

蒙台梭利志愿者 蒙台梭利志愿者 2023-06-27



翻译:陆慧  校对:金璇  排版:陈思

The use of the hand is a physiological sequence. The prehensile nature of the human hand is an evolutionary feature as is the freeing of the hands due to bipedalism. Kay Baker outlines of the human hand’s significance to the mind as found in chapter 14 of the Absorbent Mind. In this article, she has created lists that break down the implication of the hand as an expression of the mind, the hand as a companion to the mind, the hand that creates the handiwork of civilization, the hand as a way to social life through manual division of labor. The article also discusses how Montessori pedagogy utilizes the hand and its related capacities to allow the student to understand the nature of human work through the ages, and to see how the hand is the basis of Cosmic Education.



The topic under consideration is the significance of the hand during the elementary years. It is the hand of the human being that is under consideration. In particular, the significance of the human hand in relation to the child in the second stage of childhood, the years approximately from age six to adolescence.



First, let us consider the hand itself. A hand is a prehensile, multi-fingered extremity located at the end of each of two arms of primates, such as human beings. Prehensile means that the hand is adapted for seizing, grasping, or holding, especially by wrapping around an object. Each hand is controlled by the opposite brain hemisphere and thus handedness is determined by individual brain functioning.



The two hands of the human being are the main structures used for manipulating the environment, used both for gross motor skills (grasping large objects—power grip) and fine motor skills (picking up a tiny pebble—precision grip). The use of the hand for these purposes is possible because of the design of four fingers and the opposable thumb. The fingertips contain some of the densest areas of nerve endings on the body.



Two additional features of the human being are the bipedal posture that free the hands for grasping and the location of the eyes in the front that allow the stereoscopic vision necessary for controlled grasping.



While other animals have hands, it seems that the neural mechanism guiding hand movement is a major factor in explaining the dexterity of the human hand. It seems that the central nervous system of the human being has evolved so that the hand is a direct tool of our consciousness. The hands are a precise working organ that enables gestures that express the individual personality. Hands also enable manipulation that externalizes the thought of the human mind.




Montessori’s Thought on the Hand



What does Montessori say about the hand? In chapter 14, “Intelligence and the Hand” of The Absorbent Mind, she speaks about the hand and makes several points.



• The hand expresses the thought of the human mind.



• The work of the hand expresses itself in the handiwork of the human being, which, over the years, becomes the expression of culture and civilization.



• The hand is the companion to the mind.



• The work of the hand supports social development.




The Hand Expresses the Thought of the Human Mind



The hand is in direct connection with man’s soul, and not only with the individual’s soul, but also with the different ways of life that men have adopted on the Earth in different places and at different times. The skill of man’s hand is bound up with the development of his mind, and in the light of history we see it connected with the development of civilization. The hands of man express his thought, and from the time of his first appearance upon the earth traces of his handiwork also appear in the records of history. (The Absorbent Mind 149)

手与人的灵魂有直接的联系,不仅与个人的灵魂有直接的联系,还与人在地球上不同地方、不同时期所采取的不同的生活方式有直接的联系。手的技能与思想的发展密切相关,从历史的角度来看,手的技能与文明的发展是有联系的。人类的双手表达着他的思想,从他在地球上出现的那一刻起,他的手工作品的痕迹便出现在了历史记录之中。(《吸收性心智》-- 第149页)


In this passage, Montessori expresses the idea that the hands are a reflection of the human personality. The hands of the human being can express in gesture what the mind is thinking. Furthermore, the hands express thought realized, that is, abstract thought made visible in concrete form.




The Hand Expresses Itself in the Handiwork of the Human Being, Which, Over the Years, Becomes the Expression of Culture and Civilization



Everywhere we find traces of men’s handiwork, and through these we can catch a glimpse of his spirit and the thoughts of his time. (The Absorbent Mind 150)

通过我们发现的每一处人类手工作品的痕迹,我们可以一睹当时他(们)的精神与思想。(《吸收性心智 -- 第150页》)


If we want to follow the thoughts of human beings over the ages, we have only to look at their handiwork. People have always found it interesting to look back and investigate what has come before. Exhibitions of an artist’s work are presented by museums. Many history books have been written. Scientists investigate natural phenomena by dating rock formations and tracing the evolution of various forms of life. Such investigation also uncovers the influences of the past on a person’s knowledge or work.




The Hand Is the Companion to the Mind


Montessori elaborates on the significance of man’s handiwork in the history of human beings. She speculates on this point. Imagine if the mind of the human being were to only think, the thoughts would remain within the mind. If the thoughts were only expressed orally, the thoughts would vanish with the spoken word. She comments:



We can see that all the changes in man’s environment are brought about by his hands. Really, it might seem as if the whole business of intelligence is to guide their work. For if men had only used speech to communicate their thought, if their wisdom had been expressed in words alone, no traces would remain of past generations. It is thanks to the hand, the companion of the mind, that civilization has arisen. The hand has been the organ of this great gift that we inherit. (The Absorbent Mind 150)

我们可以看到,人类环境的所有变化都是由他的双手带来的。真的,看起来似乎智力的全部工作就是指导他们的工作。因为如果人们仅仅用语言来表达他们的思想,如果他们的智慧仅仅用语言来表达,那么上一代人就不会留下任何痕迹。正是由于手,思想的伴侣,文明才得以出现。手是我们继承的伟大礼物的器官。(《吸收性心智》 -- 第150页)


The fruits of the imagination are available to all human beings, over space and time, because of the work of the hand.



Hence, the development of manual skill keeps pace with mental development. (The Absorbent Mind 149)

因此,手工技能的发展与心理发展是同步的。(吸收性心智 -- 第149页)


The hands, therefore, are connected with mental life. (151)



The intelligence manifests in the work of the hand. Further, in the act of work, the human intelligence is further developed. If one is interested in the development of the intelligence of the human being, one must be interested in the hand. As the mind develops, the hand acts and as the hand acts, the mind further develops.



The Work of the Hand Supports Social Development



There is another aspect of the human being that Montessori discusses in relation to the work of the hand.



We may put it like this: The child’s intelligence can develop to a certain level without the help of his hand. But if it develops with his hand, then the level it reaches is higher, and the child’s character is stronger.... Those children who have been able to work with their hands make headway in their development and reach a strength of character which is conspicuous. (The Absorbent Mind 151)

我们可以这样说:在没有手的帮助下,孩子的智力能够发展到某一水平。但如果在双手(的帮助下),那么会发展到一个更高的水平,孩子的性格也会更坚强……那些已经有能力用自己的双手工作的孩子们,他们的发展取得了进步,并形成了一种引人注目的性格力量。(《吸收性心智 -- 第151页》)


The human being is social and associates with other human beings, including human groups such as families, tribes, and nations. As a result of social interactions, human society has developed having a wide variety of values and rituals. There are patterns of behavior governing such social interactions and together these patterns such as language, beliefs, ceremonies, and social norms, form the way of life for the social human being.



But to us the children have themselves revealed that discipline is the result of an entire development only, of mental functioning aided by manual activity.... Tribes, groups, nations are the results of such spontaneous discipline and association. (To Educate the Human Potential 13)

孩子们已经向我们表明,纪律是通过手工劳作辅助心理功能从而带来全面发展的结果。部落、团体、民族,就是这种自发的纪律和联合起来产生的结果。(《教育人类的潜能 -- 第13页》)


A child born into a culture adapts to that culture. Montessori’s comment is that if “a child has been unable to use his hands, his character remains at a low stage in its formation: he is incapable of obedience, has no initiative, and seems lazy and sad” (The Absorbent Mind 151). 

出生在一种文化中的孩子会适应这种文化。蒙台梭利的评论是,如果“一个孩子已经不能使用他的双手,他的性格则会处于比较低的层次,他不能服从,没有主动性,而且看起来懒惰和不快乐”(《吸收性心智》-- 第151页)。


These traits would be deemed negative traits in a person. Such a person would not be as acceptable to the group and hence may suffer from shunning by the group, would not work and therefore could not work, and would have a depressing effect on others. Not only would there be loss for the individual but there would be a loss to human society.



If his hand wishes to work we must provide him with things on which he can exercise an intelligent activity. (The Absorbent Mind 154)

如果他的手愿意工作,我们则一定要提供给他能让他进行智力活动的东西。(《吸收性心智》-- 第154页)


It would seem from these thoughts regarding the human being and the hand that the child must have the opportunity to prepare the self for the work of the hand that stimulates the development of intelligence which in turn allows for further intelligent work of the hand.



The significance of the work of the hand is twofold: The hand is the instrument of the mind and, when used, allows the intelligence to develop; and the work of the hand allows the character of the child to develop. Both developments are necessary for the adaptation of the child to life as a human being, an individual who lives as part of a social group.




Implications of the Work of the Hand on Child Development



In the pedagogical tradition of Maria Montessori, we speak about aiding the life of the child and assisting the development of the child. We use many technical terms to explicate and implement this pedagogy: human needs and tendencies, self-construction, the absorbent mind, the reasoning mind, sensitive periods, psychological characteristics, sensorial, imagination, independence, materialized abstractions, isolation of difficulty, freedom and responsibility. There are specific material objects designed to provide children with sensorial experience of abstractions such as geometric shapes, letter sounds, and numbers. All of these ideas are important to the ability of the adult to assist the development of the child.



These ideas have come from the thought of Maria Montessori and her thought realized. They form part of our culture. For these thoughts, we give thanks and then turn our attention to how these thoughts can help us to assist the adaptation of the child. What can the adult do to truly assist the development of the child?


