

全册精讲+ 班班通教学系统 2022-04-10














Don't  run不要奔跑 Don't  litter 不要乱丢垃圾 Don't  walk 不要走Don't  touch不要触摸 Don't climb不要攀爬 Don't worry 不要担心 Don't  be  afraid 不要害怕  Don't  cry  不要哭No  food  禁止吃东西 No  bikes  禁止骑自行车  No  cameras禁止拍照

No  smoking  禁止吸烟  No  parking  禁止停车  No  swimming  禁止游泳 

No  climbing  禁止攀爬 No running禁止奔跑 No  walking禁止走No hamburgers! 禁止吃汉堡Look left 向左看Look right向右看Look left again再向左看Look at  the  traffic. Wait  for  the  green  light 。看交通指示灯,等绿灯。  green light 绿灯yellow light 黄灯red  light 红灯  left  左边  right 右边  Stand  up。站起来。Sit down坐下 Don't  stand  up。不要站起来(坐下)Take out your  book。拿出你的课本。Open your  book。打开你的课本。Close  your book。合上你的课本。Put  up  your  hand 举起你的手。Well  down.非常棒(用来夸奖别人)Here' s  your  kite.给你风筝Thank you!谢谢你You're welcome.不客气Let me try! 让我试一试   关于a的发音:一般情况下以单独a或an组合的发ai(唉)音   特例不是:有baby 婴儿 potatoes 土豆 train火车

一般情况下以以a口e组合的发(ei 或A)音 还有baby 婴儿 potatoes 土豆train火车 也发(ei )音 Good good very good!棒棒非常棒!


one1 two2 three3 four4 five5 six6 seven7 eight8 nine 9 ten 10 eleven11  twelve12  

thirteen13 forteen14  fifteen15  sixteen16  seventeen17 eighteen 18  nineteen 19 

twenty20 thirty30  forty 40 fifty 50 sixty 60 seventy 70  eighty 80    ninety 90  

one hundred 100  What's this ?这是什么It's a toy train.它是一个玩具火车How much 

is the toy train? 玩具火车多少钱 It's20 yuan. 它20元  How much is the plane?玩

具飞机多少钱 It's 18 yuan.它18元How much is the  kite?风筝多少钱It's 12 yuan.它

12元How much are the toy train and the toy car?玩具火车和玩具汽车多少钱They are 

twenty-five yuan.它们25元 Look at the sunglasses! 看我的墨镜How do I look ?我表

演的怎么样How much are the pencils?铅 笔多少钱They are 20 yuan.它们20元How much 

are they?它们多少钱 They are 30yuan.它们30元 Here is the money. 给你钱Thank you.

谢谢你is 代表单数are代表复数How much是用来询问价钱的How many是用来询问数量的多少




Look at my new study.看看我的新书房 Whose umbrella is this? 这把雨伞是谁的It's Aunt

Booky's. 它是布奇婶婶的Whose computer is this?这台电脑是谁的It's Aunt Booky's.

它是布奇婶婶的Whose CDs are those?那些光盘是谁的 They're Uncle Booky's 它们是布

奇叔叔的What a mess!多么乱呀Is this Aunt Booky's watch?这是布奇婶婶的手表吗Yes,

it is .是的它是No,it isn't .不,它不是 Are these Uncle Booky's books? 这些是Uncle 

Booky's的书吗No,they aren't.不它们不是 Yes,they are.是的,is 代表单数are代表复数

What's that noise?那是什么噪音What a tidy and clean study! 多么整洁干净的书房呀your

你的 his他的 her她的 glasses眼镜 CD光盘umbrella雨伞chair椅子   以a、e、i、o、u 

为开头字母的单词前面要用an其它要用a 比如an umbrella一把雨伞a chair一把椅子 watch 

手表 TV电视机 radio收音机 book书 ball球 doll玩具娃娃 ruler 尺子table桌子 car汽车

train 火车plane 飞机glasses眼镜toy car玩具汽车 pen 钢笔 pencil-box 铅笔盒 

关于i的发音; 一般以i单独发(ei)音  一般以i口e组合一般发ai(唉音)


This is Bobby's house.这是宝贝的家 Knock on the door .敲门Welcome to my house.

欢迎来我家This is the living room.这是客厅Whose bedroom is this?这是谁的卧室 

This is my sister's bedroom.这是我姐姐的卧室 She is sleeping .她正在睡觉It's so 

nice .太吵了  That's the bathroom.那是浴室 My uncle is washing.我的叔叔正在洗脸

There is a river out here.那里有一条河What a nice house.多么漂亮的家 What is he

doing .他在做什么He's fishing!他正在钓鱼This is the kitchen.这是厨房My mom  is 

cooking. 我的妈妈正在做饭What are you cooking? 你在做什么I'm making some cookies.

我正在做一些饼干It's dinner time.晚饭时间到了 Let's have dinner together.我们一起

吃晚餐吧 What is Kate doing?凯特在做什么 She's studying.她正在学习What are you

doing? 你在做什么I am eating.我正在吃 What is he doing?他在做什么He's fishing.

他正在钓鱼What is she doing?她在做什么She's sleeping.她正在睡觉This is the bathroom.

这是浴室 This is the bedroom.这是卧室This is the living room.这是客厅 This is the 

kitchen.这是客厅This is the study.这是书房My brother is watching TV in the living 

room.我的哥哥正在客厅看电视My sister is sleeping in the bedroom.我的妹妹正在卧室睡觉

My father is washing  in the bathroom.我的爸爸正在浴室洗脸My mother is cooking  in 

the kitchen.我的妈妈正在厨房做饭  dancing 画画writing 写字sleeping 睡觉eating 吃

cooking 做饭washing洗脸 climbing攀爬.watching TV正在看电视 

关于o的发音:一般以单独o发(ao)音   一般以oa组合一般发(欧)音


What subjects do you have?你们有什么课 We have Chinese 、match and English .我们

有语文数学和英语What subjects do you like?你喜欢听什么课 I like match and English .

我喜欢听数学和英语Chinese语文 music 音乐art美术 English英语P.E.体育 science科学 

math 数学This is our classroom.这是我们的教室 Don't draw on the blackboard.不要在黑

板上乱画It's big and nice.学校又大又漂亮This is the playground.这是操场 This is the

teachers' office .这是老师们的办公室I want to play football .我想踢足球That's their

goal!那是他们的球门This is our school.这是我们的学校This is the library.这是的图书馆

It's nice and clean .它又大又干净computer room 计算机室classroom教室teachers' office

老师们的办公室library图书室art room绘画室playground操场Happy teachers' day!教师节快乐

关于u的发音:一般以单独u发(啊)音  一般以ue、u口e组合一般发(吾)音


Welcome to our Christmas party.欢迎来到我们的圣诞节聚会Merry  Christmas.圣诞节快乐

Come to the living room.来客厅看看 This is our Christmas tree!这是我们的圣诞树

How beautiful! 好漂亮呀Whose gifts are these? 这些礼物是谁的They are our parents. 

它们是我们父母的 The children are singing and dancing! 孩子们正在唱歌跳舞Have some

cookies,please. 吃一些饼干How many gifts are there? 那里有多少礼物There are two.那里有


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