

2017-01-20 邵明 翻译 全球人工智能



参与:邵明  王健






   谷歌大脑研究小组的首席科学家Jeff  Dean上周表示,软件学会制作软件(称为自动机器学习)是人工智能领域最有前景的研究任务之一,他带领的团队正在积极探索这一领域的发展。

      Jeff  Dean在加利福尼亚州AI Frontiers会议上说,机器学习的专家、数据和计算能力以前是机器学习三个必不可少的要素,现在“自动机器学习”或许能改变这一切。



      自动机器学习的想法已经有一段时间了,最早产生于20世纪90年代,但是先前的实验结果都不能达到人构建的机器学习系统的水平。加拿大蒙特利尔大学Yoshua Bengio教授称这真是一项令人兴奋的结果。

      Yoshua Bengio说,深度学习的出现激发了人们对机器学习研究的兴趣,但是这需要强大的计算能力,深度学习对计算能力的极端要求有时使解决某些问题并不现实,实际上自动机器学习还不能代替机器学习专家的工作。从这一角度来说,提高机器学习的水平和开发高性能计算设备显得极端重要。


       麻省理工学院媒体实验室的研究员Otkrist Gupta认为这种情况将会有所改变。他和麻省理工学院的其它同事计划对与他们实验有关的软件开源,这些实验包括:机器学习软件自行设计深度学习系统、对象识别等。

        Otkrist Gupta认为企业和研究人员应该找到自动机器学习更加可行的途径,推动机器学习的发展。同时他也认为,减轻数据科学家收集、处理数据的负担将会带来很大的回报,这不仅会让你的模型更加高效,也会让你有更多时间去探索更高层次的想法。

原文来源 technologyreview:

Progress in artificial intelligence causes some people to worry that software will take jobs such as away from humans. Now leading researchers are finding that they can make software that can learn to do one of the trickiest parts of their own jobs—the task of designing machine-learning software.

In one experiment, researchers at the Google Brain artificial intelligence research group had software design a machine-learning system to take a test used to benchmark software that processes language. What it came up with from software designed by humans.

In recent months several other groups have also reported progress on getting learning software to make learning software. They include researchers at the  (which was cofounded by Elon Musk), , the University of California, , and Google’s other artificial intelligence research group, .

If self-starting AI techniques become practical, they could increase the pace at which machine-learning software is implemented across the economy. Companies must currently pay a premium for machine-learning experts, who are in short supply.

Jeff Dean, who leads the Google Brain research group, mused last week that some of the work of such workers could be supplanted by software. He described what he termed “automated machine learning” as one of the most promising research avenues his team was exploring.

“Currently the way you solve problems is you have expertise and data and computation,” said Dean, at the in Santa Clara, California. “Can we eliminate the need for a lot of machine-learning expertise?”

One from Google’s DeepMind group suggests that what researchers are terming “learning to learn” could also help lessen the problem of machine-learning software needing to consume vast amounts of data on a specific task in order to perform it well.

The researchers challenged their software to create learning systems for collections of multiple different, but related, problems, such as navigating mazes. It came up with designs that showed an ability to generalize, and pick up new tasks with less additional training than would be usual.

The idea of creating software that learns to learn has been around for a while, but previous experiments didn’t produce results that rivaled what humans could come up with. “It’s exciting,” says , a professor at the University of Montreal, who previously explored the idea in the 1990s.

Bengio says the more potent computing power now available, and the advent of a technique called , which has sparked recent excitement about AI, are what’s making the approach work. But he notes that so far it requires such extreme computing power that it’s not yet practical to think about lightening the load, or partially replacing, machine-learning experts.

Google Brain’s researchers describe using 800 high-powered graphics processors to power software that came up with designs for image recognition systems that rivaled the best designed by humans.

Otkrist Gupta, a researcher at the MIT Media Lab, believes that will change. He and MIT colleagues plan to open-source the software behind their , in which learning software designed deep-learning systems that matched human-crafted ones on standard tests for object recognition.

Gupta was inspired to work on the project by frustrating hours spent designing and testing machine-learning models. He thinks companies and researchers are well motivated to find ways to make automated machine learning practical.

“Easing the burden on the data scientist is a big payoff,” he says. “It could make you more productive, make you better models, and make you free to explore higher-level ideas.”








6.资源分享】《机器学习&深度学习》 视频课程下载+2017 NLP 国际会议时间汇总


8.玩转Python必须熟练掌握的 38 个实战项目


10.机器学习八大数据集(Dataset) 和十大TensorFlow优质资源汇总

