

全册精讲+→ 班班通教学系统 2022-04-10


Unit 1 Me and My Class(第一单元)

Lesson 01 Back to School

Lesson 02 Many Faces,One Picture

Lesson 03 Getting to Know You!

Lesson 04 Best Friends

Lesson 05 Meet Ms.Liu

Lesson 06 Jenny\'s Week

Unit 1 Review

Unit 1 Words

第一单元 知识点归纳

1. advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事

2. between...and...  ......之间

3. would like to do =want to do 想要做某事

4. write down 写下 记下

5. go for walks=go for a walk:去散步

6. get out of bed = get up起床

7. go ahead 说吧,请吧

8. think of 想出/认为/考虑 think about 考虑/思考

9. one...the other 一个...另一个...

10. agree with sb.同意某人 agree to do 同意做…

11. It\'s fun to do sth. 做某事很有趣

12. encourage sb to do sth:鼓励某人做某

13. to ones surprise 让某人感到惊奇地是,

14. stop to do sth. 停下来去做…

stop doing sth. 停止做…

15. play the violin/ piano 拉小提琴/弹钢琴

16. two more questions

  =another two questions另两个问题

17. be up to   由… 而定

18. be ready to do sth. = get ready to dosth. 准备做某事

19. introduce to sb. 把……介绍给某人  

20. have been afor + 一段时间 成为…有一段时间了

21. a girl named Mary 一个名叫玛丽的女孩

22. see a movie = see a film = watch amovie看电影

23. get to know 逐渐认识

24. buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb. 给某人买某物

25. wear clothes = be in clothes 穿着衣服

put on clothes 穿上衣服

26. dress up  打扮,装扮

27. feel lucky to do sth. 做某事感到幸运

28. have the pleasure of doing 很高兴做…

29. make a deal 达成协议

30. invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事





