
新氧艺O2art | 黄冰洁个展「梦与野兽」作品及展览现场报道

O2art Space 2023-10-15

"梦与野兽" 展览现场


文 / Akunna


新氧艺O2art画廊的展览——“梦与野兽”是艺术家黄冰洁的首次个展。展览以黄冰洁的梦境为出发点,展厅用绘本开页状的五色区域划分了整个展场的节奏,米灰色象征着稳定与平静; 灰蓝色是困顿且压抑;靛蓝色饱含了历练与蜕变;橙黄是跳跃又不羁的;粉红色则是美丽与欲望的象征,整理编汇出了艺术家与自己⻓达3年的一场对话。不难看出,黄冰洁在近两年创作的作品中,伴随着时间的积淀,每一笔的笔触都愈发坚定,模糊的梦境在黄冰洁笔下逐渐变得清晰与真实, 那些被精巧勾勒的物体细部和景观经过想象的加工,变成梦境中光怪陆离的景象。一个个“反常”的特征交织在一起,既具体又模糊,达到了一种虚实相交的境界,使整个作品具有超越时间和空间的永恒感,而那正是其作品最擅长营造的,来自那个隐匿的微观世界中的浪漫气氛。“晨(以玫瑰之名)”与“暮(以玫瑰之名)”是石黑一雄创作的长篇小说《别让我走》的延伸。画面的主体是由紧紧相拥的恋人幻化而成的玫瑰,纵向交错的独特笔触展现了强烈的科幻色彩,处理巧妙的景深构图敏感又细腻地描绘着在艺术家的奇思遐想中克隆人爱情故事的结局,那是她在直觉式的引导下,用独特的艺术语言来表现心灵的即兴感应。






黄冰洁 Huang Bingjie

 排练  Rehearsal

布面油画  Oil on canvas

100x80cm   2021


Huang Bingjie: Capture the most realistic illusion

by Akunna

Federico Fellini said: "Dreams are the only reality." In the space where time is disrupted, the ontology is like a dormant beast that is just released, has unlimited energy in its uncontrollable body, is about to have a journey full of unknowns. A dream is a surrealistic language. Perhaps surrealism is truer than reality. Only in a free and unconscious state, we can get rid of all constraints and reflect the true colors of objective things from the most real perspective. When we wake up, in those fragmented memories, the remaining strange conflicts and wild atmosphere can always leave us a strange and unique charm.  

"Dream and Beast", the exhibition at O2art Gallery, is the first solo exhibition of artist Huang Bingjie. The exhibition starts from the dream of Huang Bingjie. The exhibition hall is divided into areas with five colors in the form of open pages of a picture book. Beige grey stands for stable and quiet; dusty blue is sleepy and depressing; indigo blue is full of experiences and transformations; orange is leaping and uninhibited; and pink is a symbol of beauty and desire. A three-year dialogue between the artist and himself is summarized. It is not hard to see that in the works created by Huang Bingjie in the last two years with the accumulation of time each brushstroke has become firmer and firmer. Under Huang Bingjie's brush, the vague dreams gradually become clear and real. The details and landscapes whose outline is carefully drawn are processed by imagination and become fantastic scenes in the dream. The "abnormal" features are interwoven. They are both specific and vague and reach a state in which the virtual and the real intersect. The whole work has a sense of eternity beyond time and space. That is the romantic atmosphere from the hidden micro world that he is best at creating in his works. "Morning ((In the name of roses))" and "Twilight ((In the name of roses))" are extensions of Kazuo Ishiguro's novel Never Let Me Go. The main body of the picture is the roses changing from lovers embracing each other. The longitudinally staggered unique brush strokes show a strong sci-fi atmosphere. The depth of field and composition of the picture dealt with in a clever way describe the end of the love story of clone men in the artist's imagination sensitively and delicately. Under the guidance of intuition, she expressed the impromptu induction of the soul with unique art language.

Her reflection on objects also shows her distinct personal style. The still life sketching is the foundation for her to create her own unique fictional world in a dreamlike atmosphere. In her work "Egg and Peach", the tablecloth in the picture is like mountains with strange colors. The "still objects" like embryos are the "non-legendary preliminary overview of the origins of the spiritual world". She painted these landscapes full of things like humans day after day. In her fantasy world, every human body, organic matter, beast, and even inert matter is endowed with free energy, so that we think that these familiar objects jump out of our daily life framework and are more real than what we can see usually.

In Freud's theory of personality structure, personality consists of id, ego, and superego. A dream can effectively transfer emotions in sub-consciousness. In a self-portrait work of Huang Bingjie, we can feel her truth in her own illusion world. That is the freedom of no need to please and persuade. It can be not subject to any specific style or skill and is led by instinct and imagination. It is the process of exploring unconscious thinking. Perhaps, for her, the capture of dreams and imagination is like a creative game, in which she keeps the original impulse and constantly explores and hunts for her inner truth.

「展览现场 Exhibition Site」









This is Huang Bingjie's first solo exhibition.

In her twenties, this is the age of dreaming. These paintings are her hopes and sustenance, and her dream.

Her dream is the young beast, agile, focused, with unyielding energy.


——Guo He






Every time I see the Huang Bingjie's new paintings, I will seriously look at her handling of modeling, color and expression methods. I can often feel a kind of dashing spirit and  energy. I like several portraits in this exhibition, which gives me a fresh feeling (new feeling). She has unlimited potential.


——Duan Jianyu







Huang Bingjie painting the girl's life and growth, but there is no boudoir self-pity mood.

Her voice is delicate, but as penetrating as a young child.

Huang Bingjie and his paintings are like brightly colored enamel plates: full of the light of hope, ready to carry all the traces of life.

——Liang Yuanwei

「部分参展作品图  Selected Works」



黄冰洁 Huang Bingjie

水果与水果人  Fruit and fruit man

布面油画  Oil on canvas

100x80cm   2021



黄冰洁 Huang Bingjie

拥抱   Hug

布面油画  Oil on canvas

100x80cm   2021


黄冰洁 Huang Bingjie

在格子沙发上  On the plaid sofa

布面油画  Oil on canvas

100x80cm   2021





黄冰洁 Huang Bingjie

水果之家  Fruit House

布面油画  Oil on canvas

100x80cm   2021



黄冰洁 Huang Bingjie

伊甸园  Eden

布面油画  Oil on canvas

100x80cm   2021




黄冰洁 Huang Bingjie

夏娃  Eva

布面油画  Oil on canvas

20x30cm   2021




黄冰洁 Huang Bingjie

第一颗晨露落下的时候,#Kiki   When the first morning dew fails,#kiki

布面油画  Oil on canvas

30x40cm   2021




黄冰洁 Huang Bingjie

第一颗晨露落下的时候  When the first morning dew fails

布面油画  Oil on canvas

100x80cm   2021



黄冰洁 Huang Bingjie

暮(以玫瑰之名)  Twilight (In the name of roses)

布面油画  Oil on canvas

100x80cm   2021



黄冰洁 Huang Bingjie

晨(以玫瑰之名)  Morning (In the name of roses)

布面油画  Oil on canvas

100x80cm   2021



黄冰洁 Huang Bingjie

引力场(一)  Gravitational field No.1

布面油画  Oil on canvas

100x80cm   2021



黄冰洁 Huang Bingjie

牛油果的老去  Avocado aging

布面油画  Oil on canvas

50x60cm   2021


黄冰洁 Huang Bingjie

黑猫与牛油果  Black cat and avocado

布面油画  Oil on canvas

50x60cm   2021



黄冰洁 Huang Bingjie

蛋与桃  Egg and peach

纸板上油画  Oil on cardboard

59.2x42cm   2021

「展览报道索引 Exhibition Report Index」



艺术栗子:黄冰洁:不确定的梦 | 艺术栗子


hi 艺术:小心,别惊扰了她的梦 新氧艺O2art带来黄冰洁个展


 雅昌艺术网:现场 | 新氧艺O2art黄冰洁个展“梦与野兽” 梦境里多重交织的“自我”


正 在 展 出

黄冰洁个展 <梦与野兽>



O2art art space has long been operating and acting as the agent of contemporary professional artists and their works. The main artistic media include painting, sculpture, installation, photography and new media. The new gallery space opened in Beijing Shunyi central villa area at the end of 2017 is now "o2art art space". Each year, the art space presents the exhibition projects, mainly the artists' individual exhibitions, presenting the phased research results of artists. O2art has long promoted professional artists with pioneering spirit and followed up the creation and career development of artists, becoming a member of the construction of Chinese contemporary art ecology.

