

谢赫纳泽穆 音流瑜伽研究


译:苏虎生、AR 鲁米苏非文化学会

原文见《仁慈的海洋 第二卷》





I am asking Divine Help from Allah and forpower like He gives to His Prophets and Awliyâ’. All Awliyâ’ have divine powerand holy breath, breath that gives life to people. Anyone sitting with them andlistening to them is brought to real life. Our Grandsheikh told that we musthave faith in the unseen, believing without seeing. It is the first step forimprovement, helping every believer to his destination. Everyone has adestination; it is a veiled thing we can’t see. But you may know it and see itif using the ways Allah Almighty is teaching us. Anyone wanting to know abouthis fate and the fate of the world must believe in unseen matters. If a man isnot believing, he is never improving and may stay always imprisoned in his fivesenses, unable to know or understand more. It is impossible for him to reachthe heavenly stations. What kinds of unseen things must we believe in? Mostimportant for all people is belief in God Almighty, Creator and Lord of theUniverse and all creatures. Even though we can’t see him, we can find Hisexistence with certainty of knowledge. Our minds and our knowledge tells us Hisexistence must be. Anyone denying this is denying and fighting real intelligence.They are no-mind people.






Secondly, we must believe in His Angels,created by Allah from Light. No one can say that the only crea-tures are theones we can see. There are so many things that yet our knowledges can’t reach.Like bacteria, we need a microscope to see them. Allah permitted the dis-covery of these small creatures. Real knowledge is not denying the Angels’existence. There are Angels; we must believe.




Thirdly, we must believe that Allah sent HisPro-phets by Divine Order to all people. We are not in their times but we mustbelieve they are sent. Also we must believe in Holy Books sent by Allah, andbelieve in the Day of Judgement, in Paradise and Hell. We believe by Allah’sword.




We must believe that our destinations arewritten and known by Allah before our coming to this life. He is our Creator,He only orders and everything must go as He likes. We are his creatures, eachwith a particu -lar destination. We are moving towards our destina -tions withDivine Guidance. No one can change his destination. It is in Allah’s hands.This believing is the beginning of our journey to our destinations; and thatjourney is ending in the Divine Presence. All mankind is invited to be present.Whosoever is believing, they will find a warm acceptance there. Those notbelieving are also returning but are not finding such a good ac -ceptance. Forexample, there are two servants of a king, both invited to his presence. Oneaccepts and comes, but the other escapes and must be brought by force. I thinkthey can’t find the same deal from the king. One will be rewarded and onepunished. Everyone who is ready will be rewarded. This is the importance ofbelie -ving in unseen things. As much as believing, so much improving.





原文载 微信公众号 鲁米苏非文化学会(rumisufi)



