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I want to thank the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen for inviting me back to address university leaders and this elite group of students and future innovators. When I spoke last year, I was awed by the amazing development of the city and by the maturity of the incoming class. This time we are confined by the Corona epidemic and I cannot talk to you directly. However. I am sure that this epidemic will be defeated, and I will be able to again see directly your tremendous advances in the fields you choose.

Although China and the entire word have been strongly rattled by the corona, we already see some  remarkable gradual recovery in China. I will talk about this more later.

The world in now facing a monumental challenge, of the magnitude presented once in a century, and I will try to relate this challenge to the incoming students. You may ask what I can do in this challenging time. But I can give you example from my carrier.

The Graduation Ceremony for Bachelor Degree Graduates 2020

I started without knowing what I want to study. I chose chemistry by chance because my friend suggested that I have a good vision so I can see the color of test tubes.

In the end of the second year I started to be interested in enzymes, which are proteins that do all the chemistry in the body. For example, they digest the food that you eat and control the action of your cells. I promise to myself that one day I will find out how enzymes work, but in the meantime, I had to study different subjects in mathematics, physics and chemistry so I will have the tools for one day studying enzymes.

When I began my PhD, I was fortunate to start exactly when computers became available. Of Course, our extremely big computer was much much weaker than your i phone, but it was enough to start dreaming. I started, with my friend to write a computer code that allow to model medium size molecules. Eventually I learned to use my programs to follow my old dream and to model the action of enzymes and other biological molecules. This was not easy since most people, including my friends, claimed that it is impossible that I can do so.

Eventually my approaches became widely acceptable. Me and my group continue in modeling the action of enzymes and in attempts to design drugs that can help in controlling defective enzymes that lead to diseases. The recognitions in our approach has led to the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 2013.

Now what this has to do with the corona?

The basic chemistry that me and other developed allows for pharmaceutical testing that is much more scientifically accurate and efficient than blind experimentation.

Now with the emergence of the corona epidemic I asked what can I do. After extensive reading I realized that I can try to help in designing a small molecule that can block a special enzyme that is crucial for the action of the virous.

This led to a collaboration with an experimental group where we evaluate the effectiveness of the drug by computer simulations and the experimentalists try to explore the actual activity of the screened drugs.

We also try to examine what are the differences between the SARS and the COVID-19 in the binding the receptor on the cell surface.

Of course, the virus does not know about international borders and the fight against the corona gives one of the best example of collaboration between nations, it involves sending medical help between different countries, and on the research front, it involves massive collaboration between research labs all over the world, including very effective consortiums.

Now as you realize from what I told you -my research path shows that you never know in what way what you study can help the world. You might be involved in very obscure study that no one sees how it can help in the future, and suddenly this field can become the most important field.

Prof. Arieh Warshel congratulates Bachelor’s graduates

By attending the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, you have access to a unique and multifaceted college experience. I strongly encourage you to leverage your language skills to build international connections.

From your professors to CUHK-Shenzhen’s powerhouse network of alumni, your opportunities for making connections are boundless. As I told  my own two daughters, before they went off to school, take advantage of all your university has to offer. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen offers an incredible perspective that reflects the best of both Eastern and Western models of higher education. While you are expected to hone your skills as scientists, economists, environmentalists or professionals in any field, you also integrate the ethos of the well-rounded liberal arts education based on curiosity and a desire for knowledge.

Your school emphasizes the value of applied scholarship and experiential learning. And I completely agree. In your university especially, the pressures of earning high marks on exams, papers and laboratory reports can sometimes make ambitious students like you feel like you are tied to your spaces in the library. Make sure to fight that urge and take time to volunteer and participate in exchange and enrichment programs. These extracurricular experiences can be just as important to building a career as how well you do in the classroom.

Transitioning to university is one of the most overwhelming and exciting times in your life. Soak it in by learning about your fellow students, whose personal experiences may be different from your own. It is from these deeper personal connections that you can gain depth and originality in your thinking.

However, as I emphasized in my talk just having a good general education might make you knowledge one day an extremely important.

In these hard times, I am wishing you a rapid return to normal studies, and more importantly, I am sure that by great collaboration we will be able to defeat the corona virous and go back to more pleasant tasks.

In conclusion,  I challenge you to identify the world issues that touch you the most and begin to ask what your role is in addressing them. How will you use this knowledge to improve your community, country and society at large?






结合传统与现代  融会中国与西方

