
神仙湖集贤·师说 | 生命与健康科学学院成贵娟教授专访

CPRO 香港中文大学深圳 2022-06-27

“梧桐树下听凤鸣,神仙湖畔论古今。” 大学传讯及公共关系处为大家带来“神仙湖集贤·师说”系列专访及视频。




Prof.Guijuan Cheng


Prof. Guijuan Cheng is now an Assistant Professor and Doctoral advisor at School of Life and Health Sciences of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. She earned a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from Peking University in 2015, carrying out mechanistic studies on organic reactions with combined computational and mass spectrometry method. She then worked at Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung as a Postdoctoral Fellow, where she carried out mechanistic studies on enzymatic and organic reactions. 

成教授的研究兴趣包括利用多尺度分子模拟研究酶催化反应机制,结合理论计算和实验(质谱、电化学等)理解化学反应机理等。她在国际主流期刊上已发表25篇论文,其中3篇一作文章单篇引用超过180次,被评为ESI高被引论文。她的博士学位论文被评为北大优秀博士论文并获得施普林格自然出版社颁发的Springer Thesis Prize.

Her research interests mainly include QM/MM (quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics) modeling of enzymatic reactions and mechanistic study of chemical reactions by using combined computational and experimental method. She has published 25 papers and 3 articles have been cited more than 180 times which have been rated as ESI Highly Cited Papers. Her Ph.D. theses was named an excellent doctoral thesis of Peking University and was awarded the Springer Thesis Prize.





I hope students can treasure 

and make full use of 

these resources and platform. 

Try with braveness, 

and pursue their own dreams.”

视频 video




During her post-doctoral research,she combined quantum mechanics and molecular mechanics to study important enzyme catalysis reactions. Now she is carrying out studies of some important enzyme catalysis reactions, including key enzymes of epigenetics and some metal enzymes. Apart from that, she also studies some important transition metal like the catalysis of copper and iron. Those are for using green synthesis methods to synthesize drugs.

成教授曾主讲General Chemistry,Organic Chemistry以及Molecular Modeling and Simulation。General Chemistry是针对理工学院、生命与健康科学学院、数据科学学院大一学生的一门课程,Organic Chemistry和Molecular Modeling and Simulation是Bioinformatics学生的专业选修课。她采用多种教学方式,比如分子建模、分子模型还有动画,来把一些抽象的概念具像化。

She once taught lectures of General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and Molecular Modeling and Simulation. General Chemistry is in the school package for all freshmen in School of Science and Engineering, School of Life and Health Sciences, and School of Data Science. Organic Chemistry and Molecular Model Simulation are major elective courses for Bioinformatics major students. She introduces many advanced methods to the teaching, including multimedia teaching like molecular modeling and animations, applied to concretize some abstract concepts.

成教授认为,首先要以学生为本, 从学生的角度出发。此外,她还强调要注重学生主动学习的能力, 调动他们的积极性, 然后让他们更多地发挥主观能动性去学习。她还非常认同徐扬生校长的摆渡人的说法,作为一名大学老师,不仅是教授给学生一些专业知识,还有要能通过自己的言行举止对学生产生一些影响。

As for the educational philosophy, she thinks first is to be student-oriented, starting from the perspective of students. Besides, she emphasizes the self-learning abilities of students. She tries to motivate students to learn more with their subjective initiative. She also agrees with President Xu's idea of The Ferryman: as a university teacher, passing on professional knowledge to students is not enough. The important thing is to influence students through our own words and deeds


“As for the advices, I think our University provides very good resources and platform. I hope our students can treasure and make full use of these resources and platform. Try with braveness, and pursue their own dreams.”





视频拍摄:刘烨州 2018级生命与健康科学学院、祥波书院

                 张润天 2018级经管学院、逸夫书院

采访:吴占昕 2018级理工学院、祥波书院

编辑:沈易 2018级数据科学学院、逸夫书院

编辑、排版:余无尘 2016级人文社科学院、逸夫书院


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