
外研版九年级英语上册Module 2 Public holidays

全册精讲+→ 班班通教学系统 2022-04-10




外研版九年级英语上册Module 1 Wonders of the world

Module 2 单词

found [faʊnd] 创建

since then 从那以后

flag [flæg] 旗帜,旗

until [ən\\\\\\\\'tɪl] 直到……为止

off [ɒf] 不上课,休息,不工作

all kinds of 各种各样的

vacation [və\\\\\\\\'keiʃn] 假期,假日

take a vacation去度假

season [\\\\\\\\'siːzn]度假旺季,节期

kid [kɪd] 小孩

have  fun 玩得高兴,有乐趣

band [bænd] 乐队


as soon as 一…就…

fourth [fɔrθ] 第四

sixth [sɪksθ] 第六

seventh [\\\\\\\\'sevnθ] 第七

eighth [eθ] 第八

ninth [\\\\\\\\'naɪnθ] 第九

tenth [tenθ] 第十

twelfth [twelfθ] 第十二

twentieth [ˈtwentiəθ] 第二十

among [ə\\\\\\\\'mʌŋ] 在…..之中

speech [spiːtʃ] 演说,讲演

pioneer [paɪə\\\\\\\\'nɪə] 开拓者,先驱者

grow [grəʊ] 种植,栽植

corn [kɔːn] 玉米,谷物

following   [\\\\\\\\'fɒləʊɪŋ] 接下来的,接着的

lay [leɪ] (laid laid) 摆放(餐桌)

lay the table摆放餐桌

over [\\\\\\\\'əʊvə] 完了的,结束的

dish [dɪʃ] 盘,碟

parade [pə\\\\\\\\'reɪd] 游行

ourselves [aʊə\\\\\\\\'selvz] 我们自己


1.since than_____________

2.all kinds of_____________

3.take a vacation ______________

4.have fun ______________

5.lay the table _______________

6.be over ______________

7.national day __________

8.Independence Day ___________

9.Have one day off ___________

10.somewhere nice/interesting ______________


  1. The People\\\\\\\\'s Republic of China was ________成立) on 1st October 1949. People have __________(庆祝) the National Day since then. There are flowers and national _________(旗) everywhere, and we have a three-day holiday.

  2. (公共的)holiday in America, but we only have one day________(休息). It\\\\\\\\'s the start of the vacation _______(季节) and most people take a __________(假期)sometime in July or August.

  3. (小孩) have great fun. We also watch _______(乐队) play music in public parks.

  4. (第四)Thursday in November. On that day, People make short_________(演说)and give thanks ______ their food.

  5. 先驱者) were crossing the Atlantic, many of them ______(), and after they landed, their first winter was ______(差) than any English winter. The local people, taught ____ how to grow _______(谷物). The________(接下来的) year they celebrated together by _________() a dinner of the new food.

  6. (拥挤的) room in our house . First ,we ______(摆放) the table, and then my father gives thanks for the food, We usually eat too much, talk a lot and tell stories as well. When it is all _______(结束的),everyone helps wash the _____(盘). we enjoy ________(我们自己) very much.



______________is China’s____________. The _________________was founded on_________. People_______________ the National Day­­­­______ then. We have a_________ holiday. We celebrate it with_______ and______________. During the holiday, we also___________ and_______________. In the US, the National Day is called ________ .it’s on____________. People ______________since 1777. they have _________off for the public holiday. On that day, there are___________________________. People put up________________ everywhere. They usually_________________ somewhere nice and ______.People also_________________________________. But in the UK, there isn’t a national day. People celebrate _______ with a _________holiday.


Thanksgiving is an American festival. It is celebrated on____________ in November People__________________ and____________________

We have _____the festival since ______________from England__________ in the seventeenth _______. While they_____________, many people_____. After they landed, their first winter was ______________any English winter. _________ taught them to___________. The following year they celebrated together by ____________ of the new food.

Today we still _______________________to celebrate Thanksgiving Day.

First we ______________and____________. Then before the dinner begins, we________________ to remember why we celebrate it. While we _____________, we often_____________ and ____________as well. When it ____________, everyone____________________.

During the festival, there are __________other things to do. We____________________in New York . Also we ____________and_____________________on TV.


Module 2 Public holidays


1. as soon as 

2. take a vacation 度假

3. have a picnic 野餐

4. play music 演奏音乐

5. go somewhere interesting 去有趣的地方

6.make short speeches 做剪短的演讲

7.give thanks for 感谢

8. grow corn 种植玉米

9.lay the table 摆设餐具

10. as well 

11.plenty of 丰富的,充足的

12. make much progress 取得很大的进步

13.get back 回来

14.think about 考虑

15.make a plan for 制定计划

16.wake up 醒来

17.fall asleep 睡着

18. in different ways 以不同的方式

19.count down 倒数

20. depend on 依靠

21.apart from 以外(还有)

22. at the same time 同时

23. since then 从那以后

24. all kinds of 各种各样的


1. have +一段时间+off放多长时间的假

2. something interesting, 形容词修饰不定代词,放形容词后

3. have fun doing sth. 做某事很开心

have a good time doing sth. 做某事很开心

have trouble/ difficulty/ problem doing sth. 做某事困难

4.enjoy oneself 玩得开心

5.watch sb. do/doing sth. 观察某人做/正在做某事

那么能接省略to 的不定式做宾补的动词有:

三使:have, make, let

四看:look at, see, watch, notice

二听:listen to, hear



6.teach sb how to do sth. 教某人如何做某事

7. Don’t you….? 难道你吗?

8.spend ….doing …. 花费….…..



