
沪教版六上英语Unit 3 Spnding a day out together 朗读+微课+知识总结(上海牛津)

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Unit 3  单词课文朗读:




1. spend a day out together       一起在外度过一天 .

spend v.  花费    spending n.  开销,花费       spend a day out  花一天时间外出   

2. on Green Island          在绿岛上  island n.  岛屿     

 on Lucky Island            在幸运岛上 lucky a.  幸运的

  luck n. 运气   luckily ad.  幸运地  unlucky a.  不幸的   unluckily ad. 不幸地  

 3. in Happy Town                 在快乐城

 4. in Dragon Bay          在龙湾   bay n.  海湾  dragon n.    dragon boat  龙舟  

5.  on  Lucky   Island  / in  Sandy   Bay / in  Happy   Town/ at the seaside  


 6. at weekends = at the weekend =on Saturday or Sunday            在周末

weekend n.  周末  weekday n. 工作日  at weekends 在周末  on weekdays 在工作日  

7. be near sp.                             离开某地近的  

8. be far (away) from sp                    离开某地远的  

9. Seaside Town                           海边镇  seaside n.  海滨   seashore n.  海岸,海滨  

10. a photo of my family and me              一张我家人和我的照片

 11. have lunch together                     一起吃午饭  

12. Green Market                          格林市场 

13. In Sunny Town                         在太阳城  

14. Space Museum          太空博物馆  space n.  空间   spacious a.  宽敞的  

 15. In Moon Town                         在月亮城

 16. an activity                             一项活动

activity n.  活动  act n./v. 行为,活动   actor n.  男演员  actress n.  女演员  

 17. have a barbecue                        进行一次烧烤  

18. fly kites                               放风筝 19. ride bicycles                   骑自行车  

20. make sandcastles                        筑沙堡  

21. collect shells      收集贝壳   collect v.  收集    collection n. 收集,收集的东西

22. make an album    制作一本照片簿  album n.  相册,唱片  photo album  相册

 23. plan to do sth.                          计划做某事  

24. a good idea                            一个好主意

 25. which place                            哪一个地方  

26. plan a trip                             计划一次旅行     

27. How about…                 ……怎么样?(常用于表示建议或提议)

 28. be going to + v.                         打算做 …   

29.  a.m. = in the morning p.m. = inthe afternoon


Teaching objectives:

Language objectives:

To help the students master the language points of U3[来源:学,科,网]

Ability objectives:

To arouse students abilities of finding out specific information

To develop students interest and confidence in listening, speaking, reading and writing English

Emotion objectives:

To make students enjoy their life


Teaching aids:

Multimedia, worksheet

II. Teaching Procedures


Teaching activities

Learning activities


Pre-task preparation

Have students watch a video about the activities

Watch a video and tell what they see

To review the words and phrases

To stimulate students interest




Show a pattern and ask the students to do  pair work

Work in pairs and practice the pattern drills


To consolidate the knowledge and the skills in Unit 3

To develop students interest and confidence in listening, speaking, reading and writing[来源:Z#xx#k.Com]

Ask students to perform some activities and describe[来源:Z&xx&k.Com]

Perform and describe the activities


Ask students to listen to  a plan, then fill in a table and ask questions

Listen and complete the table, then ask questions

Post-task activity

Ask students to do a survey and report it

Do a survey about a plan  and report

To help students consider how to enjoy their life



Go over Unit 3 carefully and do Quiz on the exercise sheet.


To help the students consolidate what theyve learned



本节课的教学内容是6AUnit 3--- Spending a day out together的一节复习课。这一单元中,运用了现在完成时、一般将来时等时态,通过Miss Guo 和她的学生在Green Island做的各种活动,来操练“near/ far away from”、 “have/ has been to”和“Wh- questions”等重要词汇与句型。




2.通过两人对话让学生呈现他们的周末活动,复习“near/far away from”。

3.借助照片和学生表演的各种活动,通过问题“Where have you been?”来复习知识重点,烘托课堂气氛,提高学生的学习积极性。






Unit Three

I. Listen and complete the table:

Our trip to : ________________________________

Day of visit: ________________________________

Time to go there:_____________________a.m./p.m.

How to get there: ____________________________

Cost: ______________________________________

Time to come back:



II. Do a survey:

Suggested questions:

Where have you been?

Which place are you going to …?

Is it near or far away from …?

When …?

What time …?

How about ?

How …?

How much …?

What …?



Module 1 Unit 3    Quiz


(    ) 1. Australia is ________ China.

A. far awayB. far away fromC. away fromD. from far away

(    ) 2. I _______ the Oriental Green Boat. It’s a beautiful place.

       A. has been toB. have beenC. has beenD. have been to

(    ) 3. S1: I’ve been to Ocean Park _______ Spring Bay.

          S2: I’ve been to Happy Town _______ Hainan Island.

       A. on, on        B. in, in      C. on, in     D. in, on

(    ) 4. Peter and his friends are planning _______ Space Museum in Garden City.

       A. to visit       B. visiting    C. to visiting  D. for visit

(    ) 5. _______ place shall we visit, Spring Bay or Blue Bay?

       A. When           B. What       C. Which      D. How

(    ) 6. Look at the map _______ Shanghai.

       A. in             B. of         C. with       D. at

(    ) 7. They’re going to _______ kites this Sunday.

       A. fly           B. flies       C. flying     D. be flying

(    ) 8. Let’s _______ sandcastles together.

       A. making        B. makes       C. make       D. to make

 Ⅱ. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。

How many ________ do you have in your school? (activity)

She was so ________ to catch the last bus that night. (luck)

How about ________ a picnic in Century Park? (have)

Look! The boy is ________ in the lake. (swim)

Let’s go ________ this afternoon. (shop)

I like collecting ________. (shell)

 Ⅲ. 根据所给要求改写下列句子,每空格限填一词。

What do you usually do on Saturdays and Sundays? (同义句转换)

What do you usually do _______ _______?

We are going to get there by school bus? (划线提问)

_______ _______ you going to get there?

I have been to the Summer Palace many times.(改为否定句)

I _______ _______ to the Summer Palace many times.

We are going to get there at 9:00 a.m. (划线提问)

_______ _______ are you going to get there?

Dragon Bay is not near Spring Bay.  (同义句转换)

Dragon Bay is _______ _______ _______ Spring Bay.

6. My new schoolbag costs me 150 yuan. (划线提问)

   _______ _______ _______ your new schoolbag cost you?



1.Let\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s put all your important photos in the ________.            

A.albumB.rubbish binC.water bagD.fridge

2.I am going to write to my friend in America, ________ I lost his address.            


3.Our town is ________ than yours.            

A.beautifulB.most beautifulC.more beautifulD.the more beautiful

4.We are going to buy some ________ for tomorrow\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s show. We like this show.            


5.It\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s our duty not to ________ the environment.            


6.This is a ________ of my family. Here is my father.            


7.This is a photo ________ my family.            


8.We can\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t live ________ water.            


9.We are ________ together at the market now.            


10.He sometimes goes out to ________ with my friends at weekends.            



11.阅读短文, 判断所给内容是否正确

Where Are My Sandwiches?

    A man is going to see his friend. He takes some sandwiches with him because his friend\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s home is very far. On his way, he says to himself, "My friend is going to give me a very good meal." Then he throws them away. He goes on and comes to a river. There\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s no boat on the river. He can\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t cross it. He starts to go home. He is hungry now. And he tries to find his sandwiches. "Oh, my god. A dog has them. "He quickly goes up, but the dog runs away. He is still hungry and goes back home.

(1)The man\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s friend\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s home is not far.            


(2)He takes some sandwiches on his way.            


(3)He can\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t find a boat on the river.            


(4)The man catches the dog at last.            


(5)The man does not meet his friend.            



    This is my plan for next Saturday. We are going to visit Garden City Zoo at nine o\\\\\\\\\\\\\'clock in the morning. It is near my flat, so we can walk there. It costs ten yuan to visit Garden City Zoo. We are going to spend two hours there and then leave at eleven o\\\\\\\\\\\\\'clock. Next, we are going to visit Art Museum. You can see a lot of paintings there. It is free to go there. It is far away from Garden City Zoo, so we are going there by underground. The underground costs four yuan. In the afternoon. We are going to Lucky Island by underground. There are some beautiful beaches there. It also cost four yuan for the underground. We are going to come back at five o\\\\\\\\\\\\\'clock in the afternoon. The underground back costs five yuan. We will have a wonderful time there.

(1)We are going to visit Garden City Zoo next Saturday.            


(2)We are going to visit Art Museum first, and then Garden City Zoo.            


(3)The Garden City Zoo is far away from Art Museum.            


(4)We plan to visit Lucky Island in the afternoon.            


(5)We are going to spend the whole day in Art Museum.            



13.There is some rubbish under the tree. We can\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t sit under the tree. (合并句子)    

14.She has been to the Great Wall in Beijing. (改为—般疑问句)    

15.We need clean water to drink every day. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ of water do you need to drink every day?

16.Sam does his homework carefully. (改为否定句)    

17.Happy Town is not near Spring Bay. (改写句子,意思不变)    



A. different     B. but      C. comes from     D. and     E. more than    F. a phone call

(1)Most people think Pizza ________ Italy.    

(2)The first pizza restaurant opened ________ 100 years ago.    

(3)There are many ________ kinds of pizzas today.    

(4)Most pizzas are round, ________ we can also find some other shapes.    

(5)We can order pizza by making ________ at home or in the office.    

(6)Some pizzas have tomatoes on them, ________ some don\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t.    



    Mr Smith has two sons and one d________. The children all l________ with him in the Moon T________. It is not so big, but it is quite beautiful. There are many interesting places in it. You can visit them here and there. There is a big s________ pool in Moon Town. The children like to swim there. They can have a g________ time in the swimming pool.













