologies, including but not limited to quantum communication, quantum computing, and quantum metrology. The emerging quantum technology has been driving and enabling a new generation of classically impossible tasks ranging from unconditionally secure quantum communications, breathtakingly powerful quantum simulation and quantum computation, to extremely sensitive measurements. In view of this trend, from 15th to 20th September, 2019, the International Conference on Emerging Quantum Technology (ICEQT2019) was held in Hefei, China. More than 500 experts of research institutes and universities from Austria, Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Russia, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States, etc., participated the conference. The development and the future of quantum information technology were intensively discussed, and the views are summarized in the following.

Quantum communication

Quantum communication, an important branch of quantum information science, is the art of controlling quantum states for transferring information from one place to another. Typical tasks in quantum communication include quantum key distribution (QKD) and quantum teleportation. QKD provides an in principle unconditional security in communication, and is likely the first quantum information technology emerging from laboratories and entering real-life applications. Quantum teleportation can transfer arbitrary an unknown quantum state from one location to another, and plays an important role in quantum repeaters that are required in long-distance QKD.

After three decades of joint efforts from the global academic community, combining measurement-device-independent QKD and self-calibrated home-made sources, practical QKD systems can provide sufficient security under realistic conditions.

QKD is not intended to completely replace the classical communication infrastructures, but rather to complement existing classical cryptographic schemes. At the same time, scalable applications of quantum communication need hybrids with classical communication technologies. To build a global-scale secure QKD network, which is the ultimate goal of the field, a feasible route is to use optical fibers to connect metropolitan QKD networks, using trusted relays (currently) and/or quantum repeaters (future) to link intercity networks, and using satellites to establish long-haul QKD networks.

Practical long-distance QKD implemented by trusted relays is a viable solution adopted worldwide based on the current technology. A satellite can also be used as a relay in free-space QKD, which has been demonstrated and will be promoted further. Encouraged by China's large-scale quantum-based secure communications, especially the Beijing-Shanghai backbone network and the Micius satellite, similar efforts are being undertaken by many other countries which have started long-distance QKD projects and proposed quantum satellite initiatives. In the foreseeable future, a space-ground wide-area quantum communication network that integrates through satellite and terrestrial fiber networks is feasible.

The large-scale and commercial applications of QKD require the field to establish standards based on safety assessments under realistic conditions. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) held its first international conference on quantum information technology in Shanghai in 2019 with emphasize on standardization of quantum communication. China's proposal to develop an international standard for quantum cryptography has been approved by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), along with others, are also promoting QKD-related standardization.

Quantum computation

Quantum computing is a new computing paradigm that harnesses properties of quantum mechanics such as quantum superposition and interference for enhanced methods of computation. This can provide exponential speedups over classical computers for some problems, providing solutions for several hard large-scale problems. Both the universal quantum computer and a special-purpose quantum simulator are generally referred to as a quantum computer.

Universal quantum computers must meet five basic DiVincenzo criteria: (1) well-defined qubits, (2) long coherence time, (3) qubits can be initialized, (4) universal quantum gates can be implemented, and (5) qubits can be read out. The precision of the quantum gates is required to surpass certain thresholds for scalable fault-tolerant quantum computing with quantum error correction. In addition to the gate-based model, universal quantum computing also has other equivalent approaches: adiabatic quantum computation and topological quantum computation.

Universal quantum computing still faces stringent technical requirements, such as reaching the fault tolerance threshold and the required large number of qubits. Special-purpose quantum simulators use well-controlled quantum systems, and is expected to be easier to realize than universal quantum computers. Quantum simulators can be useful in various fields such as condensed-matter physics, materials science, and quantum chemistry, to efficiently solve the relevant many-body problems that otherwise cannot be simulated by classical computers.

Given that building a universal quantum computer still requires long-term efforts, the scientists in ICEQT agreed that in order to maintain a healthy and smooth development of the field, a feasible step-by-step roadmap could be as follows. The first stage is to demonstrate "quantum advantage", that is, showing that quantum processors can surpass the performance of classical supercomputers on certain problems. This goal is expected to soon be achieved. The second step is to realize quantum simulators with non-trivial applications such as optimization, quantum chemistry, machine learning. The final and most challenging stage is building programmable universal quantum computers, which could have high impact in cracking classical encryption systems, big-data-set searches, and artificial intelligence.

Research groups from all over the world are attempting various physical systems for quantum computing, such as ion traps, superconducting circuits, ultracold atoms, polar molecules, photons, color centers, and quantum dots.

Quantum metrology

With the rapid development of quantum control and quantum information technology, the metrology standards will enter the "quantum era", as marked by the 26th General Conference of Weights and Measures in 2018 (CGPM2018) on the new definition of the International System of Units by means of quantum.

By harnessing quantum effects, quantum sensing and metrology can offer higher sensitivity, accuracy and speed of use than current technologies, particularly for timing, gravity, magnetic and imaging fields. For instance, optical atomic clocks leverage advances in ultra-stable lasers and optical lattices to achieve a high-precision time standard; time-frequency transfer explores ultra-stable frequency combs to distribute accurate time and stable frequency between remote locations; atomic interferometers use quantum superpositions of atomic states to measure gravitational acceleration and rotation with extremely high precision; quantum imaging and remote sensing use high-sensitivity detection, entangled or squeezed light to provide higher resolution and sensitivity for imaging and sensing; solid-state artificial quantum sensors can perform precise measurements in quantum standards. Quantum sensing and metrology will play important roles in the next-generation time standards, precision navigation, tests of fundamental constants, particle detection, magnetic resonance imaging, long-range target recognition, satellite-based global topography, sensing of gravitational waves or dark matter and so forth.

The demands for precise quantum sensing and metrology are expanding with the developments of the “Internet of Things,” and there is a great opportunity for quantum sensors to provide enhanced capabilities over classical technologies. The scholars reached the consensus that the research community should keep developing various techniques for superior quantum sensing and metrology, including ultrastable lasers and frequency combs, ultracold atoms, entangled/single photons, nitrogen vacancy centers, superconducting devices and so forth.

International collaborations

The flourishing field of quantum information originated from curiosity-driven and fundamental research in quantum mechanics, which has been continuously driving and expanding the field further. Meanwhile, increasingly advanced technologies developed in quantum information, in return, have provided new tools in probing new physical frontiers in quantum mechanics. It is clear that in every stage of emerging quantum technology, the importance of fundamental research can never be over emphasized. The second quantum revolution will likely provide another huge leap in human civilization. These emerging technologies will bring benefits to the whole human society; the scientists at the ICEQT agreed that it is necessary to establish global collaborations to jointly promote the development of this field in the future. To this end, the collaboration and communication between scientists of different countries should be promoted, especially in the field of basic research and common technologies.









