

全册精讲+→ 班班通教学系统 2022-04-10















Unit 5 Look into Science

Lesson 25 Let\'s Do an Experiment!

Lesson 26 Keep the Candle Burning

Lesson 27 Planet Danny

Lesson 28 The Study of Living Things

Lesson 29 DNA - The Story of You

Lesson 30 Science Affects Us

Unit 5 Review

  Unit 5     Look  into   Science 短语

1.     what kind of 什么种类的  其复数形式为 whatkinds of

a kind of 一种……  many kinds of 许多种类的…..

different kinds of 不同种类的…..

many different kinds of 许多不同种类的

all kinds of 各种各样的

2.     experiment 实验

do experiments / do an experiment 做实验

3.     cover…with… ………..盖上

He covers the table with a piece of cloth.

be covered with …..覆盖

The ground is covered with snow.

4.     a piece of cardboard 一块/张纸板

   a piece of music 一段曲子       a pieceof cloth 一块布

   a piece of news 一条消息        a pieceof wood 一块木头

5. turn … upsidedown= turnover…… 翻转过来/倒过来

   upside down 正面朝下           right side up 正面朝上

6. take…off …使……离开/脱离…..;     …………拿开

    Pleasetake your hand off the food.

7. pour out 倒出;使流出;涌出

    I’mgoing to pour out the tea for the guests.

 pour… into … ……倒进……

Don’t pour cold water into the bowl.

8.It’s+形容词+enoughto do sth. 做某事是足够….的

9. conclude v断定;推断出 

onclude +that 从句;conclude +名词/代词 + todo sth.

 conclude from  从……推断;从……得出

What do you conclude from the facts?

10. explain 解释;说明 explain sth. to sb.向某人解释某物

My teacher explained the difficultpoint of the grammar to me.

11. scientific method 科学方法

Lesson26   Keep  the  Candle Burning

1.    shallow 浅的;反义词:deep

2.    light v.点燃;照亮         n.光;光线  


3.    examine v.检查  n.examination= exam 考试、测验

The doctor examined the childand said he was healthy.

4.    use up 用光;用尽   eat up 吃光;吃完drink up 喝光

Tom used up his money to buythe computer.

5.    rise vi.上升、上涨;只从较低位置向上移动

The sun rises and bathes theearth.

The river is rising after therain.

6.    分数的表达方式:子基母序,子大1母加s

二分之一two thirds  五分之一one fifth

7.    be made up of ……组成;表示由多种成分、团体或单位等组成,并强调整体的构成或组成。

    The medical team is made up of ten doctors.

8.    in front of ……的前面,指从外部看来一物在另一物的前面;

Thedog is in front of the car.

9.    in the front of的前面,指从内部看来一物在另一物的前部。

The driver sits in the frontof the car.


Lesson 27    Planet     Danny

1.    join 参加,常表示加入某一组织或团体,并成为其中的一员。

When did you join the army?

join sb. 和某人一起Would you like to join us ?

join in + 活动表示参加某项运动、比赛等,多指正在进行的活动。

May I join the game?

take part in 指参加某种活动、集会等并在其中发挥作用,多指参加讨论、辩论或群众性活动。

    Last week I took part in the school sportsmeeting and won the 400-metre race.

2.    unless 除非;如果不unless 引导的条件状语从句常用一般现在是表将来的意义,主句多用一般将来时。

You will fail unless youstudy hard.

3.    look for 寻找,强调找的过程,I’mlooking for my dog.

4.    worth 值得……的;价值是……

be worth doing sth. 值得做某事The novel is worth reading.

even if 即使,引导让步状语从句,其内容往往是假设性的。

 We’ll stand by you even if you don’t succeed.

even though 尽管,虽然引导让步状语从句,其内容往往是真实的,主要用来引出不利于主句情况的信息。

 Even though she laughs at him ,he likes her.

5. billion 十亿 billion 前没有具体数字修饰时,与of搭配,本身变成复数形式-------billions of 数十亿的。

    Billions of young trees areplanted on the mountains every year.


   Lesson 28  The  Study  of Living  Things

1.    draw one’s attention = call one’s attention引起某人的主意

Thefact draw everyone’s attention .

   pay attentionto 注意;重视

You must pay attention towhat your teacher said in class.

2.    as many as 多达……

There are as many as 3000students in our school.

3.    lay—laid --- laid 产卵;下蛋

     The henslay eggs every day.

4.    cut down 砍倒it is difficult to cut down the tree with a knife.

 cut away砍掉  cut off 切断  cut up 切碎cut back 修剪、削减

5.    worry about 担忧

6.    a lot 很、非常、常常Doyou wear your new watch a lot?

a lot 很多,大量;He’sgiven her a lot to eat.

7. chemical n. 化学物质

    The farmersshouldn’t use so heavy chemicals in the field.

  chemical adj.化学的

He is a chemical doctor.


Lesson 29  DNA----The Story  of  You

1.    in general 一般而言,总的来说

    In general ,I agreed to what you said.

2.    complex 复杂的,难懂的       It’s a complex problem.

3.    influence vt./n..影响  be influenced by … 的影响

4.except for ......之外;多用于说明了整体情况后对细节进行修正。

He is a good man except forhot temper.

  Except......之外;其含义是“从整体中除去一部分”,except后便是被排除的部分,常与all ,everything, everybody, always 连用。

     We all went to there exceptTom.

  but......之外;其含义是“除......之外什么也没有”,but后的词是仅有或存在的内容,通常与nothing,nobody, no 等词连用。

      There is nothing but a deskin the room.

besides ......之外,还有;besides后边的内容是增加的部分。

4.    be related to ……有关;和……有联系

I’m not related to him in anyway.

5.    be able to =can ……


Lesson30   Science   Affect Us

1.    surprisevt./n. 使……惊奇,使……震惊/惊奇,奇异

to one’s surprise 使某人惊奇的是……

surprised adj.吃惊的,表示人的状态

be surprised at ......感到吃惊

  All of them were surprised at the UFO.

surprising 令人吃惊的、令人惊讶的。通常以物做主语。

   The news is very surprising.

2.    suggestvt. 建议、提议    suggestion 可数名词,“建议”

suggest sth. ( to sb.) (向某人)建议某事

  I will suggest a new plan ( to him ).

suggest doing sth. 建议做某事

   I suggest going to the cinema.

3. push down 向下按;推到;压倒

  push up 向上推

4. in place 原地;在适当的位置;在对的位置;准备好投入使用

5. better and better 越来越好

比较级+and +比较级  越来越……

多音节词应用 more and more +比较级

  Beijing is getting moreand more beautiful.

the +比较级,the +比较级     …………

   The more Iread the book, the more I like it.

   The more difficult thequestions are, the less likely he is able to answer them.

6.    enjoy oneself 过得愉快

    At the partywe enjoyed ourselves.

enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事。

I enjoy listening to music atnight.

7.    imagine doing sth. 想象做某事。

8.     leadto 导致,引起  lead—led ---led

Carelessness often leads toerrors.






