
外研版九上英语​Module 1 Wonders of the world 教案(教学设计)

全册精讲+→ 班班通教学系统 2022-04-10






Module 1 Wonders of the world


A. 单词和短语:

man-made, natural, wonder,discussion, eastern, though, loud, wow, opinion, in one’s opinion, more than,electricity, millions of, below, shine – shone - shone; shine – shined -shined, sign, silent, silver, sky, grey, go through, path, beside, reply,clear, fall away, stream, nearly, on top of, canyon, remain, by

B. 交际用语:

1. I’m not sure…

2. In my opinion,…

3. Look at…

4. Who’d like to…?

5. I’ve never seen it, so I’m not sure I agree withyou.

6. That sounds great,though I think Victoria Falls in Africa is evenmore fantastic.

7. In my opinion, man-madewonders are more than exciting than natural ones.

8. —Which wonder of the world you like to visit?

—I’dlike to visit the Giant’s Causeway because I love wild places by the sea.

9. I visited the Giant’s Causewaytwo years ago.

10. It produces electricity for millions of people inChina.

11. I looked to the east-the sky was becoming grey.

12. You’ll get there in five minutes.

13. Am I going the right way?

14. —Where is …? —It’s…

15. —How high / deep / long / wide is it?

—It’s…meters high / deep / long / wide.

. 教学目标

1. Function: Describing places and experiences.

2. Structure: Comparison of past simple,present simple, future simple, present perfect, present continuous, pastcontinuous.

3. Skills: 1) Listening for specific information;identifying photos.

2)Expressing views and opinions.

3)Reading andfinding specific information .

4)Describing a wonder of the world.

4. Around the world: Stonehenge:A man-made wonder of the world..

5. Task: Making a poster about a wonder of the world.


Grammar: Comparison of past simple,present simple, future simple, present perfect, present continuous, pastcontinuous.


Unit 1 It’s more than 2,000 years old.

Teaching model

Listening andspeaking 

Teaching method

 Top-down approach

Ⅲ Teaching aims

1. To learn and understand the topic words through talking andlistening;

2. To know something about TheTerracotta Army, The Three Gorges Dam, The Giant’s Causeway and Victoria Falls;

3. To understand conversations involving different tenses.

Ⅳ Teaching Objectives

1. Key vocabulary: man-made, natural,wonder, discussion, eastern, though, loud, wow, opinion, in one’s opinion, morethan, electricity, millions of

2. Key structures:Sentence structure

Ⅴ Teachingaids

Tape recorder, OHP , video

Teaching Steps

Step 1 Warming-up

1. Show some pictures ofthe wonders of the world.

2. Enjoy and talksomething about the pictures.

3. Show some pictures to introducethe new words.

4. Learn the new words.

5. Read thewords after the teacher.

Step 2 Match the name.

Match the names of the wonders with the pictures.

1. Ask the students to look at the pictures.

2. Read through the names of thewonders.

a) The Terracotta Army     b) The Three Gorges Dam

c) The Giant’s Causeway    d) VictoriaFalls

3. Match the names of the wonders with the pictures.

4. Ask the students to check their answer with apartner.

5. Call back the answersfrom the whole class and check the answers.

Step 3 Answer the questions.

Look at the picturesand answer the questions. Use the words in the box to help you.

1. Ask the students to look at the pictures in Activity1.

2. Ask the students to read through the words inthe box.

ancient   man-made   modern  natural   wonder

3. Ask the students to read through thequestions in Activity 2.

1) Which two are natural wonders?

2) Which two are man-made wonders?

3) Which is an ancient wonder?

4) Which is a modern wonder?

4. Look at the pictures and answer thequestions. Use the words in the box to help you.

5. Ask the students to check their answer with apartner.

6. Call back the answersfrom the whole class and check the answers.

7. Now listen and check.

Step 4 Listen and read.

1. Ask the students to listenand read the conversation silently.

2. Check()the true sentences.

1) Tony thinks the Giant’s Causeway is the largest natural wonder.

2) Lingling thinksVictoria Falls is more fantastic than the Giant’s Causeway.

3) Betty and Daming are moreinterested in man-made wonders.

4) For Daming,the Three Gorges Dam is more fantastic than the Terracotta Army.

3. Ask the students to read the passageand finishActivity 4.

1) Where is the Giant’s Causeway?

2) How wide is Victoria Falls?

3) What wonders does Betty think aremore exciting?

4) How old is the Terracotta Army?

4. After Reading: Complete the table. 


The Giant’s Causeway

______ rocks, ____ sides, on the ______ coast ofNorthern Ireland

Victoria Falls

in ______, ______ metres wide, _____ metres high

The Terracotta Army

more than ______ years old

The Three Gorges Dam

______ metres long, _____ metres high,  ____  metres wide, produce _________

Step 5 Pronunciationand speaking: Listen and mark the pauses.

1. Play the recording oncewithout stopping.

2. Play the recording again and askthe whole class to repeat.

1) I’ve never seen it, so I’m notsure I agree with you.

2) That sounds great, thoughI think Victoria Falls in Africa is even morefantastic.

3) In my opinion,man-made wonders are more exciting than natural ones.

3. Ask the students to listen and mark the pauses.

4. Now listen again and repeat.

Step6 Language points

1. Let’s call Wonder of the World and join in thediscussion.


joinin的意思是“参加某种活动,加入到”。例如:We all joined in the game.我们都参与了游戏。

discussion 作名词,它是由动词discuss 加后缀-ion而构成的, 意为讨论; 商讨。如:

There will be adiscussion about the differences between the two words in our class thisafternoon.

小试: How many students joined in the_________(discuss) last Sunday?

2. And I think the Giant’s Causeway is the most fantastic natural wonder.


巨人之路位于英国北爱尔兰东部海岸,由大量多边形石柱组成,绵延数百米,呈阶梯状延伸入海。1986年,巨人之路及其海岸(Giant’s causeway and Causeway Coast)被联合国教科文组织列入世界自然遗产名录。

3. That sounds great,though I think Victoria Falls in Africa is evenmore fantastic.



4. But in my opinion,man-made wonders are more than exciting than natural ones.


本句中natural onesman-made wonders相对应,ones代替前面提到的wonders

inone’s opinion表示“按某人的意见;据某人看来”。如:

Who,in your opinion, is the best football player in the world today?



  though 作连词,意为虽然;尽管”, 常用来引导让步状语从句,从句可放在主句前或主句后, 但不能与but however 出现在同一个句子中。如:

  Though he was tired, he went on working.

  Lucy often helps me with my English, thoughshe is very busy.


Grace is going to give much money to charity, ______ she is not richenough. (2013 乌鲁木齐)

A. if           B. unless        C. since       D. though

Step7 Work in pairs.

1. Read through the example with the class.

—Which wonder of the world you liketo visit?

—I’d like tovisit the Giant’s Causeway because Ilove wild places by the sea.

2. Make a list of wonders of the world.Say which one you would like to visit and why.

3. Work in pairs.

Step 8 Exercises: Complete the sentences.

1. Ask the students to read through the words inthe box in Activity 5.

discussion   eastern    huge  opinion   though

2. Read through the sentences inActivity 5.

1) In my _____________, natural wonders are more interestingthan man-made ones.

2) Victoria Falls,about 1,700 metres wide and 100 metres high, is ____________.

3) Let’s join in the _____________about the wonders of the world.

4) I think the Giant’sCauseway on the _____________ coast ofNorthern Irelandis a fantasticnatural wonder.

5) To some degree, Linglingagree with Tony about the Giant’s Causeway, _________ she thinks Victoria Falls are more fantastic.

3. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

4. Ask the students to check their answer with apartner.

5. Call back the answersfrom the whole class and check the answers.

Step 9 中考链接 

1. 大峡谷是世界自然奇观之一。(2010广东佛山)

TheGrand Canyon is _______________________ of thenatural world.

2. 我认为这部电影中有太多的打斗。(in one’s opinion) (2012山东潍坊)


3. We should give the boy another chance________ he has made some mistakes. (2011河南)

A.though           B. when           C. unless

4. Football is do excitingthat _______ people in the world play it. (2011四川德阳)

A.million of       B millions of      C. two millions of

Step 10Homework

1. Which wonder ofthe world would you like to visit? Write some sentences about it.

2. Preview Unit 2.

Unit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just big.

Teaching model

Reading and writing. 

Teaching method

 Interactive approach

Teaching aims

1. To get information fromthe reading material about the Grand Canyon;.

2. To know the way ofwriting you see and your feeling when travelling.


1. Key vocabulary: below, shine – shone- shone; shine – shined - shined, sign, silent, silver, sky, grey, go through,beside, reply, clear, fall away, stream, nearly, on top of, canyon, remain, by

2. Keys structure: Sentence structure.


Tape recorder, handout

Teaching Steps

Step 1 Free talk

Whatdo you know about these wonders?

Step 2 Presentation

1. Introduce the newwords.

2. Read thewords after the teacher.

Step 3 Work in pairs.

1. Talk about a greatnatural wonder you know. Use the words in the box to help you.

below  deep   fantastic  high    long  natural  shine   sign  silent  silver

Step 4 Reading.

1. Play the recording andlisten to the tape carefully.

2. Ask thestudents to read through the passage.

3.Complete the table.

The Grand   Canyon

How deep

How wide

How long


1. Nearly one mile.

2. About fifteen miles.

3. More than 200 miles.

4. True orfalse.

1. When I arrived, the weather was sunnyand hot.

2. I went to the wrong way at first.

3. The Colorado River was nearly three miles below me.

4. Finally, I looked to my left and to my right, and on both sides thecanyon went far away for more than 200 miles.


F  F   F   T

Step5 Learning to learn

Some adjectives tellyou facts, such as wide, deep, high and tall; dome adjectives tell you theopinion of the author, like wonderful, huge and great. Learn to use them totalk about facts and give your opinion.

Step 6 Choose the correct answer.

1. Read the passage again.

2. Choose the correct answer.

1) Where does the passage possibly come from?

a)A magazine.   b) A grammar book.  C) A dictionary.  D) A storybook.

2) Why was there nothing to see?

a)Because there was nothing.  b) Because itwas too dark.

c)Because it was raining.     d) Because itwas in the morning.

3) Which direction was the writer facingwhile he was looking over the Grand Canyon?

a)South.   b) North.    c) East.  d) West.

4) What is the writer’s purpose in writing thispassage?

a)To give facts about the natural world.

b)To say how he feels about the natural world.

c)To tell an interesting story about the Grand Canyon.

d)To attract people to visit the Grand Canyon.

Keys: 1. d 2. b  3. d  4. b

Step 7 Complete the passage with thewords in the box.

below  mile   remain  reply   sign    silent   sky  stream    through

Inthe dark, there is no (1)____________ of the Grand Canyon, and it is (2)____________. But if you(3)____________ by the Grand Canyon as the (4)____________ gets brighter andlook down about one (5)____________, you can see the Colorado River (6)____________ you. It looks like a silver (7)____________as it passes (8)____________ the rocks at the bottom of the canyon. If someoneasks you whether the Grand Canyon is thegreatest wonder of the natural world, it may be easy to (9)____________.


1. sign 2. silent  3. remain  4. sky 5. mile  6. below  7. stream 8. through  9.reply

Step 8 Writing

1. Complete the tablewith facts about a natural or man-made wonder of the world.



Interesting facts

Step9 Language points

1. I got out of the car, went through a gate and walked along adark path.


  go through 通过,穿过;经历

  e.g.The rain has gone through my coat.

     The country has gone through too manywars.

拓展:go 相关词组

go abroad  出国

go against  违背;与……不符

go up  增长;上升;被兴建起来

go on  继续;继续下去;发生

go over  复习;仔细审查;走近

go ahead 进行

go away  走开;消失

go for  去取来;争取得到

2. I looked over them, but it was silent and there wasno sign of it.


Iwas looking across one of the wonders of thenatural world- the Grand Canyon.


Ilooked down to the Colorado River我俯瞰科罗拉多河…

Finally,I looked to my left and to my right,最后,我向左右遥望…



look after  照料

look back  回顾,向后看

look in   顺便来访

look into  调查

look through  浏览

look over  翻阅;调查

look up  找出,查阅;仰视

look down upon sb. 轻视某人

look forward to doing  期待

3. The sun rose behind me and shone onthe rocks. Far below me, the ground fell away and down to a river. 太阳从我身后升起,照在岩石上,地面(仿佛在随光线)向下延伸,(逐渐)退落,显露出谷底的河流。

behind, on, below, awaydown几个介词和副词生动地展现了太阳升起时作者在大峡谷观察到的奇妙景象。…the ground fell away…是形象化的描述,说明了随着阳光的照射,作者仿佛看到地面在下降,逐渐显露出谷底的河流。

4. I remained by the canyonfor about half an hour…

remain  v.逗留,留下 n. 剩余物;遗迹;残骸

e.g. I didn’t remain long in the city.  我并没有在那个城市逗留很久。

   The policetold everybody to remain in their cars.  警察叫大家都留在车里。


Step 10 Exercises


(   ) 1. I have ____________ my watch everywhere. But Icannot find it.

A.look at   B. looked up   C. looked for

(   ) 2. TheXianmen-Shenzhen high speed railroad will run ______ eight cities.

A.across   B. through   C. over

(   ) 3. —Pleasedrive ______ when you pass a school.


     A. nearly B. earlyC. slowly D. really

(   ) 4. The little elephant is afraid to go alone. He always walks_______his mother.

A.beside  B. behind  C. below  D. under

(   ) 5.The volunteer spoke as_______ as she could to make the visitorsunderstand her

A.clearly    B. more clearly   C. most clearly   D. the most clearly

6. 他们正在建一条隧道,它将穿过这座山。

Theyare building a tunnel and it will__________________ the mountain.

Keys: 1. C 2. B  3. C  4. A 5. A 6. go through

Step 11 Homework

Imagine you have justvisited one of the wonders. Write a passage and describe how you felt when youvisited the wonder.

Say when you visited it.

I just visited the GreatWall last month.

Say where it is.

It is in the north ofChina.

Describe its size.

It is…

Say what interesting facts you know.

It is famous for…

Say what happened when you visited it.

It was raining when wewere…

Say how you felt.

I thought it was the mostwonderful sight.

Unit 3 Language in use

Teaching model

Revision and application

Teaching method

Formal and interactivepractice, task-based approach.

ⅢTeaching aims

1. To review and check the words learned in thismodule;

2. To summarise and consolidate tenses learned before.

ⅣTeaching aids

Recorder, OHP, handouts

Teaching Steps

Step 1 Revision

Show some pictures toreview the text of Unit 1 and Unit 2

Step 2 Language practice

1. Read through the example sentences in the box with the wholeclass.

1) I visited the Giant’s Causeway twoyears ago.

2) It produces electricity for millions of people inChina.

3) I’ve never seen it, so I’mnot sure I agree with you.

4) I looked to the east-the sky wasbecoming grey.

5) You’ll get there in five minutes.

6) Am I going the rightway?

2. Ask the students torepeat the sentences in the box.

Step 3 Grammar.







(1)And I think the Three Gorges Dam  is fantastic too.

(2)It produces electricity for  millions of people inChina.


(3)Well, I visited the Giant’s Causeway two years ago.


(4)Am I going the right way?


(5)When I arrived, it was early  morning and it was raining.


(6)You’ll get there in five  minutes.


(7)I’ve never seen it, so I’m not  sure I agree with you.



Thousands of people visit Beijing every year.

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

注意: 1) when,until, as soon as等引导的时间状语从句和if引导的条件状语从句中,若主句是将来时或祈使句, 从句则要用一般现在时表示将来。


2. 一般过去时


I was very thin in my childhood.

I got up very early when I was a college student.

注意:used to是过去时, 表示过去常常。

e.g. I used to take a walkin the morning.   我以前常常早晨散步。

3. 现在进行时


My elder brother is coming tomorrow.

We are having a meeting tomorrow morning.

注意:go,come, leave, fly等表示位移的动词的现在进行时可用来表示将来。

e.g. She is flying to London tomorrow. 她明天将飞往伦敦。

4. 过去进行时


I was having breakfast when he telephoned me.

What were you doing at eight o’clock yesterdayevening?



e.g. The phone rang while / when Mr. Wang wassleeping on the sofa.

         王先生正在沙发上睡觉时, 电话铃响了。

5. 一般将来时

一般将来时表述的是发生在将来的事情或行为以及未来的状态,如表格中的(6)。在表示对将来的预测时(没有相关迹象表明某事必然会发生的情况下)willbe going to可以互换。例如:

It will / is going to be a rainy day tomorrow.

但在其他情况下,be going to更强调计划性,而will着重表达个人意愿或想法。例如:

He is going to spend his vacation in Hawaii.

I will give you the information when I get it.

注意:there be结构的一般将来时常用There is /are going to beThere will be表示。

e.g. There is going to / will be a film thisevening.  今晚将有一场电影。

6. 现在完成时


A: Have you seen the film?

B: Yes, I have.

A: When did you see it?

B: Last night.



I have lived here for a long time.

I have been ill for a week.

注意:havebeen to 曾去过某地, 表示一种经历havegone to 到某地去了

e.g. My father has been to Shanghai twice.  我父亲去过两次上海。

      MrWang isn’t here. He has gone to Dalian.王先生不在这儿, 他去大连了。


1. 一般现在时

一般疑问句式:Do I / we / you / they +do…?

             Does he / she / it + do…?

否定句式: I / We /You / They +do not (don’t) +do…

He/ She / It does not (doesn’t) + do…

2. 一般过去时

一般疑问句式:Did I / we / you / he / she / it /they +do…?

否定句式: I / We /You / He / She / It / They+did not (didn’t) + do…

3. 现在进行时

一般疑问句式:Am I doing …?

Arewe / you / they +doing…?

              Ishe / she / it + doing…?

否定句式: I am not (I’m not) doing…

We/You / They +are not (aren’t) + doing…

He/ She / It is not (isn’t) + doing…

4. 过去进行时

一般疑问句式:Were we / you / they +doing…?

             Was I / he / she / it + doing…?

否定句式: We /You / They +were not (weren’t) +doing…

I/ He / She / It was not (wasn’t) + doing…

5. 一般将来时

一般疑问句式:Will I / we / you / he / she / it /they +do…?

              AmI going to + do…?

Arewe / you / they +going to + do…?

              Ishe / she / it + going to + do…?

否定句式: I / We /You / He / She / It / They+will not (won’t) + do…

           I amnot (I’m not) going to + do…

We/You / They +are not (aren’t) going to + do…

He/ She / It is not (isn’t) going to+ do…

6. 现在完成时

一般疑问句式:Have I / we / you / they +done…?

             Has he / she / it + done…?

否定句式: I / We /You / They have not (haven’t)+done…

He/ She / It +has not (hasn’t) + done…

Step 4 Explain thedifferences in meaning.

1. Explain the differences in meaning betweenSentences a) and b).

1) a) I often playbasketball.      b) I am playingbasketball now.

2) a) She has gone to the Great Wall.    b) She has been to the Great Wall.

3) a) They had an Englishclass yesterday.

b) They were having an English class at nine o’clock yesterdaymorning.

4) a) He is doing aninterview.    b) He has done aninterview.

5) a) We are drawing apicture of Victoria Falls now.

b) We will draw a picture of Victoria Falls.

2. Check the answers:


1. a) is what I doregularly.

b) is what I’mdoing now.

2. a)Sheis still at the Great Wall.

b) She has comeback from the Great Wall.

3. a) They did it once in the past.

b) They were doingsomething at a specific time.

4. a) He’s doing the interview now.

b) He has alreadyfinished the interview.

5. a) We are drawing a picture now

b) We will draw a picture in the future.

Step 5 Complete the sentences.

1. Ask the students to read the words in the box inActivity 2.

appear   finish    give   rain   talk    visit   walk

2. Ask the students to read through the sentences inActivity 2.

1) Listen! It _________________ outside.

2)The great musician ________________ aconcert in Guangzhounext month.

3)Last summer, my parents ______________the Terracotta Army in Xi’an.

4)He __________ already __________________ a new book about travel.

5)Thousands of people _________________along the Great Wall every year.

6)A few minutes later, a stranger___________________ at the end of the street.

7)The students _________________ about thejourney to the Grand Canyon when the teachercame into the classroom.

3. Complete thesentences with the correct from of the words in the box.

4. Ask the students tocheck with a partner.

5. Check the answers:

Keys: 1. is raining   2. will / is going to give   3. visited  4. has, finished   5. walk   6. appeared  7. were talking

Step 6 Complete the passage.

1. Ask the students to read through the passage inActivity 3.

The sun was going down when we (1) _______ (arrive) at the ground floor of thebuilding. I (2) ____ (be) afraid of going to the top of tall buildings, so I wasa little nervous when I (3) ___________ (walk) into the lift. The lift (4)________ (climb) faster and faster until we (5) ________ (reach) the 88thfloor. It (6) ______ (be) high up there, but I was not afraid when I (7) ___________(stand) at the top.

The JinMao Tower in Shanghai,one of the tallest buildings in the world, (8) ___ (be) 420.5 meters high. Itwas built in 1999, and it (9) ____ (have) a fantastic view of Pudong Districtand the center of Shanghai.I really like the tower and I am sure I (10) ___________ (visit) it again.

2. Complete the passagewith the correct form of the words in brackets

3. Ask the students tocheck with a partner.

4. Check the answers:

Keys: 1. arrived  2. was 3. was walking 4. climbed   5.reached   6. was  7. was standing   8. is  9. has   10. will visit

Step 7 Work in pairs.

1. Talk about the wonders of the world you have orhave not visited.

A: Have you ever visitedthe Great Wall?

B: Yes, I have. / No, Ihaven’t.

A: When did you visit it?/ When will you visit it?

B: I visited it five yearsago. / Maybe I’ll visit it next year.

2. Now complete the table.

Wonders of the world

When did you visit it?

When will you visit it?

The Great Wall

Step 8 Complete the sentences.

1. Ask the students to read the words in the box inActivity 5.

ancient   high    long   natural   opinion    wonder

2. Ask the students to read through the sentences inActivity 5.

1) The Changjiang Riveris about 6,300 kilometers_________.

2) The Terracotta Army isa famous ___________ wonder inChina.

3) For my homework I have to write an article about the _________of the world.

4) Mount Qomolangmais the ___________ mountain in the world.

5) In my ___________, theGreat Wall is the greatest man-made wonder in the world.

3. Complete the sentences with thecorrect form of the words in the box. There is one extra word.

4. Ask the students tocheck with a partner.

5. Check the answers:

Keys: 1. long  2. ancient 3. wonders  4. highest   5. opinion

Step 9 Complete the passage.

1. Introduce background of the Louvre Museumto the students.

2. Ask the students to read the words in the box inActivity 6.

agree  with      at the bottom of     go through  

looking  forward to    millions of     more than

3. Ask the students to read through the passage inActivity 6.

I’m really (1) ______________my visit to the Louvre Museum in Paris.It’s the most visited museum in the world-every year, (2) ______________ peoplevisit it. The Louvre is in an old building, but to get inside you must (3) ______________a giant glass pyramid that is (4) ______________ 20 metres tall. The entranceto the museum is (5) ______________ the pyramid. Some people do not like theglass pyramid. They say it looks too new and does not suit the older buildings.I do not (6) ______________ them. I think it looks great.

3. Complete the passage with the expressions in thebox

4. Ask the students tocheck with a partner.

5. Check the answers:

Keys: 1. looking forward to 2.millions of  3. go through 4. morethan   5. at the bottom of   6. agree with

Step 10 Listeningpractice.

A. Listen and number the pictures.

1. Ask the students to look at the picturesin Activity 7 individually.

2. Play the tape.

3. Listen and choose the correct answer.

4. Ask the students tocheck with a partner.

5. Check the answers:

B. Listen again and complete the table.

1. Ask the students to readthe information in the table in Activity 8.

Mount Qomolangma

The Empire State


The Great  Pyramid at Giza







_________ metres.

About __________ metres now.

Interesting  facts

First people to climb to the top: Sir Edmund Hillary and  Tenzing Norgay.

____________ floors.

About ___________ years old.

2. Play the tape.

3. Listen and choose the correct answer.

4. Ask the students tocheck with a partner.

5. Check the answers:

Step 11 Work in pairs.

Think about three other wonders of the world and talkabout them.

A: Where is …?

B: It’s…

A: How high is it?

B: It’s …metres high.

Step 12Around the world:

Stonehenge: A man-madewonder of the world

1. Ask the studentsto look at the picture and discuss what they can see.

2. Read through theinformation with the whole class.

Stonehenge: A man-made wonder of the world

Stonehenge isan ancient circle of stones in the south ofEngland. It is about 5,000 yearsago. It was probably a place to bury dead people or a place to study the starsand the sky at night.

There are dozens of stones, and they are different in height.The stones came from about 200 kilometres away. Some of the stones are missing,but it\\\\\\'s still one of the most wonderful sights of the world. It is a wonderalso because of this question: How did ancient people move these huge stoneswithout machines to help them? No one knows the answer

3.Fill in the blanks.

Shape:(1) _____

Location:in (2) ___________England

History:about 5,000 years

Detailsabout stones:

Thereare dozens of stones, and they are (3) __________ in height.

Theycame from about (4) ________________ away.


Aplace to (5) ________________ or study the stars and the sky at night.

4. Ask the students tocheck with a partner.

5. Check the answers:

Keys: 1. circle  2. the south of 3. different 4. 200 kilometres5. bury dead people

6. Read the passage together.

Step 13 Moduletask: Making a poster about a wonder of the world  

A. Work in groups of four. Make a poster about awonder of the world.

1. Decide on the wonder of the world for your poster.

2. Find out as muchinformation as you can in books and on websites. Think about:

1) Why should people visitthe wonder?

2) What will people seethere?

3) How can people getthere?

4) How much does it costto visit the wonder?

5) When is the best timeto visit the wonder?

3. Make a poster. Find some pictures showing thewonder.

B. Present your poster to the class.

Step 14 中考链接

(   ) 1. Henry willgive us a report as soon as he _______. (2013河北)

A.arrives    B. arrived     C. is arriving   D. will arrive

(   ) 2. —Linda, I called you this morning, but nobodyanswered the phone.

       —I’msorry. I       football with myfriends then. (2013菏泽)

A.play    B. played        C.am playing    D. was playing

(   ) 3. Mr. Green, a famous writer, ________ our school nextweek. (2013北京)

A.visited    B. visits      C.was visiting                D. will visit

(   ) 4. Mygrandmother _______ in Yangzhou.She was born there and has never lived anywhere else. (2013扬州)

A.lived     B. lives     C. was living    D. will live

(   ) 5. Anumber of tourists _______ Yangzhoumany times because it is such a beautiful city. (2013扬州)

      A. have been to B. has been to    C. has goneto   D. have gone to

(   ) 6. Sallytook a photo of her friends while they _________ computer games. (2013杭州)

A.play           B. are playing      C. have played    D. were playing

(   ) 7. Millie, where is Miss Li?(2013南京)

She ______ a speech onChinese art to the first-year students in the hall.

A.gives    B. gave    C. is giving     D. has given

 (   ) 8. — Have you had your breakfast yet?

       —Yes.Mom _____ it for me. (2013兰州)

      A. wascooking     B. is cooking    C. will cook     D. cooked

(   ) 9. Miss Lin________ a lot of work for the poor area since2010. (2013北京)

A.does          B.did         C.has done    D. will do




