讲座预告 | “天下体系”外的崛起势力:日本帝国之兴与霸权更迭之鉴
Rocking the Sino-centric World:
Japan’s Ascent and Lessons
for Hegemonic Change
Time & Date:
16:30 – 17:45
April 21st, 2022 (Thursday)
982 6631 4352
(Passcode: hss)
Karl Yan
Karl Yan is an assistant professor in sociology at Zhejiang University. Karl received his Ph.D. in political science from the University of Toronto. Karl’s research sits at the intersection of international and comparative political economy with a particular focus on railway development and the transformation of China. Karl's current research looks at China’s post-1949 industrial restructuring and railway modernization, and the geopolitical and geoeconomic implications of China’s globalizing high-speed rail industry.
War and change were the leitmotifs of the late 19th and the early 20th century. Japan’s rapid ascent in East Asia fundamentally changed the Tianxia system. Together with Japan’s ascent as the new regional hegemon in East Asia was a new way of organizing inter-state relations. Against this backdrop, this paper explores the following analytical questions.
First, why did Japan overthrow the regional architecture, which had been established for centuries and undergirded by Chinese superiority? Second, what were the crucial factors that determined not only a hegemonic change, but also changes to the Chinese hegemony? Third, what lessons can we draw from Japan's ascent to understand today's changing world? Truly, the 'Celestial Dynasty', with its small agrarian economy, collapsed in the advent of modern, capitalist production. It looks at the role played by Japan's emerging economic nationalism and its impact on the regional economic order. A different mode of production led to a different understanding concerning how interstate relations ought to be organized. Japan not only challenged China's position as the hegemon, but also challenged the very hegemony that China had created. Considering debates on the rise of China and the future of the liberal international order (LIO), we must gauge whether China is trying to change the core values of the LIO or its position within the LIO.
排版 | 庞天行(2019级 人文社科学院 学勤书院)