
外研版九年级英语下册Module 2 Education

全册精讲+→ 班班通教学系统 2022-04-10
Module 1 Travel

Module 2 Education



ours [ˈaʊəz] pron. 我们的

tie  [taɪ] n. 领带

row [rəʊ] n. 一排;一行;一列

pool [pu:l] n. 水池;游泳池  

pass  [pɑ:s] v. 及格;通过(考试或检查)

secondary  [ˈsekəndri] adj. (教育)中等的;次要的;间接的 secondary school 中学

absent [ˈæbsə

nt] adj. 缺席的;不在的

bell  [bel] n. 钟;铃 












































Unit 1   They don’t sit in rows.

1. What islike? 是什么样的/怎么样?

Whatare English school like? 英国学校什么样? What’s the weather like today?

2. a bit /a little/much/even + 形容词或副词的比较级  a little earlier  much better

3. wear a jacket and tie 穿夹克衫系领带    

4. sit in rows 坐成排

5. sports ground 运动场                  

6. Enjoy /like doing sth. 喜欢做某事

7. one day 某一天(过去/将来)            

8. Play with 和…玩

9. mean doing sth. 意味着做某事         mean to do sth. 打算/意图做某事

Unit2-Unit3  What do I like best about school?

1. How do you like …?= What do you think of …?你觉得…怎么样?

2. far (away) from sp.离某地多远     

3. primary school 小学  secondary school 中学

4. be present at 出席                 be absent from 缺席

5. last (for) + 一段时间  持续…      

6. have a break = have /take a rest 休息一下

7. two more lessons = another two lessons 还有两节课

8. instead of + sth. /doingsth.  代替,而不是

9. in the country = in the countryside 在农村,在乡下

10. parents’ meeting 家长会             

11. once a term 一学期一次         

12. above all  首先,是重要的是         

13. do well in 在……方面做得好

14. ask for one’s advice 征求某人的建议  take/followone’s advice 接受/听从某人的建议

15.to one’s surprise 令某人惊讶的是     

16. teach oneself sth. = learn sth. byoneself 自学


My school life


     My name is Susie Thompson, and I'm  fifteen. I've been at River School, London, since  I was eleven. If I pass my exams next year, I'll stay here until  I'm eighteen.


     River School is a secondary school, about twenty minutes away from my home by bike. Before I came here, I went to the primary school near my home. I started primary school when I was five and stayed there for six years.


We go to school every weekday from 8:45  am to 3:15 pm. Before class, our teacher checks which pupils are present or absent . Then everyone goes to the main hall. There, our head teacher tells us news about the  school. At 9:05 am the bell rings, and lessons start. Each  lesson lasts for an hour. We have a break from 11:05 am until 11:15 am, then another lesson ,and then lunch for an hour. In the afternoon, we have two more lessons before school finishes.


This year I have ten subjects: maths, English, physics, chemistry, French, history, geography, music, IT and PE. Some people learn German  instead of  French. It's lucky we don't have exams in every subject.今年我修了10门课程:数学、英语、物理、化学、法语、历史、地理、音乐、信息技术和体育。有些同学不学法语,学德语。幸运的是、我们不是每一门课程都考试。

        We have a large sports ground for football and tennis, where we can play both during  and after school hours. Afterschool activities, such as sports clubs and language societies, are popular too. During the school year there are usually visits to museums and to camps for activities such as climbing and walking in the country. Last year a group of us even  went to Japan. There are parties and a sports day,  and school plays are really popular. Once a term,  there is a parents' meeting, so our parents and teachers can talk about our progress.   


 What do I like best about school? English,chemistry, music, sports clubs, school plays... and above all, my friends!    那么我最喜欢学校生活的哪部分呢?英语、化学、音乐、运动俱乐部、校园戏剧…最重要的,是我的朋友们!


Unit1 They don’t sit in rows.




: Listen to people talking about education

: Talk about schools in England

: Read articles about English schools

: Write about English schools


1. To learn andreview some words and expressions about education.

2. To learn someexpressions about pronouns.


Learn to use thepronouns correctly.


 task-based method and interactive approach


A tape recorder,multimedia and some pictures


Teaching Procedures:

Step 1  Warming up

 Ss look the pictures and talk about thesituation at school.

Step 2  Talking

Work in pairs and talk about your school.

--What do you like best about our school?

--I like …

Step 3  Listening

1. Finish Activity2: Listen and complete the sentences.

1. The weather was ______ when Tony was in London.

2. Tony played football with_________________________________________.

3. Daming is surprised to hear that Tony ________________________.

4. Tony didn’t go to lessons. He was ___________.

2. Listen and readthe conversation, then answer the questions.

   1.How many pupils are there in Susie’s school?

2. Iseveryone sitting around tables or sitting in rows inEngland?

Step 4  Group work

1. 比一比,看哪组在对话中能找到最多的含有反身代词的句子。

2 比一比,看哪组在对话中能最快找出含有名词性物主代词的句子。

3. 比一比,看哪组在对话中能找出最多的含有不定代词的句子。

Step 5  Reading

1. Read and complete Susie’scolumn in the table.

2. Read again and answer the questions.

(1) Who did Tonyvisit in London?

(2) How did Tonyget the photos of Susie’s school?

(3) Which classis a bit bigger, Susie’s or Daming’s?

(4) What doesBetty hope to do one day?

Step 6  Language points

   1. Did you enjoy yourself in London?

     yourself是反身代词, 意为你自己。复数为yourselves.

     enjoyoneself 表示玩得高兴”, 相当于  have funhave a good time

     e.g.They enjoyed themselves last week.

2. So ours is a bit bigger.

     ours是名词性物主代词, 意为我们的”, 在句中相当于our class

     e.g. Her coat is beautiful, but ours ismore beautiful.

3. Look, everyone is wearing a jacket and tie!

     everyone是不定代词, 意为每个人

     tie作名词时意为领带”; 作动词时意为系东西

4. They don’t sit in rows.

     row意为一排, 一行, 一列

     sit in rows表示按排坐

5. Look at the swimming pool and the  huge sports ground.

     pool意为水池, 游泳池

     swimming pool表示游泳池

     sports ground表示运动场

Step7  Practice

Finish Activity 5: Complete the sentenceswith the correct form of the words in the box.

enjoy  pool   row   tie  wear

Pupils in England do not sit in(1)______ in the classroom. They sit around tables. Everyone (2)_______ ajacket and (3)_____. Most schools have sports grounds, and English children (4)_______ playing football, just as pupilsinChinado. Some English schools have swimming (5)______, but not all of them do.

Step 8  Pronunciation and speaking

1. Read the conversation inActivity 6 and predict which words the speaker is likely to stress.

  Betty:Hey, Tony! Did you enjoy yourself in London?

Tony:Yes! I went to see my friend Susie. And I visited her school.

Betty:What are English schools like?

Tony:Here are a few photos. I took them myself.

2. Now listen and check.

3. Work in pairs. Read theconversation in Activity 6 aloud.

Step 9  Pair work

1. Complete the Yourschool column in Activity 3.

2. Compare your school withSusie’s school.

Step 10  Exercises

  1.Our class enjoyed ______ in the museum.

     A. yourself      B. ourselves    C. us

2.-- Where is your class?-- _______ is on the second floor.

     A. Our            B. Ours         C. We

Step 11  Homework

Make up a dialogue about your school.Including the number of pupils in the school, the number of pupils in a class, thearrangement of seats in the classroom and the sports area. About 60 words.


Unit2 What do I like best about school?




l       Knowledge objective

Key vocabulary and key structures

l       Ability objective

To get information about school life

To master the pronouns

l       Moral objective

To know more about western school life and respect the westerneducational culture.


1. To master the newwords.

2. To learn someexpressions about school life.


 To get information from the article.


PWP method,task-based method


A tape recorder,multimedia and some pictures


Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Warming up

Answer the questions according to the pictures, andlet Ss talk about the school life.


What’s your favorite subject at school?

Do you like PE?

Do you like playing football?

Do you like playing tennis?

Have you ever taken part in the after-school activities?w

Step 2 New words

Look and say. The teacher shows the new words orexpressions, and let the students to say as quickly as possible.

pass        v. 及格; 通过(考试或检查)

secondary    adj. (教育)中等的; 次要的; 间接的

secondary school   中学

absent         adj.   缺席的; 不在的

bell          n钟;铃

Step 3  Look and say

Let Ss look at thephotos and say what they can see.


Step 4 Reading

1. Let Ss read thepassage and answer the questions.

1) How long has Susie been at River School?

2) How long does her schoolday last?

3) Do all the students at River School have the samesubjects?

4) How do you like Susie’s school life? Why?

2. Let Ss read the passage again and put the statements intothe correct group.

1) Susie has been at school since shewas five and she will be at school until she is eighteen.

2) All schools in theUKare like River School.

3) Lessons start at 9:05 am.

4) The fourth lesson starts at 1:15 pm.

5) There is a parents’ meeting each term.

     Wecan get the information from the passagedirectly: ___________

     We can get the informationfrom the passage indirectly: ___________

     We cannot get the information from thepassage: __

Step 7  Language points

1.If I pass my exams next year, I’ll stay here until I’m eighteen.2


     e.g.I’ll work hard to pass the final exam.


2.River school isa secondary school, about twenty minutes away from my home by bike.

     secondary school=middle school,意为中学

     primary school意为小学

3.Before class, ourteacher checks which pupils are present or absent.


     beabsent from ...   缺席……


     e.g. Why were you absent from the meetingyesterday?

4.In the afternoon, we have two more lessons before school finishes.

     two more lessons表示再上两节课


     e.g. There will be two more pandas in the zoo.

5.Some people learn German instead of French.

     instead of意为代替

     辨析:insteadinstead of

     请仔细观察下列例句, 然后补全结论部分所缺的内容。

     1) He istired. Let me go instead.

2)I didn’t go to the park. Instead, I went to the aquarium.

3)Peter did the dishes instead of his sister.

4)I will clean the window instead of him.

5)We will go skating instead of playing football.


1) 通过观察例句1-2, 我们可以看出: instead为副词, 在句中作状语。它可位于句尾, 也可位于句首。

2) 通过观察例句3-5, 我们可以看出: instead of为短语介词, 其后可接名词(短语)_______或动词-ing形式等。

insteadinstead of有时可以相互转换。

Lisadidn’t listen to music. Instead, she read. =

Lisaread instead of listening to music.


根据句意,选用insteadinstead of填空。

1)June’s uncle is leaving for Shanghai __________ Beijing.

2)Jack didn’t havenoodles for lunch. ________, he had rice and fish.

3)Ann said nothing. She began to cry ________.

4)I have to do my homework __________ going out.

6. Once a term, there is aparents’ meeting, so our parents and teachers can talk about our progress.

      oncea term表示每学期一次,表示频率。

      e.g.I go to visit my aunt once a week.

Step 8 Practice

Complete the questions with the words in the box. Then ask andanswer.

    absent     bell    pass    weekdays     

1) When do you hear a ______ at school?

2) Who is ________ from school today?

3) What do you usually do on __________?

4) How many marks do you need to ______ the English exam?

Step 9 Writing

1. Learning to learn

Let Ss know how towrite a composition.

When you write a composition, remember:

Write about what you know best. Thisusually means your family, friends, school and yourself.

Use something you have read as a model.So My school life can be a model for your writing.

Use ideas and sentences from the modeland change the details. This will help you decide what to write and how towrite it.

   2. Make a timetable for your schoolday

Let Ssfill in the timetable according to your school life.

Time when school starts

Afternoon lessons

Morning lessons

Time when school ends

Lunch break

After-school activities

3. Make a list of other eventsand activities during your school year.

Let Ss work in groups to make a list ofother events and activities during the school year.

   4. Write a passageabout your school life. Use the timetable in Activity 5 and the list you madein Activity 6 to help you. 

•        when you go to school

•        how you get there

•        how long you have been at this school

•        what your daily timetable is

•        what subjects you are taking this term

•        what other events and activities there are duringyour school year

•        what you like best about school

Myname is Zhang Lin and I’m a pupil at No 1 Junior High School in

Step 10  Exercises


      If you study hard, you will ______ the______.


      There are two ____________________, and aprimary school in our town.

3.昨天汤姆没来, 因为他生病了。

      Tom was ________ yesterday, because he wasill.


      I goto visit the science museum ______ a ______.

Step 11 Homework

Finish the written task.


Unit3 Language in use


l       Knowledge objective

Get the students to be able to use the key vocabulary and newwords they learn in this unit

l       Ability objective

Summarize andconsolidate the pronouns.

l       Moral objective

1. To be glad to take part in the school activities andenjoy the happiness.

2. To respect thewestern culture.


1. To be able towrite a passage to introduce the school life.w

2. To learn thepronouns.


Through listening, speaking andwriting, let students practise the prepositions.


PWP method,task-based method


A tape recorder,multimedia and some pictures


Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Warming up

 Askand answer the questions about the school life.

 How do you go to school?

 When does the first class begin?

 How many lessons are there in the morning?

 What do you usually do on weekends?

Step 2 Language practice

   Payattention to the sentences.

1. I took them myself.

2. So ours is a bit bigger.

3. Everyone is wearing a jacket and tie!

4. We go to school every weekday from 8:45 am to 3:15 pm.2

   5. We have a large sports ground for football and tennis,where we can play both during and after school hours.

Step 3 Grammar 1:代词


人称代词:主格:I, you, she, he, it, we, they

          宾格:me, you, her, him, it, us, them

指示代词:this, these, that, those

物主代词:形容词性: my, your, her, his, its, our, their

          名词性:mine, yours, hers, his, ours, theirs

反身代词:myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself,ourselves, yourselves, themselves

不定代词:some, any, both, either, neither, all, none,each, every, many, much, few, a few,

little, a little, other, another, one,somebody, nobody, anybody, everyone, everything, something, anything, nothing

疑问代词:what, which, who, whom, whose

Grammar 2:不定代词

   1.some & any


    e.g. Some of the students can speak German.

   2.neither & none


    e.g. I saw two boys at the door, but neither of themis my brother.

       None of the students in my class wants/ want totake part in this trip.

   3.(a) little & (a) few

    a littlea few表示肯定的概念,而littlefew表示否定的概念。

    e.g. Little is known about these areas ofMars.

       He has many friends, but few are truefriends/but only a few are true friends.

       此外,(a) little用于不可数名词,而(a)few用于可数名词。

   4.both & and


    e.g. All of the boys went to the cinemayesterday evening.

       —Which of the two shirts do you like?

       —I like both.


    e.g. We both/ all passed the exam.

   5.each & either


    e.g. Each of us/ We each got a beautiful cardon that special day.

       -Which of the two shirts do you want?

       -Either will do.


6. 疑问代词

疑问代词用于构成特殊疑问句,包括what, which, who, whom, whose等,代词的选择根据句意要求而定。

e.g. When do you hear a bellat school?

        Whatare English schools like?

        Howmany pupils are there in a class inEngland?

Step 4 Underline the correct words.

1.     Readthe dialogue carefully.

Anna: Hi, Bob. Howdid your exams go last term?

Bob: Great! I got good marks in (1) both/ each mathsand geography. What about you?

Anna: I did really well in English. That’s (2) anything/something I’ve always enjoyed.

My marks in history and art weren’t so good because (3) none/neither is my favorite subject. What will you study this term?

Bob: I’ve still got (4) a few/ few days before Ihave to decide. I’m going to speak to (5) both/ all my teachers and askfor their advice.

Anna: The teachers say that we must decide for (6) themselves/ourselves and that (7) none/ neither of them can tell us what to do.

Bob: But I have to get (8) some/ any informationbecause there are so (9) much/ many subjects and it’s very hard tochoose.

2.     Choosethe correct one from the two words.

Keys: both, something,neither, a few, both, ourselves, none, some, many

Step 5 Complete the passage withthe words and expression in the box.

Read the passage and choose the right ones.

both,   each,   other,    his,   mine,   myself

 A good teacher is someonewho is helpful and kind, like my history teacher, Mr Miller. (1) ____ knowledgeof the subject is excellent. Because of him, I love history and even read historybooks by (2) ______ after the lessons. A friend of (3) _____ called Mark also lovesthis subject  andsometimes we lend (4) _________ books or DVDs about history. I like reading (5)_____ Western and Chinese history books, but I think Chinese history is myfavorite subject.

Keys: His, myself, mine, each other, both

Step 6 Complete the sentences with the correctform of the words in the box.

he   her   him   himself   our  she  their   themselves  they   us   we

1.     John’s homeworkis too difficult. ____ is not able to do it _______, so I’m going to help _____with it.

2.  Some people do not have time to wash _____ pets__________, so _____ pay someone to do it at the pet shop.

3.  —Jane is doing a project about family history. ____has asked us to give ____ some of ____ photos that were taken when we wereyoung. Have ____ got any, Betty?

   —Yes,there is a photo of _____ with all thechildren in our family.

    Keys: He,himself, him, their, themselves, they, She, her, our, we, ours

Step 7 Grammar 3:介词和介词短语


1. 介词短语及用法


1) 作状语

   e.g. Hewrote long poems for children.

2) 作定语

   e.g. Heseems to know the solution to the problem.2

3) 作表语

   e.g. Tomand Jack are fromEngland.

2. 介词的兼词现象


  1)after & before


    e.g. What did you doafter you called the police? (after为连词,连接状语从句)

       I am going to the playground to playbasketball after school.


   2)above & below


    e.g. Donot write below the line.  (belowthe line构成介词短语作状语)

       Pleasewrite to me at the address below.  (below为副词)

    这类兼做介词和副词的单词很多,如:about, down, up, in, off,on, over, through, under等。

Step 8 Complete the passage withthe words in the box.

   The school cinema shows lots of foreignfilms. Next week (1) ____ Friday and Sunday it is showing a French film called NeverSay Goodbye. The story is set (2) ____ Paris (3) ____ the 1960s. The film lasts twohours and fifteen minutes and starts (4) ____ 6:30 and 9:30 (5) ____ the evenings.Tickets are 5, but there is a special half-price ticket (6) ____students from our school. Please bring your student card if you want a cheapticket.

   Keys:on, in, in, at, in, for

Step 9 Complete the sentences so they are true for you.

   Complete the sentences according to your ownschool life and show them to your class.

   1. I study _______ subjects: English,___________________________________.

2. I don’t study _____________________________.

3. I take exams in ____________, but Idon’t take exams in ___________________.

   4. My favorite sport is_______________ because ____________________.

5. I usually play sports on ____________________.

6. After-school activities, such as______________ are very popular at our school.

Step 10 Listening

1.      Listen and answer the questions.

1) Where does Kate want to goon holiday next year?

2)What game has Pete played since primary school?

   3) When do Kate and Pete have sportspractice?

2.     Listen againand complete the table.

School year

Special subject



Plan for next year




3.     Listen toPart 8 and answer the questions.

1) When do class teacherscheck who is present or absent?

   2) Do all the students take PE lessons?

  Keys: At the start of the day.

       Yes, they do.

Step 11 Read the passage and saywhere you think it comes from.2

Read the passage carefully and choose the right one

a)     A dictionary.

b)     A school website.

c)     A storybook.

Keys: b

Step 12 Now match the headingswith the paragraphs

Clubs, School hours, Sports,Subjects

Keys: 3, 1, 4, 2

Step 13 Read the passage again andcheck the true sentences

1. The head teacherspeaks to the whole school on Fridays.

2. The lunch break isless than one hour.

3. Students take exams inall the subjects they study.

4. Students can join morethan one club.

Keys:  4

Step 14 Around the world

     Talk about the effect of the educationalenvironment.

Step 15 Writing

1.     Workin pairs. Discuss and write sentences about your school.

•        Write sentences about the facts.

  There are … studentsand … teachers in our school. Students can study …

  After school, there are … and …

•        Write sentences about your opinions.

  The thing I like best about our school is …because …

2.     Makea leaflet about your school for new students.

Make a leaflet to introduce your school to new students. Usethe sentences in Activity 10.

Draw pictures andmake designs where necessary.

Step 16 Exercises

    1.Aunt Tinawill visit us soon. _____ is arriving tomorrow morning.  

A.He      B. She     C.His    D. Her

2.At present, children mean _____ to most parents inChina.

A.   everything    B. nothing 

C.anything       D. something

    3.We’ll play basketball _____ Class 3 tomorrow.

      A. over                   B. against  

      C. to                     D. for

4.—How can we protect ourselves _____ the earthquake?

      —We should stay calm first.

      A.with                    B. about

      C.for                     D. from

    Keys: B, A, B, D

Step 17 中考链接

  1. Inour school,_____ students like English, but _____ of them can speak English smoothly. 2014铜仁】

     A. a little; a few              B. a few; few

     C. a few, little                D. a little; few

  2.—Which of the two magazines will you take?

    —I’ll take _____ though I find _____ of themare very useful to me. 2014黄冈】

    A. all;both                 B. either; either

    C.either; neither            D. either; both

3. ____ of us wants to go to thepark today, because we have to finish so much homework. 2014长沙】

    A.Either       B.Both       C.Neither

4.You can take ____ of the two toy cars and leave the other for your brother.2014安徽】

    A.both                         B. none

    C.either                        D.neither

  5.Mother’s Day is _____the second Sunday in May in theUnited  States. 2014长沙】

    A.on              B. in             C. at

6. Nanjing Lishui StrawberryFestival opened _____ March in Fujiabian Modern Agricultural Park this year. 2014南京】

    A. on           B. at          C. in           D. to

  7.—She sold her treasuresto cure her mother’s illness, even though it was ____her own wishes.

    —It’s sokind _____ her. 2014鄂州】

    A. against; of        B. above; of           C.on; for              D. for; for

8. _____ the exam, we’llsay good-bye to our dear teachers, classmates as well as our beautiful school. 2014安徽】

    A.In      B.For     C. After     D. Through

  9. We have friends to help usfight against pollution, and trees are one of _____. 2014年临沂】

    A.themselves        B. they

    C.their                  D. them

10.We must protect plants. They are friends of _____. 2014河北】

     A.we                  B. us

     C.our                 D. ours

Keys: B, D, C, C, A, C, A,C, D, D

Step 18 Homework

     Write to your pen pal inEnglandtointroduce your school life.




