来自以色列的好消息!Good News from Israel #814
Israel celebrates the holiday of Shavuot
Shavuot marks the harvest of the first fruits of the land and the receiving of the Tora. Festive shows in schools around the country… a grand multi-activity event in the Jezreel Valley; Israelis take advantage of warm temperatures and celebrate the holiday of Shavuot via nature excursions, going to the beach and holding festivals throughout the country.
五旬节标志着全国土地上的丰收和Tora的收获。在以色列全国各地的学校举行庆祝活动...在耶斯列尔谷也举行了盛大的活动; 以色列人利用假期间温暖的天气,走进大自然,享受沙滩,去全国各地参加节日庆典。
Dany Danon elected deputy president of UN General Assembly
Dany Danon当选联合国大会副主席
Israel's UN ambassador Danny Danon was elected Wednesday to the position of deputy president of the 72nd UN General Assembly; Danon's role will include chairing the meetings of the General Assembly as well as taking an active role in establishing the schedule of the discussions in the General Assembly.
以色列联合国大使Dany Danon于周三当选为第七十二届联合国大会副主席; Dany的职务包括主持大会会议,并拟定大会时间安排表等方面发挥积极作用。
Most welcome dear friend
Nikki Haley, the United States Ambassador to the UN, will come to Israel next week. Since taking office, Haley has made it a priority to end the UN’s anti-Israel bias. Last month, she urged the UN Security Council to devote less attention to the Arab-Israeli conflict and make Iran's "incredibly destructive" activities a priority in the Middle East.
美国驻联合国大使Nikky Haley将于下星期访问以色列。自上任以来,Haley带头终结联合国反以色列的固有偏见。在上月她呼吁联合国安理会应减少对阿以冲突的关注,将首要重心放在伊朗成为中东地区“令人难以置信的破坏性”举动上。
Breakthrough treatment for ALS
Dr. Rachel Lichtenstein created a new molecule able to slow the progress of the disease. Drug may hit the market soon. This breakthrough treatment for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).Improves brain function and life expectancy significantly - may help Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s sufferers too.
Rachel Lichtenstein博士创建了一个能够减缓疾病发展的新分子。新分子药物很快就会上市。肌萎缩性侧索硬化症(ALS)的这种突破性治疗可显着改善大脑功能和预期寿命 - 也可能有助于阿尔茨海默病和帕金森病患者。
Express cable car to the Western Wall
Cable car running from the central bus station through the Mount of Olives to The Western Wall will change the face of Jerusalem: 40 cars will carry 3,000 passengers an hour allowing easy access to the Western Wall and to other tourist sites in the city; Fast access to the Western Wall providing convenient access to about 130,000 visitors and tourists visiting the Western Wall every week.
Demand soars for high-tech employees
Demand for labor and salaries in Israeli high tech are booming – with salaries up to Nis 40 000 (~$ 11 400) per month. Demand is rising for high-tech working in all sectors. Demand rose by 124% in software, 169% in hardware and multidisciplinary, 69% in Internet, and 83% in biomed..
以色列高科技的劳动力和薪资需求正在蓬勃发展,薪金达到4万谢克尔(约$ 11 400)每月。各行业高科技工作的需求正在上升。软件需求上升了124%,硬件和多学科占169%,互联网占69%,生物医药占83%。
Happy Shavuot (Pentecost) Holidays
Yosi Behar
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