
重磅 | ABB收购贝加莱,加强工业自动化的领导地位

2017-04-05 gkong翻译 工控头条

✔ 收购贝加莱将补全ABB在机器和工厂自动化领域的历史短板

✔ 为全球客户创造独一无二的综合自动化产品组合

✔ 贝加莱是可编程逻辑控制器(PLC),工业电脑(IPC)和基于伺服运动机器和工厂自动化领域公认的创新领导者

✔ 在过去二十年中,贝加莱的收入年均复合增长率达11%,在颇具吸引力的200亿美元机器和工厂自动化细分市场,其年销售额超6亿美元

✔ 贝加莱的软件和物联网解决方案进一步加强了ABB的数字化解决方案组合ABB Ability™

✔ 明确承诺贝加莱的增长战略,中期销售目标超10亿美元

✔ 保持贝加莱管理层的连续性,创始人将在整合阶段以顾问的形式提供支持

✔ 贝加莱位于奥地利Eggelsberg的总部,将成为ABB的全球机器和工厂自动化中心

✔ 交易以现金支付,运营每股收益在第一年实现增长,预计在2017年夏完成交易

✔ 收购价格未披露,溢价符合同业估值

  2017年4月4日,ABB宣布收购贝加莱,后者是全球最大的机器和工厂自动化独立供应商,专注于基于产品和软件的开放式架构解决方案。贝加莱由Erwin Bernecker和Josef Rainer在1979年共同创立,总部位于奥地利Eggelsberg,员工超过3000人,其中包括大约1000名研发和应用工程师。贝加莱的业务遍及70个国家,在200亿美元的机器和工厂自动化细分市场,2015/16年度销售额超6亿美元。通过将贝加莱的现在机器和工厂自动化创新产品、软件以及解决方案,与ABB的全球领先的机器人、过程自动化、数字化、电气化业务进行整合,本次交易将为工业自动化客户带来无与伦比的综合方案组合。

  通过这一收购,ABB扩大了其在工业自动化领域的领先地位,并将在抓住第四次工业革命带来的增长机遇中有着独一无二的优势。此外,将行业领先的数字化解决方案组合ABB Ability,与贝加莱强大的应用和软件平台、庞大的安装量、客户访问和量身定制的自动化解决方案结合在一起,ABB扩大其数字化产品的步伐又向前迈进了一大步。

  “贝加莱犹如机器及工厂自动化领域的一颗宝石,这次并购可谓机会千载难逢。对ABB而言,这一交易是一个真正意义上的里程碑,因为贝加莱将补全ABB的自动化业务历史短板。这是一次完美的结合,将使我们成为唯一有能力为客户提供测量、控制、驱动、机器人、数字化和电气化等全方位技术和软件解决方案的自动化供应商,” ABB首席执行官史毕福说。“这次收购完美契合我们的‘新阶段’战略。凭借我们独特的数字化产品、安装的7000多万台连接设备、70,000个控制系统、现有的300多万台自动化机器,以及在世界各地的27,000个安装工厂,我们让我们的全球客户能紧紧抓住第四次工业革命的巨大机遇。”

  贝加莱联合创始人Josef Rainer表示:“这次联合为贝加莱及其客户和员工提供了绝佳的机会。 我们深信ABB为我们增长的下一篇章提供了最好的平台。ABB的全球布局、数字化业务和互补性产品组合将成为我们进一步加快创新和增长步伐的关键。”

  “对于我们的员工来说,这是一个强烈的信号,因为我们在Eggelsberg的业务将成为ABB的全球机器和工厂自动化中心,”贝加莱联合创始人Erwin Bernecker说。“对我来说最重要的是,两家公司及员工是如此般配,而我们的公司总部将发挥如此重要的作用。”




  两家公司业务组合互补。ABB为电力、工业、交通和基础设施客户提供领先服务。 贝加莱是塑料、包装、食品和饮料等行业自动化机器和工厂的领先解决方案提供商。对开放式架构的共同承诺增加了客户选择以及灵活性,推动越来越多的数字化行业实现连接。



  机器和工厂自动化是第四次工业革命和物联网的关键驱动力。 ABB将继续保持贝加莱强大的基于解决方案的业务模式,并利用其深厚的专业知识,为端到端数字化开发新的基于软件的服务和解决方案。ABB业界领先的数字化方案ABB Ability,也将充分利用贝加莱的庞大安装基础、应用和解决方案专业知识、仿真软件行业专长,以及先进的工程工具。


  一旦交易完成,贝加莱将作为一个新的全球业务单元——机器和工厂自动化,成为ABB工业自动化事业部的一部分由贝加莱目前的董事总经理Hans Wimmer领导。这两家公司都认为,贝加莱的管理层和员工是未来发展以及与ABB业务整合的关键动力。贝加莱联合创始人Erwin Bernecker和Josef Rainer将在整合阶段担任顾问,以确保连续性。









贝加莱是一家创新的自动化公司,总部设在奥地利,业务遍及全球各地。作为工业自动化领域的全球领先企业,贝加莱将先进技术与先进工程结合在一起,为几乎每个行业的客户提供机器和工厂自动化、运动控制、HMI和集成安全技术的完整解决方案。 通过POWERLINK和openSAFETY等工业现场总线通信标准,以及强大的Automation Studio软件开发平台,贝加莱不断重新定义自动化工程的未来。贝加莱的创新精神使其一直处于工业自动化产业前沿,并致力于简化流程和超越客户期望。


ABB(ABBN: SIX Swiss Ex)是全球电气产品、机器人及运动控制、工业自动化和电网领域的技术领导企业,致力于帮助电力、工业、交通和基础设施等行业客户提高业绩。基于超过125年的创新历史,ABB正在不断推动能源革命和第四次工业革命,谱写行业数字化的未来。ABB集团业务遍布全球100多个国家,雇员达13.2万。


ABB to acquire B&R

Shaping leadership in industrial automation

• Acquisition of B&R (Bernecker + Rainer Industrie-Elektronik GmbH) will close ABB’s historic gap in machine and factory automation

• Creating a uniquely comprehensive automation portfolio for customers globally

• B&R is a proven innovation leader in Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), Industrial PCs (IPC) and servo motion-based machine and factory automation

• B&R delivered a revenue CAGR of 11% over last two decades and annual sales of >$600 million in the highly attractive $20 billion machine and factory automation market segment

• B&R's software and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions further strengthen ABB’s digital offering, ABB Ability™

• Clear commitment to B&R's growth strategy, mid-term sales ambition of >$1 billion

• Continuity of B&R's management, founders support integration phase as advisors

• B&R's headquarters in Eggelsberg, Austria, to become ABB’s global center for machine and factory automation

• Transaction funded in cash, operational EPS accretive in year one, closing expected in summer 2017

• Purchase price not disclosed, multiple in line with peer valuations

ABB today announced the acquisition of B&R, the largest independent provider focused on product- and software-based, open-architecture solutions for machine and factory automation worldwide. B&R, founded in 1979 by Erwin Bernecker and Josef Rainer is headquartered in Eggelsberg, Austria, employs more than 3,000 people, including about 1,000 R&D and application engineers. It operates across 70 countries, generating sales of more than $600 million (2015/16) in the $20 billion machine and factory automation market segment. The combination will result in an unmatched, comprehensive offering for customers of industrial automation, by pairing B&R's innovative products, software and solutions for modern machine and factory automation with ABB’s world-leading offering in robotics, process automation, digitalization and electrification.

Through the acquisition, ABB expands its leadership in industrial automation and will be uniquely positioned to seize growth opportunities resulting from the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In addition, ABB takes a major step in expanding its digital offering by combining its industry-leading portfolio of digital solutions, ABB Ability, with B&R's strong application and software platforms, its large installed base, customer access and tailored automation solutions.

“B&R is a gem in the world of machine and factory automation and this combination is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. This transaction marks a true milestone for ABB, as B&R will close the historic gap within ABB’s automation offering. This is a perfect fit and will make us the only industrial automation provider offering customers the entire spectrum of technology and software solutions around measurement, control, actuation, robotics, digitalization and electrification,” said ABB CEO Ulrich Spiesshofer. “This acquisition perfectly delivers on our Next Level strategy. With our unique digital offering and our installed base of more than 70 million connected devices, 70,000 control systems and now more than 3 million automated machines and 27,000 factory installations around the world, we enable our combined global customer base to seize the huge opportunities of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.”

“This combination offers fantastic opportunities for B&R, its customers and employees. We are convinced that ABB offers the best platform for the next chapter of our growth story. ABB’s global presence, digital offering and complementary portfolio will be key for us to further accelerate our pace of innovation and growth,” said Josef Rainer, co-founder of B&R.

“This is a strong signal for our employees as our operations in Eggelsberg will become ABB’s global center for machine and factory automation,” said Erwin Bernecker, co-founder of B&R. “The most important thing to me is that the companies and their people fit so well together and that our founding location will play such a key role.”

Complementary strengths

With the acquisition, ABB will expand its industrial automation offering by integrating B&R's innovative products in PLC, Industrial PCs and servo motion as well as its software and solution suite. ABB will offer its customers a uniquely comprehensive, open-architecture automation portfolio.

B&R has grown successfully with a revenue CAGR of 11 % over the last two decades. Revenues more than quintupled since 2000 to more than $600 million (2015/16). The company has a rapidly growing global customer base of more than 4,000 machine manufacturers, a proven track record in automation software and solutions and unrivaled application expertise for customers in the machine and factory automation market segment.

Both companies have complementary portfolios. ABB is a leading provider of solutions serving customers in utilities, industry and transport & infrastructure. B&R is a leading solution provider in the automation of machines and factories for industries such as plastics, packaging, food and beverage. The joint commitment to open architecture increases customer choice and flexibility facilitating connectivity in increasingly digitalized industries.

Substantial investments in innovation

Innovation is at the heart of both companies. B&R invests more than 10 percent of its sales in R&D and employs more than 1,000 people in R&D and application engineering. ABB spends $1.5 billion annually on R&D and employs some 30,000 technologists and engineering specialists. Going forward, ABB and B&R will continue to invest considerably in R&D.

Automation of machines and factories is a key driver of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the IoT. ABB will continue B&R's strong solution-based business model and build on its deep domain expertise to develop new software-based services and solutions for end-to-end digitalization. ABB’s industry-leading digital offering, ABB Ability, will now capitalize on the large installed base, application and solution know-how, simulation software expertise and advanced engineering tools of B&R.

Proven integration approach

On closing of the transaction, B&R will become part of ABB’s Industrial Automation division as a new global business unit – Machine & Factory Automation – headed by the current Managing Director, Hans Wimmer. Both companies consider B&R's management and employees as a key driver of future growth and the business integration together with their counterparts from ABB. The co-founders of B&R, Erwin Bernecker and Josef Rainer, will act as advisors during the integration phase to ensure continuity.

The integration will be growth-focused and live by the “best-of-both-worlds” principle, with ABB adding its own PLC and servo drive activities to the offering of the new business unit in a phased approach. ABB underlines its clear commitment to continuing the B&R growth story by articulating a mid-term sales ambition to exceed $1 billion.

ABB is committed to further investing in the expansion of B&R’s operations and to building on the company’s successful business model and brand. B&R's headquarters in Eggelsberg will become ABB’s global center for machine and factory automation.

Austria benefits as technology and business hub

With this acquisition, ABB becomes the largest industrial automation player in Austria. ABB has operated in Austria for more than 100 years. With the strong future role, B&R and its headquarters in Austria will play as part of ABB, Austria, particularly Upper Austria, will benefit. The planned expansion of the R&D and production activities in Eggelsberg and Gilgenberg will strengthen Austria’s high-tech industrial landscape.

Transaction financials

The transaction multiple is in line with peer valuations. The parties agreed not to disclose the purchase price. ABB will finance the acquisition in cash. The transaction is expected to be operationally EPS accretive in the first year, and is expected to add significant synergies of about 8% of B&R's stand-alone revenue in year four. The transaction is expected to close in summer 2017, subject to customary regulatory clearances.

B&R is an innovative automation company with headquarters in Austria and offices all around the world. As a global leader in Industrial Automation, B&R combines state-of-the-art technology with advanced engineering to provide customers in virtually every industry with complete solutions for machine and factory automation, motion control, HMI and integrated safety technology. With industrial fieldbus communication standards like POWERLINK and openSAFETY as well as the powerful Automation Studio Software development environment, B&R is constantly redefining the future of automation engineering. The innovative spirit that keeps B&R at the forefront of industrial automation is driven by a commitment to simplifying processes and exceeding customer expectations.

ABB (ABBN: SIX Swiss Ex) is a pioneering technology leader in electrification products, robotics and motion, industrial automation and power grids, serving customers in utilities, industry and transport & infrastructure globally. Continuing more than a 125-year history of innovation, ABB today is writing the future of industrial digitalization and driving the Energy and Fourth Industrial Revolutions. ABB operates in more than 100 countries with about 132,000 employees.


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