

2016-09-05 浙江发布 浙江发布




West Lake



The vinegared fish of the West Lake is a traditional and famous dish which belongs to the cuisine of Zhejiang. It’s said to be the best thing to eat from the West Lake. It’s also called “Legend of Uncle and Aunt” – there is a name behind this story. It’s said that when the younger brother of a woman’s husband ran off, she prepared an excellent fish, both sour and sweet, and he returned and forgot his worries. Life is a bit like this fish, when you think about it: there’s sweet in the sour, and sour in the sweet, as joys and sorrows mix together.





When Su Dongpo was in charge of Hangzhou, he dredged and deepened the West Lake and used the excavated mud to build the Su Causeway. To thank the labourers for their effort, he slaughtered a few pigs and braised them in soy sauce in a large pot, then presenting them to the labourers to eat. The flavour of the meat was excellent, and everyone called it “Dongpo meat”. His forthright and bold character angered a number of other officials. He subsequently was relegated of his duties. In order to remember him, people called the causeway he had built the Su Causeway, a street in the city Dongpo Lane, and a road Scholar Road.





It’s said that when the Qianlong Emperor went to the Jiangnan area, it happened to be the Tomb-Sweeping Holiday. The imperial chef prepared a dish of “white jade shrimp”. When he was to inquire as to what the emperor wished to drink, he suddenly had the idea to put the tea leaves into the pot in which he was frying the shrimp, and the result was even better-tasting. The shrimp used in the dish are jade-white and tender; the tea leaves are deep green and lightly fragrant. The dish is refreshing and quite enjoyable.


Soup of
the West Lake


When a friend came to Hangzhou, she said that she wanted to eat the “water shield (brasenia schreberi) soup of the West Lake”. She said that she’d been to Hangzhou 10 years before, and the soup had left a lasting impression in her mind. Thus, I took her to Louwailou and ordered a big bowl of water-shield soup with chicken and ham, clear and fresh with amazing flavour. Afterwards we both went to a market and I bought more than 20 bags of water-shield soup mix for her to take with her. Think about how the Qianlong Emperor had this soup every time he came to the Jiangnan area; it’s understandable that my friend’s so obsessed with it.


Pian Er Chuan



Hangzhou was the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty and its cuisine was influenced by the culture of the Central Plains Region, where noodles are popular. In the streets, lanes and alleyways, all kinds of noodle shops are everywhere. However, no matter how popular certain noodle dishes may be, Hangzhou has a noodle dish that can claim Hangzhou as its own territory. This is the “Pian Er Chuan”. It’s made with bamboo shoots, crispy vegetables and meat slices. It smells and tastes great, and is liked by everyone.


Two Kinds of

Noodles at the

Kuiyuan Hall


When talking about noodles, northerners definitely feel that this is their territory. In a bowl of noodles, soup, and flavourings, the noodles themselves are of course the soul. Northerners put their greatest efforts into crafting these noodles by hand, whereas in the Jiangnan region most use machines to form them, making them lack “soul”. However, the Kuiyuan Restaurant not only uses the powerful technique of a skilled noodle crafter equipped with a large bamboo pole, the flavourings are also excellent. The local noodle dishes “river of slices” and “exploding eel noodles” use flavourings such as bamboo shoots and eel, which are local flavours. These two have become the signature noodles of Hangzhou.


Small Steamed Buns


During the Northern Song Dynasty, the soup-filled dumplings of Kaifeng were quite famous. During the time of the Southern Song Dynasty, the capital was moved to Hangzhou, and these soup-filled dumplings migrated south. In the delicate hands of the people of Hangzhou, they grew even better. The small steamed buns of Hangzhou have thin skin, plenty of moisture, and a good ratio of fat to lean meat. Take a bite, and your mouth will be filled with flavour. Along with those of Shanghai and Wuxi, the small steamed buns of Hangzhou are one of the three best in the Jiangnan area. For some people of Hangzhou, a breakfast without Hangzhou steamed buns means no energy to work for the rest of the day.





Hangzhou has a famous “Cat Ears” snack, which is a kind of bread-based snack that gets its name because it resembles the ear of a cat. It’s one of the specialties of the old and famous Zhiweiguan in Hangzhou. It can be said to be one of Hangzhou’s famous food, and even has the honour of being purchased by the Qianlong Emperor of the Qing Dynasty during a plainclothes patrol. One time during a visit to Hangzhou when the emperor was on a boat in bad weather, the granddaughter of a boatmaster twisted bread into the shape of a cat’s ear, causing the emperor to remark upon it.



Onion Rolls


I love eating the fried onion rolls that a woman sells outside my compound when I get home after work. She really has her own way of doing things – she uses an electric iron to cook the rolls as she presses them flat, and for this reason they’re especially crispy and fragrant. She wraps a spring cake around a fritter, and then sprinkles some onions on top, wraps it up, presses the iron down upon it and with a sizzling sound, fragrance flies outward. She then paints them with her own special spicy sauce. Your mind will be blown by the flavour when you take a bite.



Baked Cakes


Fatty’s Baked Cake shop on Wensan Road near the West Creek Campus of Zhejiang University is unusually popular. In 1992, his former business failed, Mr. Ying came to Hangzhou alone, and started the difficult path of making baked cakes. Heaven, however, rewards those who are persistent, and Mr. Ying came to open his baked shop in Hangzhou. Sometimes, the queue of people waiting to buy cakes is dozens of metres long. Mr. Ying has purchased a 2-million Yuan house in Hangzhou, and enjoys a peaceful life of running his shop.


Crispy Oil Cakes

on Mount Wu


The crispy oil cakes sold of Mount Wu have been called the best thing about the place, and have seven or eight centuries of history. It’s said that when Su Dongpo was in charge of Hangzhou, on a rainy day he went to Mount Wu, and saw people flocking to buy these oily cakes. He bought a few to try, and thought the multi-layered, delicate cakes resembled the palm-woven rain cloak he was wearing, and thus called them “rain cloak cakes”. Afterwards, they became famous far and wide. As the pronunciation of “rain cloak” is similar to “crispy oil” in Chinese, they later became known as “crispy oil cakes”.





Oily cakes are a snack sold in roadside booths that are much beloved by the people of Hangzhou. They are golden in colour, round, and crackle vigorously when they are fried in a pot of oil. They shine with the oil that they are absolutely full of, and make one drool when looking upon them. Buy one stuffed with carrots and crispy vegetables, blow on it to cool it off, and experience some amazing flavour. Ah, there’s no need to say more; let’s head out, go downstairs and get some right now!





All southern cities, be they in the provinces like Guangdong, Fujian, Hunan, or Sichuan, or even Zhejiang, Anhui, or Jiangxi, when friends get together, or people gather, tea will be present. Hangzhou is of course no exception. However, Hangzhou’s teahouses are special, different from elsewhere. There are all kinds of snacks one may help oneself to. Two people sit at one table, but a group of three to five also sit at the same small table. The table will be full of small cups, plates, bowls and the like. People sit, chat, laugh and have a good time while eating, fetching more as soon as they finish – the table will never be empty of Chinese pastries and snacks.


Jars of

Sweet Liquor


“Sweet liquor in a little jar, come and get some.” At dusk on summer or autumn nights in some old parts of Hangzhou, there will always be bustle of hawkers like this. Old people will come out to buy a small jar of this authentically distilled liquor, thick with the fragrance of sticky rice and an intoxicating sweetness. “I used to buy this stuff with my food tickets. I’d only spend them on actual food if there was a woman pregnant in the family. Ah, life just gets better and better,” says an old woman in Hangzhou dialect, the sound of her voice sweet like the liquor.


Laba Congee

at Lingyin Temple


The fire rises, the pot is placed on, the ingredients are placed within and the congee is realised. On the eighth day of the 12th lunar month, there’s great congee at Lingyin Temple. This has practically become an established custom in Hangzhou. To make a small bowl of congee, one picks ingredients, shucks rice, mixes it, turns the spoon, lets it cool, and then puts it in the box. The congee of the temple has already been listed as an intangible cultural heritage asset.



  “西湖醋鱼何处美,独数杭州楼外楼。”杭州人有种习俗,凡有宾客,必到楼外楼品尝杭菜风味。楼外楼,创建于清道光二十八年(1848 年),是一家具有150 多年悠久历史的老店,有“江南第一楼”的美誉。它坐落于风景优美的孤山之麓,像一颗明珠镶嵌在山光水色之中,熠熠生辉。

The people of Hangzhou frequently say that that Louwailou is the place to go for West Lake Fish – when guests come from out of town, it’s customary to bring them there. The restaurant was established in 1848, and with over 150 years of history, it’s one with quite a long history. It’s sometimes called the most famous restaurant in the Jiangnan area. It’s situated in a scenic location, at the foot of Mount Gu, and it shines like a pearl inlaid into the face of the mountain.




