
和美术馆恢复开放及“七一”建党节免费公告 | HEM开放信息

HEM 和美术馆 2021-11-01


1. 开放时间为10:00-18:00(17:30停止入场,逢周一闭馆);

2. 每日按最大接待能力的50%实行限流,观众请提前通过和美术馆官方微信小程序预约购票;

3. 根据疫情防控要求,进入美术馆区域须出示小程序参观预约码、健康码及行程卡;如14天内有疫情中高风险地区旅居史,须出示48小时内核酸检测阴性报告及健康码绿码方可进馆参观;

4. 观众须全程佩戴口罩,排队和观展时请保持1米以上社交距离,避免聚集;入馆前须接受体温测量,如有体温异常(≥37.3℃),或有咳嗽、气促等异常现象的观众谢绝入场。





2021.07.01 - 10.10,展厅四


He Art Museum is resuming operation to the public from July 1, 2021. To ensure the safety and health of the public, please follow the below guidelines and book your visit on HEM WeChat mini program in advance.

1. Opening hours: 10:00-18:00 (last entry at 17:30, closed on Mondays).
2. The capacity of the venue is reduced to 50% of the maximum capacity, visitors will need to book tickets in advance.
3. Please present your visiting reservation, health code in green and itinerary card at the entry to the museum. All visitors who have travel history in the past 14 days to medium or high risk regions, are required to present a certificate of a negative COVID-19 RT-PCR test result issued within 48 hours.
4. Please wear masks during your visit and keep at least 1 meter social distance with others. Visitors with temperature over 37.3℃ or have COVID-19 related symptoms may not be allowed to enter.
Besides, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, HEM offers free admission to the public on July 1, 2021. Please book your timed ticket in advance on HEM WeChat mini program.
Thank you for your cooperation and look forward to seeing you at HEM.

Upcoming Exhibition
Transformation: from poetic to realistic
Modern Chinese Art from HEM Collection
2021.07.01 - 10.10

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