The Chin(琴)is a Chinese instrument of very remote origin. Tradition ascribesthe invention of its primary form to the legendary Emperor Fuhsi(伏羲). Emperor Shun(舜,2257—2208,B.C.)of the Yu(虞)Dynasty is said to have played ona Chin of five strings. Emperor Wen(文王)of the Chou(周)Dynasty added to the instrument a sixth string, and his son, EmperorWu(武王,1121—1116. B. C.)perfected it by the addition of the seventh string. Since then, no important modification has been made.
In its present form, it is a lengthyinstrument of seven strings, with one end broader than the other. Each of itstwo straight sides curves inward twice. Along one of the two edges, thirteenstop-marks(徽)are insertedto indicate positions for harmonics. Near the breader end or the forehead(凤额)is a fixed bridge(岳山). On the narrower end or thetail is a string pass(龙龈). The back or bottom of the instrument is flat. On it are placed acontainer of seven pegs(轸池),two rectangular sound holes(龙池,凤沼),and two legs for fastening string(雁足).
The figure of the instrument and names of itsparts are shown in Fig.1—3.
通体长3.1347(今尺), 合99.870cm.
岳山内际至额,长0.2187(今尺), 合6.967cm.
岳山至焦尾,长2.916(今尺), 合92.903cm.
岳山高0.0234(今尺), 合0.774cm.
额广0.5103(今尺), 合16.248cm.
肩广0.5832(今尺), 合18.581cm.
腰广0.4374(今尺), 合13.935cm.
尾广0.4374(今尺), 合13.935cm.
The following measurements of parts of theinstrument were adopted by Emperor Kanghsi(康熙,1663—1722)of Ch’ing(清)Dynasty.
Total length 99.870cm.
Distance from left side of bridge to endof forehead 6.967cm.
Distance from bridge to string pass 92.903cm.
Height of bridge 0.774cm.
Breadth of forehead 16.248cm.
Breadth between shoulders 18.581cm.
Breadth of waist 13.935cm.
Breadth of tail 13.935cm.
However, the shape has been variedaccording to fashion and the fancy of the maker, and the size has also beenmodified according to the preference of the player.
Most commonly the face is made of “Wutung”(梧桐,sterculia platonifolia);the back,of lindera(梓);the board for string holes,the bridge,and the edges of the tail, of rosewood(红木);the stop-marks,of gold or shell;and the seven pegs,of rosewood or jade. The whole bodyis covered with a coat of specially prepared lacquer in black, brown,or red. It is not unfrequent thatinlays of gold, pearls, jades and other precious materials are used as ornaments.
Strings are of unequal thickness. Theseventh or the thinnest,the sixth, and the fifth are made by spinning the fourth, the third,the second, and the first or the thickest are made by winding thin threadsaround spun threads.
Strings are connected to pegs by havingthe knots made in their ends to be held by the loops of the silk threadsfastened to pegs. Steps in making of knots are shown in Fig. 4. Steps infastening a silk thread to a peg are shown in Fig. 5. The manner in which theknot of the string is held by the loop of the thread is shown in Fig. 6.
During playing, the instrument is laidflat on the table before the player with its broader end by his right hand andthe seventh string most close to him.
A string is set on the instrument by havingthe one end held by the loop of a thread, and the other fastened to leg at thebottom of the instrument. It is approximately fixed to the desired pitch beforefastening by a heavier or lighter pulling made with a corresponding amount ofstrength. Changes of pitch within the range of a few tones re made by turningof the peg.
There is no absolute pitch standard forthe instrument. Players are at freedom to choose what they like. The pitchactually used by different players for the first or lowest string varies fromGG to C. In this book, AA is arbitrarily chosen as the normal pitch for thefirst string for the reason that the consideration of the ways of tuning, whichwe are going to make, is only possible with a supposed pitch for one of thestrings.
There are five usual ways of tuning. Whenconsidering the pitch of the first string as AA, we can say, we have five perfectkeys, i.e. the keys of D, A, C, E, and C. The tuning of the open strings forthe key of D is achieved by the fastening of the strings to the legs. It istaken as basis for tuning into all other keys. By raising or lowering the pitchof one or more open strings for the key of D, other keys obtained. Therelationship of the four other perfect keys to the key of D is shown in thefollowing table.
These keys are most frequently used andare classified as perfeetkeys(正弄), because each of them can have its own complete series of notes fora pentatonic scale with its open strings only.
The tuning for the key of D is the mostcommon and popular,so that some pieces of music,although in other keys,are often written or purposely transposed to be played in the D-keytuning. Tunings of keys deviating from their proper ways as such are calledsupplementary tunings(侧弄).They are altogether four in number,namely,those forkeys of A,G,E,and C. With this one and same way of tuning,names of scale degrees according tothese keys can be assigned to the seven open strings as shown in the following table.
Besides the five ways of tuning for thefive perfect keys, and the four supplementary tunings for four keys, there aremany special ways of tuning for individual pieces of music in keys other thanthose mentioned, or even for scales other than the diatonic major scale. Suchspecial tunings will be indicated before pieces for which they are used.(未完待续 To be continued……)