
译文 | 工业物联网的挑战推动PLC和PAC市场增长

gkong翻译 工控参考 2023-07-11




PLC and PLC-based PACs Market Is Growing with the Challenges of Industrial IoT


New ARC Advisory Group research on the global PLC and PLC-based PAC market reveals that programmable logic controllers (PLC) and programmable automation controllers (PAC) continue to be the preferred choice among machine builders and end users.  This applies  not just for traditional machine control, but also increasingly in process and infrastructure applications. The market contracted slightly in 2019 after two strong years of growth, and is taking a strong hit in 2020 due to the coronavirus.


“The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is changing how industrial processes are controlled and monitored, but PLCs are growing with and adapting to the new challenges rather than being replaced by alternate technologies," according to David Humphrey, research director at ARC Advisory Group and key author of ARC’s PLC and PLC-based PAC Global Market Research report. "Based on established industrial technology, PLCs are valued for their speed, repeatability, reliability, and ease of deployment and maintenance.”   

“工业物联网(IIoT)改变了工业过程的控制和监控方式,但PLC不断发展并适应新挑战,而不是被替代技术所取代,”ARC顾问集团研究总监、ARC“PLC和基于PAC的PAC全球市场研究报告”主要作者David Humphrey表示。“基于成熟的工业技术,PLC因其速度、可重复性、可靠性以及易于部署和维护而受到重视。”

“PLCs have gained a lot of speed and new functionality in the past decade, allowing some users to switch to smaller PLCs," Humphrey added. "This tactic is especially popular with cost-conscious machine builders, and is changing the market dynamics. The coronavirus will set the market back in 2020, and the study includes an updated forecast that reflects how and when we expect the PLC market to recover in the coming years."



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