

gkong 工控参考 2023-07-10
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艾默生宣布同意以5.27亿欧元的现金收购价从Triton手中收购Aventics。 Aventics是智能气动技术领域领先企业,致力于机器和工厂自动化应用。艾默生是过程和工业应用流体自动化技术领域的领导者,Aventics极大扩展了艾默生在这个增长迅速的130亿美元市场中的布局。此次收购预计将在2018财年第四季度完成。

Acquisition complements and strengthens Emerson’s global presence in delivering fluid automation solutions


May 17, 2018 – Emerson (NYSE: EMR) today announced it has agreed on terms to acquire Aventics from Triton for a cash purchase price of €527 million. Aventics is among the global leaders in smart pneumatics technologies that power machine and factory automation applications. Emerson is a leader in fluid automation technologies for process and industrial applications, and Aventics significantly expands the Company’s reach in this growing $13 billion market.

2018年5月17日——艾默生宣布同意以5.27亿欧元的现金收购价从Triton手中收购Aventics。 Aventics是智能气动技术领域的全球领先企业,致力于机器和工厂自动化应用。艾默生是过程和工业应用流体自动化技术领域的领导者,Aventics极大扩展了艾默生在这个增长迅速的130亿美元市场中的布局。

Aventics builds upon and strengthens Emerson’s capabilities and solutions in key discrete and hybrid automation markets, including food and beverage, packaging, automotive assembly and medical equipment.


Emerson’s expanded offering creates one of the broadest portfolios of fluid control and pneumatic devices that incorporate sensing and monitoring capabilities to improve system uptime and performance, enhance safety and optimize energy usage. These technologies complement Emerson’s extensive innovation and leadership in improving operations through digitalization, pervasive sensing and asset health monitoring.


“We will now offer the industry's widest range of fluid automation products and solutions with unmatched delivery, reliability and performance, and now with the addition of Aventics’ expertise, Emerson is positioned to be the most capable global company when it comes to fluid automation technologies,” said Emerson Chairman and Chief Executive Officer David N. Farr.

“我们现在将提供业界最广泛的流体自动化产品和解决方案,在交付能力、可靠性和性能方面具有独一无二的优势。现在,随着Aventics专业技术的加入,艾默生定位成为流体自动化技术方面最有实力的全球公司,”艾默生董事长兼首席执行官David N. Farr说道。

“This acquisition adds another strong, complementary technology portfolio into the Emerson family, creating value for our customers and more opportunities for growth,” Farr added.


With central offices in Laatzen, Germany, Aventics has approximately 2,100 employees globally with five manufacturing locations and 2017 sales of $425 million.


“Aventics brings technologies, capabilities and expertise that are critical to digitalization of manufacturing, including predictive maintenance through integrated diagnostics, an important priority for our Automation Solutions business,” said Mike Train, Executive President, Emerson Automation Solutions.

艾默生自动化解决方案执行总裁Mike Train表示:“Aventics带来了对制造业数字化至关重要的技术、能力和专业知识,其中包括通过集成诊断进行预测性维护,这是我们自动化解决方案业务的一项重要优先项。”

“With Aventics, we will gain a valuable footprint in Germany, a key market for automation technology and investment,” Train added. “Aventics also brings opportunities for Emerson to better serve customers in hybrid markets like food & beverage, providing intelligent devices and solutions from processing through packaging.”


The acquisition is expected to close in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2018 subject to regulatory approvals, Aventics’ finalization of necessary consultations and other customary closing conditions.




