
我的大学 | 国际交换生Malte Geisen在港中大(深圳)的故事

My Exchange Semester 

at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen

交换生Malte Geisen来自德国科隆大学(University of Cologne )。2018年1月至5月,他在香港中文大学(深圳)经管学院学习,并在思廷书院生活了五个月。现在,就让我们通过Malte Geisen的交换小记,一起来看看他在香港中文大学(深圳)的交换体验吧~

Malte Geisen

Student of University of Cologne

With the beginning of this year, I realized that I had an exciting year 2018 ahead of me of which I would spend almost half in a country that I had never been to. Before coming to China, I had lots of thoughts and expectations about the largest populated state on our planet but soon I got proven wrong in lots of these aspects. For example, there were far more people around than I actually had imagined and I was never aware of the level of technology in China, such as Alipay and WeChat Pay, which I already miss being back in Germany. But let us start right from the beginning of my semester in Shenzhen.

On the 6th of January, I landed in Shenzhen at 6 am with lots of luggage, ready to start an incredible journey. A lovely student from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Miki, picked me up which definitely was a slight relief for me to not be stranded without any knowledge of the native language. Throughout the semester, Miki and my buddy Rose assisted me on a lot of occasions and I became very good friends with them. When we arrived at the University campus I got to know my college, Muse, and my new roommate, Naoya from Japan/Canada, for the first time. Living with Naoya for the next 5 months proved to be a great experience since we got along very well. Sharing the kitchen and bathrooms with the entire floor though, was a slightly bigger change for me since I always used to have my own, but I managed to adapt to that very quickly.

In these 5 months I had a phenomenal time at Muse college, with the Muse football team we travelled to Hong Kong and Macao, I took part in a Toastmasters meeting with Muse College students, but the most precious experience was to get to know great people from China and all over the world that I will definitely stay in contact with. 

Group photo of Muse’s football team

Besides adapting to totally new social challenges, I also had to acclimatize to the workload and teaching system of The Chinese Univeristy of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. Compared to my home university in Cologne, the course contents get approached far more diversified, with group works, personal assignments, and exams instead of just one final exam. This way of teaching was definitely more challenging, but also very interesting to get to know. Related to this tough workload, it was great to experience the working ethics of Chinese students, who put in a lot of work to achieve the best possible results for every single task. This atmosphere encouraged me as well to put in a lot of work and to strive for extraordinary outcomes.

To wrap up this little insight into my feelings about my time at Shenzhen, I can say that I am grateful for getting the opportunity to experience the thrilling combination of ancient history and future in the “Middle Kingdom” (China) and to meet a lot of intriguing people, that I can call friends now.

Malte Geisen spends 5 months as an exchange student at CUHK-Shenzhen

Wish you all enjoy 

a splendid time in CUHK-Shenzhen!

We look forward to your 

comments and contributions.




结合传统与现代  融会中国与西方


编辑排版/ 余无尘(2016级人文社科学院学生)

