










1. 看电视_______             2.走着去学校________         

3.在报纸上______             4.努力学习_______             

5.带回,归还__________        6.inlots of Chinese cities_____     

7.in three days_______           8.the same as _________           

9.找到、发现__________      10.a letter fromEngland________        

11.after the show ______        12.好吧  ____            ____

13.怎样____    ______        14.擅长……                 


         in      on     at     to  about

1.    I  want  to buy  a  book __________science.

2.    Give  the  book __________ Jack.

3.    Mary  often  goes to  the  library__________  Sunday.

4.    Yestday  I  got  up__________9:00__________the  morning.

5.    It  is  very late . Mr   Li  is __________work.

6.    The  little girl  __________ red   looks very  beautiful.


1. I __________visitHainan  last year.

2.Let  us __________(go)  for a  walk.

3.Thank  you  for__________(talk) to  us ,Miss  Li.

4.He  didn’t __________(watch)  TV last   night.

5.Line A is__________(long)  than  Line B.

6.Look  at  the__________(women). They  are  so fat.

7.Give  the oranges  to __________(they).

8.Please__________(read)  after  me.


1.My  bike is __________.I  want  a new  one.

A.nice     B.broken     C.new        D.lovely

2.She  cooked  Chinese  food  __________.

A.tonight   B.tomorrow  C.last  night   D.now

3.I  like meat  and  she __________vegetables.

      A.like      B.likes      C.liked       D.like to

(  )4.Let’s   send    an email  __________our  teacher.

A.for        B.to        C.on           D.form

( )5.Hainan  is  __________the south  __________China.

     A.on;form    B.to;in      C.in;of        D.in  form

(  )6.I  want  __________a  map of China.

A.buy       B.is  buying  C.to  buy     D.bought

 (  )7.I’ll  __________home  at  six  o’clock.

      A.at        B.  be        C. go to      D.go

 ( )8.Tom  is __________ at  school now.

A.study       B.studying    C.studies     D.studied

 ( )9.The  pink  bag __________ got  four pockets.

      A.is         B.has          C.have       D.had.

 ( )10.---When  did  you go  to  Xinjiang?  ---__________.

      A.Tomorrow      B.Today       C.Last week


1. She  ate  an  ice-cream  yesterday .(改为一般疑问句)

  __________she__________an  ice-cream  yesterday.

2.He  wrote a  letter  last  night .(改为一般否定句)

 He __________ __________ a  letter  last night.

3.They  went to  Herbin  last summer.(划线部分提问)

 __________ __________they __________ to Harbin

4.He  did  his  homework.(对划线部分提问)

 __________did he  __________

5.Are  you ready  for  you trip?(作肯定回答)



1.Did she do her homework?               A. Yes, it is

2.Who’s this?                           B. Yes, I can

3.Can you play basketball?                C. No, she didn’t

4. Is this your uncle?                     D. Chips

5. What did she have for dinner?           E. It’s my grandma


1 play    played

A. YesterdayI ___________ football.

B. Iwill ____________ football tomorrow.

2meet      met

   A.Lingling and John ____________ me at the zoo yesterday.

   B. I’mgoing to ___________ you in New York.

3 go    went

   A.Yesterday I __________to the park.

   B. I’ll___________ to park tomorrow.

4 buy      bought 

   A.Yesterday my mother __________ a book for me.

   B. I’ll____________ to park tomorrow.


A  Trip

I went  to  Jinan with  my  parents two  years  ago. It’s the  capital(省会)  of the  Shandong .It’s  in  the  east of  China.  There are  lots  of springs ()in  Jinan. So  it’s  also called  the  Spring  City.We  visted  Daming Lake ,Baotu  Spring  Park and  Spring  City Square.  We  also climbed  the  Qianfo  Mountain.We  took  lots of  photos.  We had  a  good time.


( )1. We   went  to  Jinan  five years  ago.

( )2. Jinan is  in  the east  of China.

( )3. Jinan   is also  called  the  Spring  City.

( )4. We  had  a good  time  in  Jinan.


 learn(过去式)______write(现在分词)______ put (过去式) ____    

 these(单数)______us(主格)_____ easy (反义词)__  __



 Last Sundaywent , library  borrow supermarket   bought TV programmelaughed.




(   ) h d   A, ur  B,or  C, ar 

(   ) hamb   ger   A, er   B, ur C, ar

(   ) st    dy A, a  B, o  C, u 

(   ) ex     ted   A, si  B, ci   C, sa

(   ) li  r   ay   A, b, a  B, a, b   C, b, e


(   )A, football B, basketball  C, horse   

(   )A, small B, shoe  C, heavy

(   )A, sandwich B, breakfast  C, lunch   

(   )A, gave  B, learnt   C, climb

(   )A, she    B, us      C, him


1.They go to the cinema t          a mouth.  

2.I’d like a b            of milk.21·世纪*教育网

3. It’s not Sunday today. It’sS         

4.Do you often get l          from your friends ?   www-2-1-cnjy-com

5.A woman is r           very fast around the road.

6.Please tell Jack I will come a            at eight tomorrow morning.

7.Would you like to l            a message .

8.My grandma is a BeijingOpera f               【来源:21cnj*y.co*m

9.That’s a big bag, I can’tcarry it. C          you help me?


Foot(复数)          do(单三)          

soft(反义词)         run(现在分词)          

We(宾格)          learn(过去式)        

easy(反义词)          teach(现在分词)          

These(单数)         put(过去式)          




A, You should say hello to myfriend.  

B, You should say my friendhello.

(     ) 2.你在想什么?

A, How are you thinking about?        

B, What are you thinkingabout?

(      )3. 在英国他们在9点开始上课。

A, They start school at 9o’clock.    

B, They walk to school at 9o’clock.

(      ) 4. 这位老人不能坐下。

A, This old man can’t sitdown.     

B, This old man can’t standup.

(     )  5.你能很好地接住球吗?

A, Can you catch the ball well ?      

B, Can you control the ballwell?

(     ) 6.在这个包里有太多的苹果。

A,There is too many apples in thebag.  

B, Three are too many applesin the bag21教育网



You should           my hand.


Today I          a chess game


TV is very          for us


They want to be in ourfootball               


My sweater is               


We        some apples


(    ) 1.They didn’t          enough food. 

A, has      B, had      B, have

(    ) 2.Five years ago, he        to school.

Now he     to school by bus.

A, walked,   goes    B, Walk,  went     C, walks , went.

(    ) 3. He      Chinese ten years age.      

A, teaches    B, taught     C, teached.21*cnjy*com

(    ) 4.He is         English now.       

A, learning   B, learnt    C, learns

(    ) 5.Circle A is bigger        circle B.     

A, than       B, for     C, as

(    ) 6.What did she have            lunch.    

A, in       B, with    C, for

(    ) 7.He had       at six o’clock in the morning.【出处:21教育名师】

A, breakfast      B, lunch       C, dinner.

(    ) 8.Please bring back the book                  www.21-cn-jy.com

A, two weeks’ time     B, in two weeks’ time   C, in two weeks time

(    ) 9.   did you go there?  ----- last week    

A, what  B, When  C, why

(    ) 10.Her little son can             chopsticks now.2-1-c-n-j-y

A, uses    B, using      C, use

(    ) 11.Yao ming is very good        basketall.     

A, in   B, for  C, at

(    ) 12.The girl is deaf . she can’t            

A, hear     B, see     C, find

(    ) 13. I get up       half past seven.      

A, in      B, to    C, at

(    ) 14.Do you want to           chess.    

A, think      B, make      C, play【版权所有:21教育】

(    ) 15.You should look, then          the road.     

A, cross    B, walk C, run21*cnjy*com

(    ) 16.Yesterday I lost my bag, I feel             

A, happy   B, hungry  C, sad

(    ) 17.You are back          China     

A, from        B, in     C, to

(    ) 18.     did you go to schoolyesterday.   

A, what  B, How C. How many

(    ) 19.Let’ s buy one kilo         noodles.    

A, of     B, for         C, off

(    )20. They walked      one hour.       

A, about   Bwith    C, for


A, Her parents【来源

B, That’s a good idea.

C, It’s in the north ofChina.

D, Kite, ball………

E, We ate hamburgers.

F , No, I can see two heads.

G, I will go to the library.

H, No, there aren’t.

I , Last Monday.

J, I’m fine , thank you.

(     )Where is Yinchuan?              21·世纪·教育·网】

(     ) What about a picture ?           

(     ) What did you have last night?      

(     ) Who is going to go with her ?      

(     ) How are you ?                  

(     ) What are you going to take?        

(     )When did Damingarrive ?         

(     ) Where will you go tomorrow?      

(     ) Can you see a vase?              

(     ) Are there some books on the desk?     .


A.He’s got chopsticks      

B.I’m going to go to America.     

C.How are you?

D. What do you suggest?             

E.That’s a good idea.

Sam: Hi, Daming!                            

Daming: I’m fine, thanks. I’m very excited.                                       

Sam: That’s great. Daming.

Daming: I want to take apresent for my cousin.                                  

Sam : What about chopsticks?

Daming:                . His mum and grandma areChinese.

Sam: why don’t you give hima kite?

Daming:                          Thank you. Sam.


1.We have six classes in a day.


2.We play hockey on the field.


3.They can watch TV athome.


4.We play the violinafter school.


5.There are three girls in the room.


6.Ican buy shoes in a shop.     


7,We can go to the park nextweek.


8.The watch is seventy-twoyuan. 


9.I like science field trip very much. 


10,They do exercises at ten.      



       Yesterday my father andwent to the park. On the road we saw a lot of people. There was a donkey in themiddle of the road. It didn’t go. The cars and buses can’t go , too.

       Then a policeman came. “whosedonkey is this?” He asked. “it’s mine”. Said a farmer. “But I can’t let it go”.The policeman and the farmer moved the donkey. But they can’t let it go. “giveit a carrot” my father said. “that’s ok” said the farmer. Soon he bought somecarrots and took them to the donkey. When the donkey saw the carrots, it jumpedup and walked after the farmer. All the cars and buses can go at last.

(     )1, I went to the park                       21世纪教育网版权所有

A, with my friend        B, with my father        C, With Sam

(     )2, father and I saw              

A, some animals        B, some folwers       C, a donkey

(     )3, The buses and cars can’t go because                  

A, The donkey was in themiddle of the road.21cnjy.com

B, The policeman can’t letthem go.

C, The farmer were not onthe road.

(     )4, The donkey was                          21·cn·jy·com

A, mine        B, the farmer’s         C, the polimeman’s

(     )5,              took some carrots to the donkey.2·1·c·n·j·y

A, My father       B, I           C, The farmer.


Where my shirt, mother?             

Do you know?                                 

Is it in the boxes?              

Let’s me have a look.             

Where is mine new one?            

I don’t knew. What aboutthis one?        

Is it to small?                      

I think it’s allright.          

Thanks you.                          



1. Life was very         (不同的)in China many years ago.

2. Taotao           (学习)very hard two years ago.

3. yesterday he had an English          (早餐).

4. Let’s make a home          (图书馆).

5. This one is big and          (轻的). 

6. Lanlan went to Shanghai with her           (父母).

7. My father goes to work at 10:00 every           (晚上).

8. I           (画)a red flower on the paper yesterday.

9. The actors           (讲)lots of jokes last night.

10. This is my new pet. It           (讲)English and Chinese.


1. make a cake              2. go to school              

3. in New York              4. buy books              

5. laugh a lot                6. of course              


(   ) 1. There weren’t          televisions many years ago.

A. any    B. some  C. no

(   ) 2. —Did he learn English?

—No, he didn’t. But he is          English now.

A. learn  B. learning    C. learned

(   ) 3. —What          she have for lunch?

—She had sandwiches.

A. does    B. do   C. did

(   ) 4. We’re going to do a science project          animals.

A. with  B. about  C. in

(   ) 5. Lanlan has          some interesting photos. 

A. got    B. getting  C. gets


(   ) 1. The flowers are really beautiful.

(   ) 2. Look at this green T-shirt. It’s nice.

(   ) 3. My mother goes to work at seven o’clock.

(   ) 4. I made a kite last Sunday.

(   ) 5. This is my grandma.


1. us, Mum, to, is, food, Chinese, going, cook, for(连词成句)


2. 那是个好主意!(汉译英)


3. He goes to school by bus.(对划线部分提问)


4. I watch TV with my grandparents. (改为否定句)


5. There is a beautiful bag under the chair.(改为一般疑问句)



Amy:    1   , Linda!

Linda: Hi, Amy. Look at this photo of    2   .

Amy: Wow! You were so cute.

Linda: Life was    3    for me many years ago.

Amy: How was it different?

Linda: I slept with my parents. I only    4    milk every day.

Amy: You were a    5    then.

Linda: Yes. And I couldn’t sit or    6   .

Amy: How about    7   ?

Linda: I eat rice,    8   , meat, fruit and vegetable.

Amy: And you can walk very    9   .

Linda: Yes, you’re    10   !


     My name is Lucy. I live in a happy family. My father is a taxi driver. He goes to work at half past six every morning. My mother is a teacher. She walks to work at eight o’clock every morning. I’m a student. I goes to school at eight o’clock every morning. Last summer, we went to Chongqing by train. We ate delicious food there. We enjoyed ourselves.

1. What does Lucy’s father do?


2. Is Lucy’s mother a teacher?


3. How does Lucy’s mother go to work?


4. What time does Lucy go to school?


5. When did Lucy go to Chongqing?



一、1. different  2. studied  3. breakfast  4. library  5. light

6. parent  7. evening  8. drew  9. told  10. speaks

二、1. 制作蛋糕    2. 去上学  3. 在纽约  

4. 借书  5. 大笑   6. 当然

三、1-5 ABCBA

四、1-5 TFTFF

五、1. Mum is going to cook Chinese food for us.

2. That’s a good idea!

3. How does he go to school?

4. I watched TV with my grandparents.

5. Is there a beautiful bag under the chair?

六、1. Hello   2. me    3. different   4. drank    5. baby

6. walk    7. now   8. noodles    9. fast    10. right

七、1. He is a taxi driver.

2. Yes, she is.

3. On foot./ She walks to work.

4. At eight o’clock.

5. Last summer.










外研版小学英语1-6年级电子课本 教科书图片



