

2017-03-15 香港中文大学深圳

CUHK (SZ) Professor Zhu Selected as a Shenzhen Peacock Plan Team Leader


The list of the Shenzhen Peacock Plan Teams 2016 has been published recently. The Anti-breast Cancer New Drugs Research Team, headed by Professor Bao-Ting Zhu at the School of Science and Engineering, has been selected. This is a second team from the University that will receive a research grant totaling RMB30,000,000.



The team plans to engage in the preclinical research and development of a series of new drugs for the treatment of the estrogen-dependent breast cancer, and this pioneering research project will include the design, chemical synthesis, pharmacologic efficacy testing, and toxicity assessment of the new drugs.






Team leader Professor Bao-Ting Zhu is an expert on molecular and cellular studies of cellular events and drugs. He was selected into the National Thousand-Talents-Plan in 2012 and currently serves as Professor and Associate Dean of the School of Science and Engineering at CUHK (SZ). 


Professor Zhu obtained his B.M. and M.S. degree from Fudan University Shanghai Medical College in 1985 and 1988, respectively. He obtained his PhD degree in pharmacology from University of Texas in 1992. In 1998, he assumed an independent faculty position as an Assistant Professor at the University of South Carolina. While working there, he received promotions to Tenured Full Professor in 2004, and endowed Distinguished Professor in 2005. A year later, he was appointed as the Director for the Department of Basic Pharmaceutical Sciences. In 2007, Prof. Zhu joined the University of Kansas School of Medicine to assume a prominent academic position as the endowed William W. Abercrombie Distinguished Professor in Cancer Research.


One of Prof. Zhu’s research interests centers around the better understanding of the biochemical, molecular, and cellular mechanisms underlying the pharmacological actions of steroid hormones and drugs. In recent years, Prof. Zhu has also developed a strong interest in studying the memory and cognitive functions of the brain, in an effort to better understand the molecular and chemical mechanisms underlying these vital neuronal functions. Professor Zhu has authored or co-authored over 130 publications with 7000 citations. Professor Zhu has been invited to edit or review papers for more than 30 international journals, including Cancer Res, Endocrinology, JPET and PNAS. He is also a reviewer of several research foundations, including NIH, NSF, SNSF, and The Research Grants Council of Hong Kong.

朱宝亭教授的研究领域涵盖基础分子药理学、肿瘤药理学及疾病分子机理学。主要研究重点是甾体激素受体拮抗剂的设计、合成和药理功能的研究,已在国际上以第一或通讯作者发表了近130余篇高质量学术论文,引用次数7000次。朱宝亭教授应邀担任Cancer Res、Endocrinology、JPET、PNAS等30余种国际专业杂志审稿者或编委,任美国国立卫生研究所(NIH)、美国国立自然科学基金(NSF)、瑞士国家科学基金会以及香港研究资助局等科研基金的评审委员。


英文翻译/ 李斌武(CPRO)

编辑排版/ 郑天晴(2016级经管学院学生)

