

CPRO 香港中文大学深圳 2023-03-26





*Click to Watch Nobel Laureate Prof. Brian K. Kobilka's Commencement Speech at The Seventh Graduation Ceremony for Postgraduate Students of CUHK-Shenzhen 










在大学的头三个月里,我遇到了人生中的第二位榜样:生物学教授 康拉德·菲林。菲林教授鼓励本科生参与研究,并邀请我进入他的实验室做项目,研究发育生物学。当时,菲林教授的研究经费有限,且大部分时间都忙于教学,但他仍然对科研充满热情,懂得如何灵活地选择项目和充分利用有限的资源。很快,我发现自己也非常享受这个挑战   享受解决“小技术问题”和产生数据的过程。但是,我对研究课题本身并不十分满意,因为它主要以描述性研究为主。我喜欢这个过程,但对正在解决的特定问题并不感兴趣。










1990年,我在斯坦福大学创立了我的实验室,继续研究这个非常具有挑战性的课题。17年后,2007年,我的实验室解析出了β-2肾上腺素受体的晶体结构,这是了解全貌的另一重要拼图碎片。2011年,我们解析了β -2肾上 腺素受体被激素激活并向细胞发送信号时的晶体结构,至此我们终于获得了“拼图”的“全貌”。我的科研成果,归功于众多才华横溢的学生和博士后的辛勤工作,以及与世界各地团队的合作。导师的指导、建议,与来自各个学科的同事的协作 ,让我受益匪浅。我特别庆幸的是,我的妻子在实验室里和我一起断断续续工作了30多年,为我提供了技术、智力和情感方面的支持。



Nobel Laureate Prof. Brian K. Kobilka Commencement Speech at CUHK-Shenzhen The Seventh Graduation Ceremony for Postgraduate Students


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Dear President XU, Dean Cheng and graduates of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Shenzhen. It is my pleasure to address this graduation ceremony. Your studies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen have laid the foundation for your future. While I don't have any words of wisdom that will guarantee success going forward, I can tell you what worked for me.

I'm here because I was awarded a Nobel Prize. The Nobel Prize is a recognition that I have achieved a measure of success in doing what I love. It's very gratifying knowing that my colleagues appreciated my work enough to lobby on my behalf. However, I don't consider myself to be exceptional in any way.

I believe my career to date is an example of how an average individual can achieve a measure of success by a combination of factors that include hard work, resistance, an element of luck, and a great deal of help from family, friends, and colleagues.

When I look back at my career, I'm amazed at how often I've been in the right place at the right time with the right people. I've thought about my career and tried to find some message for today's graduates. I believe four factors have played a role in my career. First, I found my passion, something I loved to do and a challenging goal that I wanted to pursue. Second, I was able to find role models and mentors who provided guidance at different stages of my career. Third, I recognized my strengths and weaknesses. I found ways to leverage my strengths and accommodate for my weaknesses. Fourth, I had balance in my life. That is a fulfilling family life outside of my academic career.

My first role model was my father. Growing up in Little Falls, Minnesota, a town of about 7,000, I had a pretty unremarkable childhood. My parents were loving and supportive. Neither of my parents had a university education. My father owned a small bakery. My mother was a housewife and worked part-time at the bakery as a cake decorator. I don't remember any pressure from either of my parents for me to do well academically or to enter any particular profession. I consider this one of their most important gifts to me. They gave me a blank canvas to paint my own picture at my own pace. As I've grown older, I realized how much of an impact my father has had in my life. I admired his work ethic, his skills in dealing with people, his sense of humor and his devotion to his family.

His bakery was a relatively complex small business that operated 24 hours a day, six days a week. It prospered by producing large variety of excellent baked goods. To make all of this work, my father had to be able to do every job in the bakery because when someone called in sick, he had to be able to fill in day or night. He did everything from baking bread to managing accounting and payroll to running the dishwasher if necessary. I believe his success was due to his versatility, his work ethic, good humor, and the ability to motivate people to do their best. I've tried to emulate his approach to business in managing my research group.

I decided I wanted to become a doctor at a very early age. I saw that my small rural community held physicians in the highest regard. They were well educated and were able to help the sick, elderly and weak in ways that no one else could. I particularly admired my pediatrician. This interest in medicine led to an interest in science in general. I entered the University of Minnesota Duluth in the fall of 1973 to study biology and chemistry in preparation for medical school.

During my first quarter, I encountered my second most influential role model, my professor of biology Conrad Firling. Professor Firling encouraged undergraduates to get involved in research and welcomed me into his lab to work on projects and developmental biology.

While he had little funding for research and had to spend most of his time teaching, he was passionate about research and very creative in his choice of projects and the use of his limited resources. I soon found that I really enjoyed the challenge of working out relatively simple technical problems and generating data. At the same time, the research topic wasn't completely satisfying because it was primarily descriptive. I enjoyed the process but hadn't been very interested in the particular question being addressed.

In spite of my new found interest in basic research, I applied to medical schools as well as a few graduate programs. I still envisioned a career as a physician and the graduate programs were a backup option if I didn't get into medical school. I was very surprised when I received an acceptance from Yale. At Yale, all medical students were required to write a thesis based on original research. For my thesis project, I studied the genetic diversity of Rotaviruses, a common cause of gastroenteritis in children. Again, the project was largely descriptive and not very fulfilling. However, being at Yale I was exposed to research from internationally recognized scientists from a broad range of disciplines. I began to see that if I could devote enough time to research, I could try to answer important biological questions at a mechanistic level and in molecular detail.

It was at this time that I decided I wanted to explore research as a career. However, this opportunity would have to wait. During my clinical training at Barnes Hospital, I became particularly interested in intensive care medicine. Patients admitted to one of the intensive care units were typically very unstable, requiring urgent intervention, often with medications acting on several different G-protein-coupled receptors, a special class of proteins that would ultimately become the focus of my research career. Drugs acting on G-protein-coupled receptors were used to control blood pressure and heart rate and relieve pain.

My interest in intensive care medicine led me to apply to cardiology fellowships. I was particularly interested in a program at Duke University, which allowed fellows to work for several years in a basic research lab before completing their clinical training. Moreover the laboratory of Robert Lefkowitz at Duke, with whom I would ultimately share the Nobel Prize, was doing pioneering research on G-protein-coupled receptors that responded to adrenaline. This gave me the opportunity to explore basic research in an area relevant to cardiovascular and intensive care medicine.

My first few weeks in the Lefkowitz lab were a bit awkward and hard on my self-esteem. I went from being an experienced and competent physician to a novice among a group of very talented and experienced young scientists. The Lefkowitz lab was very different from my undergraduate research experience, and the Lefkowitz style of mentoring was very different from Conrad Firlings. There were over 20 postdoctoral fellows and a few graduate students. The lab was very well funded.

During the first months in the lab while learning basic techniques, I became aware of the effort to clone the gene for the Beta-2 adrenergic receptor. This was exactly the kind of project that I was looking for. It was a chance to isolate the gene for one of the G-protein-coupled receptors. I had been targeting in patients in the intensive care unit.

It was a chance to begin to learn how one of these proteins worked at the molecular level.

For the next two years I struggled to learn molecular biology and all of my efforts to isolate the gene failed. While Professor Lefkowitz was not experienced in molecular biology and couldn't help me with experimental details, he was a great motivator and gave me the impression that he believed I would succeed. He taught me that it was okay to try and fail as long as I learned something in the process.

We finally succeeded in isolating the gene for the beta-2 receptor in 1986. This was a scientific breakthrough that gave us the first piece of the puzzle that would ultimately reveal how G-protein-coupled receptors work.

I knew at the time I wanted to see the whole picture, how all of the proteins fit together in molecular detail. In 1986, I found my passion and began pursuing the goal that would form the basis for my research for the next 36 years.

In 1990, I started my lab at Stanford and continued to work on this very challenging project. 17 years later in 2007, my lab obtained the crystal structure of the beta-2 adrenergic receptor, providing another important piece of the puzzle. In 2011, we were able to complete the puzzle with the crystal structure of the beta-2 receptor activating its cytoplasmic signaling partner. I owe these scientific achievements to the hard work of many talented students and postdoctoral fellows and collaborations from around the world. I have benefited from mentorship, advice and collaborations with colleagues from a broad spectrum of disciplines. I have been particularly privileged that my wife Tong Sun has worked with me in the lab on and off for more than 30 years, providing technical, intellectual, and emotional support.

My career in research has been very rewarding from several perspectives, discovering new knowledge, working with many brilliant and often intimidating students and postdoctoral fellows, developing friendships with scientists throughout the world. And perhaps most important, having the flexibility to spend time with my family.

While my career path led to basic biomedical research in an academic setting, yours may lead to in a different direction. The world is facing many challenges, including the evolution of viruses that may spark the next global pandemic. Wars in the Middle East and Africa that don't appear to have an end in sight. The threat of nuclear confrontation with North Korea and Russia. Poverty...Nearly 800 million people don't have enough to eat or medicines for treatable diseases. And perhaps the most important, climate change. This is perhaps our greatest challenge. While we may end wars, prevent a nuclear confrontation and reduce world poverty, climate change may be irreversible. My generation has ignored the threat of climate change, leaving the problem to your generation. Addressing climate change will require concerted effort from creative individuals from different disciplines, including scientists, engineers, educators, and politicians. I hope that some of you will consider careers that will help address these challenges. In closing, I wish you success in whatever career path you choose.



排版|2022级肖毅然 人文社科学院 道扬书院



结合传统与现代  融会中国与西方

