

2017-04-06 21世纪杯 21世纪杯英语演讲比赛

什么是好的演讲?言之有物、有感而发。当上海外国语大学附属外国语学校的高一女生陈彦蹊拿到总决赛题目“My Version of A Chinese Dream”时,她的第一感觉是很兴奋,因为她对这个话题有很多思索和想法。她希望能够用中国传统文化的很多概念去解决当下的许多国际难题。她和她的中国梦也为她赢得了第15届中国日报社“21世纪·新东方杯”全国中小学英语演讲比赛总决赛亚军的好成绩。


陈彦蹊用中国理念解决国际问题的想法源自于她的一段亲身经历。去年,她在纽约州和30个不同国家的同龄女生一起度过了一个夏天。在一个多元化的环境下,她逐渐意识到自己国家文化的价值。从美国回来后,她也通过很多学习和研究加深了对自己文化的了解,同时也去做一些力所能及的事情向世界宣传自己的文化。“我觉得我们自己文化中有一些概念,比方说像‘和’、‘融’,对于我们现在这个世界来说都是非常需要的,这也是我想写这篇演讲稿的原因,我希望把这个想法传递给更多的人,让大家一起来take action。”









My Version of a Chinese Dream

July 15, 2016.  New York State. 8 p.m. I was sitting on the stairs of a stargazing tower, writing a letter to my parents across the ocean. 

I was there in the woods, attending an international summer camp. Away from the hustle and bustles of big city, it was just me and sixty girls of my age, coming from 30 different countries, 30 different cultures and 30 different communities. 

Finishing the first few lines of my letter, I took a pause and looked up. Martyna from Poland was pointing at my paper: “Is this your language? It’s so different! What does this mean?” She was pointing at the character “mei”. I told her that it means beauty in Chinese. She persisted, “how is it structured?  I was stuck. I glanced at the word again. This time, it appeared strange to me. How is it structured? 

I looked up the word on the internet. The character comes in two parts— lamb and big. The succulent taste of lambs in the agricultural days of ancient China meant not only a tasteful meal, but also a gift of beauty from nature. 

I was amazed and confused – How could I not know? The richness and the profundity behind the characters—the very characters that make up my Chinese language, the very characters that embody five thousand years of my civilization and the very characters that witness the quintessence and brilliance of my culture, the culture of China. 

The realization hit me right in the heart. For all this time, I haven’t turned away to Hollywood and Super Bowls, which, brilliant as they are, cannot help me define who I am. 

And I realized: It is our language, our philosophies and our culture that shape who we are. My generation has been exposed to western cultures at a very young age that we’ve neglected, ignored what is ours. We need to rediscover the very nature of our Chinese culture and exert its impact upon the world. This is my Chinese Dream.


I envision my generation truly exploring the essence of our culture, exploring masterpieces created by our ancestors. That is why back in my school, along with my friends, we sat around and had inspiring discussions about the works of Confucius and Mencius.

I envision my generation building a bridge of understanding among diverse civilizations, and together constructing a world where understanding and conversation between cultures would be the norm. That is why me and my 60 summer camp friends founded a global network for dialogues and debates. We’re together. We can talk about what is happening in our aspect of lives.

Now I know that a harmonious future will unveil before me, as I stride toward my Chinese dream. Thank you.







