Inauguration Ceremony
for Students 2022
Dear entering students, families, colleagues and friends,
Good morning! It truly is a great joy to welcome our new students to join the CUHK-Shenzhen community. This year, we have 1779 undergraduate students and 1701 postgraduate students join the University. I already feel the campus vibrating with new energy and potentials brought by this cohort. Among the undergraduates, we have about 90 international students, most of whom cannot not be here today due to the travel restriction, we look forward to welcoming you all in the campus soon in the future.
Dear students, entering this university, however, does not warrant a continuation of your past success. The best thing a university education can give you, I believe, is not a reaffirmation of what you already know and what you already are, but what you do not yet know and what you still can be. In other words, the university, with its multifarious learning opportunities both formal and informal, offers the space and environment for the remaking of ourselves. What exactly do I mean by remaking ourselves? I refer to the willingness to change minds and deeds in the face of new experience, new evidence, and new understanding. And this is not easy in that for something to be remade, it has to be broken first. Gold has to be melted first before it can be made into adornments. Marble has to be carved before it can be turned into sculpture. Likewise, something of us must be broken before we can be reshaped for the better.
What then, are the things that are worth breaking? I want us to break biased thinking and start to evaluate ideas open-mindedly. I want us to break old learning pattern if it prevents you from thinking critically and engaging creatively with different voices. I want us to break our accustomed life habits if they hinder you from knowing and caring for others. I want us to break our comfort zone for meaningful changes to take place.
同学们,在大学生涯开始之前,你一定要问问自己,你来大学是来做什么的?可能你会说,我是来接受教育的,我是来学习知识的。好像也对,但也不对。同学们,大学是一段全新的旅程,它既不是你们高中生活的延续,也不是未来职业生涯的预备,大学的目的不在于教授了多少知识,传授了多少技能,大学是教你求学和做人的地方。钱穆先生曾经教导新亚的学子,课业是有限的,而学业是无限的,课业是可以修毕的,而学业是终其一生的,这才是大学教育的旨归与根本。你们来到大学,最重要的是能够在四年的大学生活里找到真正的自己,你想要如何度过这一生?你想要成为什么样的人?为什么想成为这样的人?又应该如何成为?只有找到真正的自己,方能够做到excellence with soul,才能够坚毅地、脚踏实地走你自己的人生道路。
人生不是一帆风顺的,就像在大海上行船,起起伏伏是人生的常态,而我们要做一名乐观坚毅的船长,风平浪静的时候能够欣赏大海的平静与广阔,狂风暴雨的时候能够有乘风破浪的勇气与决心。世界上的很多事情都要乐观地去看待,我们不能因为乌云来了,就怀疑太阳是否存在。很多时候,当我们感到困难的时候,我们要记住,历史的发展是循环往复的,是周期性的,困境总是暂时的,要做一个乐观的人, “悲观者常常正确,而乐观者常常成功”,要接受人生中的困难与挫折,并从中领悟生活教给你的宝贵的真谛。人不怕走在黑夜里,就怕心中没有阳光,有人在每个机会中看到困难,有人在每个困难中看到机会。我希望同学们在大学期间能够培养一到两件能够保持一生的爱好,学会热爱生活,欣赏艺术和大自然,有了这些爱好,无论未来遇到怎样的艰难困阻,你都能够在黑暗中看到漫天的星光。
At last, I want you to bear in mind that when you struggle and stumble, as we all do every now and then, you are not alone. CUHK-Shenzhen is proud to be home to the most approachable faculty and most friendly staff who are ready to walk you through each difficult situation so long as you reach out for them. Your peers, among whom you are sitting today, will in the years to come inspire you and empower you only if you allow them to enter your life and make an impact. No matter what challenge you are faced with, never forget to stay open for opportunities, to stay open for help, and to stay open for love and friendship.
Let me conclude by wishing you a challenging but rewarding time at CUHK-Shenzhen. Make earnest effort in academic pursuits, and also enjoy this unique period of life. Be ready to lead, and also be keen to serve. Discover yourselves, and also maintain a genuine interest in others. Our collective future, with its many crises and promises, awaits your transformation.
I give you my best wishes. Thank you!
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