Four adversarial image crafting algorithms are implemented with
Tensorflow. The four attacking algorithms can be found in attacks
folder. The implementation adheres to the principle tensor-in,
tensor-out. They all return a Tensorflow operation which could be
run through sess.run(...)
Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM) basic/iterative
fgsm(model, x, eps=0.01, epochs=1, clip_min=0.0, clip_max=1.0)
Target class Gradient Sign Method (TGSM)
tgsm(model, x, y=None, eps=0.01, epochs=1, clip_min=0.0, clip_max=1.0)
, this implements the least-likely class method.If
is an integer or a list of integers, the source image is modified towards labely
Jacobian-based Saliency Map Approach (JSMA)
jsma(model, x, y, epochs=1.0, eps=1., clip_min=0.0, clip_max=1.0, pair=False, min_proba=0.0)y
is the target label, could be an integer or a list. whenepochs
is a floating number in the range[0, 1]
, it denotes the maximum percentage distortion allowed andepochs
is automatically deduced.min_proba
denotes the minimum confidence of target image. Ifpair=True
, then modifies two pixels at a time.
Saliency map difference approach (SMDA)
smda(model, x, y, epochs=1.0, eps=1., clip_min=0.0, clip_max=1.0, min_proba=0.0)Interface is the same as
. This algorithm differs from the JSMA in how the saliency score is calculated. In JSMA, saliency score is calculated asdt/dx * (-do/dx)
, while in SMDA, the saliency score isdt/dx - do/dx
, thus the name “saliency map difference”.
The model
Notice that we have model
as the first parameter for every method.
The model
is a wrapper function. It should have the following
# x is the input to the network, usually a tensorflow placeholder y = your_model(x) logits_ = ... # get the logits before softmax if logits:
return y, logits
return y
We need the logits because some algorithms (FGSM and TGSM) rely on the logits to compute the loss.
How to Use
Implementation of each attacking method is self-contained, and depends
only on tensorflow
. Copy the attacking method file to the same
folder as your source code and import it.
The implementation should work on any framework that is compatible with Tensorflow. I provide example code for Tensorflow and Keras in the folder tf_example and keras_example, respectively. Each code example is also self-contained.
And example code with the same file name implements the same function.
For example, tf_example/ex_00.py and keras_example/ex_00.py
implement exactly the same function, the only difference is that the
former uses Tensorflow platform while the latter uses Keras platform.
ex_00.py trains a simple CNN on MNIST. Then craft adversarial samples from test data vis FGSM. The original label for the following digits are 0 through 9 originally, and the predicted label with probability are shown below each digit.
ex_01.py creates cross label adversarial images via saliency map approach (JSMA). For each row, the digit in green box is the clean image. Other images on the same row are created from it.
ex_02.py creates cross label adversarial images via target class gradient sign method (TGSM).
ex_03.py creates digits from blank images via saliency different algorithm (SMDA).
These images look weird. And I have no idea why I could not reproduce the result in the original paper. My guess is that
However various experiments seem to suggest that my implementation work properly. I have to try more examples to figure out what is going wrong here.
either my model is too simple to catch the features of the dataset, or
there is a flaw in my implementation.
ex_04.py creates digits from blank images via paired saliency map algorithm, i.e., modify two pixels at one time (refer to the original paper for rational http://arxiv.org/abs/1511.07528).
ex_05.py trains a simple CNN on MNIST and then crafts adversarial samples via LLCM. The original label for the following digits are 0 through 9 originally, and the predicted label with probability are shown below each digit.
ex_06.py trains a CNN on CIFAR10 and then crafts adversarial image via FGSM.
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