

2016-09-04 浙江发布 浙江发布




The West Lake Today

In 2001, the Hangzhou city government carried out construction works on the lakeside and West Lake Scenic Area, extending the lake further west for an expansion of 6.5 square kilometres. Water supply work was performed and the lake was connected to the Qiantang River. It now pulls in 300,000 cubic metres of water from the river each day, and now the lake water supports a living ecosystem. The most apparent effect of the expansion work on everyday people’s lives is that the lake is bigger, and taking a walk around the entire circumference of the lake, its pedestrian bridges would be a rather extended affair. The reconstructed Yang Gong Causeway affords quite a nice view.



Red Leaves at Xiling Bridge 

At the Xiling Bridge there is a forest of maple trees, and when autumn turns the leaves red and frost accumulates on the leaves, they are a sign to see. I take a walk at Xiling as the autumn wind blows. Warm sunlight drives away the cold in the air, and the scene is bathed in bright orange-red. The lotuses wilt,leaves fall down – the whole experience feels very poetic. One may pick maple leaves and play with them in hand, or press them into bookmarks, taking a piece of the scene home to keep.



The West Creek Wetlands

Hangzhou is expanding continuously. From a population of 1 million in the early 1980’s to seven times that, millions of people have come to Hangzhou from other places. The surrounding fields and vegetable patches have been replaced by high- rise buildings, with only the West Creek Wetlands being left untouched.There are a number of villages in the area, the residents of which are involved in raising mulberry trees and silkworms, fish and crabs, and growing persimmons. The government has kept the area in its original state, and also opened it up to tourism. Just as the Gaozong Emperor of the Song Dynasty said in the 12th century, “the West Creek area shall remain as it is”.



Fiery Persimmons at the West Creek

The persimmon tree is also known as the “tree of longevity” and has auspicious connotations. When the golden winds blow, the branches are covered in fiery fruit. At harvest time each year, there is a “fiery fruit” festival in the West Creek area. The autumn air is fragrant and the reed catkins are all about as the persimmons decorate the banks of the West Creek, bathed in the warm light of sunset. People in high spirits happily pick the fruit, enjoying sampling the sweet flavour – these scenes are well-known from depictions in classical literature.


  每年的吴山庙会,是杭州人的狂欢节,庙会上人山人海,而丰富多彩的节目和活动,更是让人流连忘返。祭祀巡游、文艺展演、民间艺人表演、卖书画、变戏法耍杂技、卖花斗鸟、 特色小吃展卖、逛街购物……在这里,可以体验到老街的市井民俗,重温儿时的美好记忆,感受盛大节日的气氛。赶快狂欢去吧。

The Wushan Temple Fair

The Wushan Temple Fair is a joyous affair when it comes around each year. The temple is packed with people, and all kinds of programs and activities take place, making it very memorable. There are ceremonies and parades, performances, folk art,calligraphy and painting sales, juggling and conjury, birds and flowers for sale,exhibitions and sales of unique snacks, all kinds of shopping. Here one can experience the customs of the old city, relive childhood memories, and enjoy a festive atmosphere. It is a day of fun that is definitely not to be missed.



Alleyways in Hangzhou

Hangzhou is a city that blends the flavour of modern lifestyles with the traditions of times past, with large roads carrying large numbers of large vehicles, and small winding alleyways existing unknown to many. The people of Hangzhou are truly lucky. One can wake up in the morning and stroll through the alleyways drinking a hot bowl of soy milk, look upward to see an old man talking idly as he waters the plants outside of his window, pass a group of hurrying school children, and look down to see a lazy stray cat warming itself in the sun.



Greenery in Compounds

The greenery in housing compounds in Hangzhou is definitely first-rate among large-scale cities nationwide. Most of the small roads in these compounds are lined with camphor, osmanthus, and other trees of many different varieties. In the spring,cherry petals fly about and peaches boom. In the summer, the Chinese trumpet creeper covers the walls all about, and loquats hang from the branches. In the autumn, the smell of sweet osmanthus is about and the gingko turn yellow. In the winter, pine trees greet the wind, and black chrysanthemum make an appearance. Every housing community is a garden.



Innovative B&B’s

With lush greenery and nice waterscapes less than a half-hour drive from Hangzhou, staying at Bed and Breakfast has become popular in the area. Amazing food and the chance to experience some local culture in the traditional buildings with white walls and black tile roofs characteristic of this region of China. Here you can relax and enjoy drinking tea, chatting, reading books and experience another kind of lifestyle.




Travelling on the Canal Bus

Thirty years ago, the road system wasn’t as developed, and the preferred mode oftransport for those who lived along the banks of the canal to travel from their small villages into Hangzhou was by boat. At the time, the residents of these villages all hoped that one day they would be able to take buses into the city.When this was implemented, the boats were more or less abandoned by the residents, but surprisingly became valued by others for the scenery  that could be enjoyed upon them. Now the canal “buses” still run, and travellers choose to take these boats for a different kind of experience.


  到武林门会同学,查了地图却也坐错了车,懒得再查,就问一美女。“可以百度的,” 她说。但并不等我自己搜,拿出手机搜了,然后带我过去,到了路口她说朝前走就是了,还担心地看着我,唯恐我不明白。这种礼遇,已不是第一次。若是碰到赋闲的老年人,他们甚至会带你过去。杭州景美,人心更美啊!

Asking for Direction

On my way to Wulinmen to meet classmates, I checked the map and saw that I’d taken the wrong route. I didn’t feel like rechecking, so I asked a pretty girl. She said I could look it up on my phone, but didn’t wait for me to do so. She took her phone,found the place for me and then took me there, pointing me down a road in front and saying that it was right up there. She looked at me worriedly, afraid I hadn’t understood. This wasn’t my first time receiving this kind of treatment.If you ask an elderly person with free time, you’ll almost always be escorted part of the way. Hangzhou is a nice place and the people are nice, too!


  西湖龙井,中国十大名茶之一,素有“绿茶皇后”之称,色绿、香郁、味甘、形美。细雨天里, 临窗而坐, 沏一杯龙井,手执书卷,静听窗外游丝般的雨声,欣闻龙井轻幽幽的茶香,实在是人生一大享受。如有机会来杭州,一定要到西湖的茶坊里坐一坐,品着西湖龙井,赏着西湖美景,诗意人生不过如此。

Longjing Tea

The Longjing Tea of Hangzhou’s West Lake is one of China’s ten most famous teas,and has the nickname “The Empress of Green Teas”. The leaves are known for four qualities: being green, fragrant, sweet in taste, and beautiful in shape. Sitting by a window on an overcast day, making a cup of Longjing Tea, with a book inhand to enjoy with the tea against the background noise of light rain outside is one of the great pleasures in life. If you have the opportunity to come to Hangzhou, you must visit a tea house by the West Lake and try some Longjing Tea while enjoying a view of the lake – a slice of the poet’s life.


  不知道是九月送来了暗香浮动的桂花,还是桂花带来了凉爽舒适的九月。在初秋的杭城桂花总可以“独占三秋压众芳”。作为杭州的市花,桂花有着富贵的寓意,象征友谊、爱情、荣誉和思念。“满觉陇旁金粟遍,天风吹堕万山丘”,赏桂花的最佳去处就数有着 9000 多株桂花树的满陇桂雨公园了。 

Appreciating Osmanthus Flowers

It is hard to say if September brings about the floating fragrance of osmanthus blooms, or if the osmanthus blooms bring about the chilly comfort of September.At the start of autumn in Hangzhou one can always expect the fragrance of osmanthus. As the city flower of Hangzhou, the osmanthus carries connotationsof prosperity, friendship, love, honour, and reflection. “Yellow flowers blanket Manjuelong valley, and as the wind blows their fragrance descends upon myriad peaks.” The best place for appreciating these beautiful blossoms is Laurel Park in Manjuelong valley, where over 9,000 osmanthus grow.


  每100个杭州人中就有17个老人。他们不紧不慢 , 为这座城市虚掩上浮华的门。晨雾朦胧,他们在林间唱起遥远的歌谣。雨打红桃,他们蘸着西湖水在青石板上随性挥毫。在江南潮湿的阳光下,他们任凭时光从肩头流过,自提鸟笼,落下一地啼鸣的芬芳。他们拥着最朴素的生活和最美好的梦想,那是杭州最安宁的模样。

Models of Calm

17% of Hangzhou’s native population is elderly. They are calm and cool, as flash and ostentation isn’t part of Hangzhou’s culture. In the mists of the morning, the sound of them singing traditional songs flows throughout the forest.When the rain falls upon the red peach blossoms, they write with brushes dipping with water of the West Lake on the green stones. In the moist air underthe bright sun, they walk around, carrying birdcages and from which emanate allkinds of chirping sounds. They live simple and beautiful lives – they are the models of calm.



The City of Love

Cities like Hong Kong and Paris have titles like “The City of Dynamism” and “The City of Romance”. Hangzhou seeks to be“The City of Love”, and overflow with romance and passion. In fact, when Lady Bai and Xu Xian famously met at the Broken Bridge, when Liang Shanbo and ZhuYingtai met at the Wansong Academy, when Su Xiaoxiao and Ruan Yu met at the Xiling Bridge,when Yu Dafu and Wang Yingxia, Shi Liangcai and Shen Qiushui, Xu Zhimo and LuXiaoman all met, these were the beginnings of Hangzhou love stories.



Ever-Changing Hangzhou

In a minute you can go from the dazzling metropolis, and taking a turn around acorner, you’ll be in an ancient-feeling scene of red brick walls and green stone roads. You might be walking over a mud road in the mountains, and green-moss covered cobblestone streets, and after cresting a peak, come upon a dilapidated old pagoda. Sitting on a traditional wooden bench, you can see a stone stele that evokes strong emotions upon looking at it. Taking a walk around Hangzhou, you never know what scenery you might come upon next, because it’s a city of a thousand faces. Who knows what the next moment may bring about?





